Sunday, June 14, 2009


Wanted to get this one outta my chest for a long time already. Finally, today I’ve got the luxury of time to express it here.

Now, before all the commotion set to fly in here. I wanna ask you lots outther who are reading this blog a question:

What will happen to one employee, if he/she were to keep on coming in late for work for at least 45 minutes on a daily basis, and on top of that, he/she will sometimes never report to work off and on? If you, as a manager/superior of this employee. What will be your action on this case?

DISMISSED! That’s the first thing that springs into any sane human’s mind for sure. Imagine if the abovementioned scenario were to occur not once, not twice, but at least 5 times in one single month?

Seriously, I don’t know what is going on in our Human Resource Department’s (HRD) mind. An employee has been coming in late for duty for few weeks, and once in awhile, he will go AWOL for few days. Outta nowhere, few days after all these, he’ll “re-appear” in the office and work like usual, as if nothing has happened.

1 month has gone. Yet, our “beloved” department hasn’t taken any action at all, let alone some show-cause letter. That guy still come as he likes, go as he likes. As if the company is owned by his parents. Here we are, busting our ass off on a daily entertaining all the inquiries from the customer like mad dog. There he is, come to work as and when he feels like it. Is this fair?!?! Well, I know, I know..there’s no such thing as fairness in this world, but heck! Can they at least do something about this kinda behavior/attitude or whatever you wanna call it?!?!

All the above were happened since early April this year. The same thing carried on till early this month. That’s when I brought this up to my immediate supervisor-cum smoking partner, she said that previously, HRD didn’t’ do anything on this case due to some “unknown circumstances”. Finally, early this month, they decided to “take action” against this SOB. I got to know that the final solution of this matter is to dismiss this guy, and in turn, due to the fact that the minimum working days for an employee in our organization per month is at least 14 days, the SOB needs to pay back the organization whatever is due to him because he worked less than 14 days since April this year.

Hah! Serves this marthaphuacker right!

A dead-wood is gone, for good. Our company is back to it’s own runway again!

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