Look at them. Worthless bunch of walking scumbags in this world. A disgrace to mankind. I just fucking hate 'em!!! All thanks to our 'brilliant' government. OK, I'll stop right here. I don't wanna be another Raja Petra.
I got home damn late last nite. Really could do with some decent sleep on my deserved off day. Yes, it's my off day today. No work. aaahhhhhhh.........But what is all these racism comments gotta do with my blog. As usual, read on.
One of my previous job requires me to speak multi-language, that is inclusive of Indonesian language as they're one of our serving market as well. I was shocked when I got to know this. So, there were no training provided. I gotta learn it from my now-passed-away-senior aka brother (sob..sob..sob....getting sentimental here...gimme a moment, will ya....??)
Training? U gotta be kidding me. There was no training at that time. Cos we don't do so back then. The best training is to throw u straight onto the call floor, learn it 1st hand. How's that for training? In the end, I managed to talk basic Indonesia language within 2 months time. Not just that. This job of mine, I was answering calls ON MY OWN on the 4th day already! The first 3 days I was just basically sit together with another senior, listening to his calls, catch-up as much as I can. U might be asking: What about handouts? Guides? My answer to your question is: Get an A4 paper, write everything down. If you have doubts, if you don't understand anything, ask. Yes! ASK! DO NOT ASSUME! So, to all those lazy marthaphuckers out there who kept on complaining that there're too much training la, training time is too long la....Shut your trap, be grateful. You're lucky, godamn lucky now.
Now onwards to one of the conversation between me & (sigh) one of the Indonesian customer during midnite in my previous job. Why I stil remember this case after soooo long?? Cos it's retarded. lolz...
M: me la
I: bloody indon
I: Kenapak kartu mas enggak bisa diguna ya, pak?? (talking speed was like a bullet train)
M: .............. Kenapak??
I: Kenapak kartu mas enggak bisa diguna ya, pak?? (talking speed was stil like a bullet train, but got slow down abit already.)
I: Sini mana ya??
M: Sini Ma-lay-sia.
I: Ooh, gitu ya? (normal human speed) Kenapak kartu mas enggak bisa diguna ya, pak?? Bisa di-check ya??
M: Yi-a, pak. Bisa di-tahu nomor kartu ya??
I: ******
M: Tunggu sebentar (twisted toungue) ya, pak.
I: Yi-a.
M: Untuk verifikasi sahaja pak, bisa di-tahu alamat surat-menyurat kartu bapak?
I: **********
M: Terima kasih. Bisa di-tahu tarikh lahir bapak, ya?
I: *******
M: Terima kasih bapak. Kartu bapak enggak bisa diguna kerna akaun bapak masih ada tunggakan, pak. Bapak di-minta talipon customer service besok lepas 8 pagi, sebab sekarang kantor sudah tutup, pak.
I: Ooh, gitu ya. OKOK. Terima kasih.
M: Kembali, pak.
=========END OF CONVERSATION==========
Blur? Haha. Thought so. Chill guys, lemme explain word-by-word to you, and you guys can learn some simple Indonesia language in the process.
Bapak - formal greetings same like our Mr, Sir.
Ibu - Same like above, but meant for female, Ms, Mrs, Madam.
Kartu - Card
Enggak- No
Bisa -Not 'poison', ok!!?? It means, 'Can'. In Bahasa Malaysia, in means 'Boleh'
Enggak bisa - Cannot, In Bahasa Malaysia, it means 'Tak boleh."
Mas - Same like bapak/ibu, generally used among the youngsters in indon.
Kenapak - It does no mean "why" in this case, you retards! It means, 'Pardon me'. Use this word when you can't hear clearly what is the fella on the other side of the phone is talking about.
Nomor - Number
Kerna - U know 'Kerana'? It means 'Because'.
Tunggakan - Overdue
Kantor - Counter
Kembali - Same as "You are welcome".
With these few commonly used basic indon words put up in my blog, u can now speak to any of the avaiable indons near you.
OK class, time's up.
Bisa ditahu nomor mobil bapak, ya
ReplyDeleteold days...sour memories
lolz....not mobil, it's "talipon bimbit". ;-p
ReplyDeletemobil is 'car' or 'kereta' in Indon. Gotcha' =)