I never expected it will be this fast that I'll feature someone in my blog. Yeah. I'm talking about the young supervisor that joined us earlier this month. Heard lotsa "stories" about him which left me gobsmacked by what he has done thus far in our department. I shall "disclose all related information" to all my interested readers right here, right now, in this very blog of mine. Feel free to leave your comments in here for whatever reason. Here goes.
So, being a new supervisor, first you gotta do is of course a place to sit on. There's already a designated place for a supervisor to sit on. Please refer to below diagram for further explanation. Sorry about the quality of the diagram. I never liked art since school days, never once i pass the scoreline of 40. Damnit.

The 4 little square boxes are where the 4 team members of us, including myself is seated since the day we got in last year. The rectangle box was originally occupied by a manager, which then moved to another floor within the same building, whereas the L-shape box is where all previous supervisors will sit. Now allow me to explain the technicality behind why all supervisors in our department must be seated at the L-shape box area.
Do you know that whenever you call up to any financial institution's call centre, you'll hear a voice-response announcement that goes "this call will be monitored for quality/training purposes......." blah blah blah and all that?? Right. You got it. But there are times that some callers/clients do not want the call to be recorded, therefore the L-shape is the only seat, designated to supervisory-role so that in the event if any escalation coming into him/her, and the client requested the call not to be recorded, it can be done with ease. In other words, it's a fucking supervisor seat. Simple as that.
The rectangle seat has been vacant for quite some time now. Ain't too sure how long has it been. It's a seat where both supervisors or normal analyst [like myself] can be seated as all calls coming through this place are fully recorded. No option.
After explained the above to him, the new supervisor [henceforth known as R] insisted to sit at the rectangle seat simply because
"I can be close with my team at all time". Now the headache begins: how on earth am I suppose to get the recording tools to be removed from the rectangle seat? A newbie has came into my department, she has taken over one of the 4 lil' boxes which occupied by me previously.
I know jack-shit about who to get in touch with to get this one done. Like a headless chicken, I was asking around and bumping around digging out information to solve this bloody headache ASAP. Luckily I know some tech-guy from back then which happens to be still around the building. He said that it's gonna be tedious, and abit time-consuming but it can be done. So, while this tech-guy doing all the necessary stuff onto the phone, I've got no choice but to move to a place about 2 rows behind. Sigh.
The request was raised from the date of my last post in here. It's solved last nite, as informed by my tech-guy friend. It's true, it's tedious and time-consuming.
Fair enough. Phone problem solved. So once I switched place, I ain't too sure what happen, my email access has expired. Talk about life's a bitch. Reported to R, he ain't sure what to do, so he went to my manager seeking assistance. My manager then escalated the whole thing to headquarter, simultaneously R proceed to apply a new ID for me. What the fuck is going on now?!?!? According to one of the seniors that I know, we're not suppose to do that. One should not be having more than 1 email ID per employee as this will caused compliance & integrity issue.
It has been 2 weeks now. This so called 2-pronged attack "tactic" of fixing email ID with HQ and applying new email ID seems to me doesn't bear fruit at all. But then again, the IT department mentioned the whole issue will take 10 business days for the new email ID application to be effective. Let's see what will transpire this coming Monday, and I'll update it here again. You can bet your last penny on that!
OK. Done with email issue. 2 weeks without email access. Can't imagine what my inbox will be. By the way, if the new email ID application is done prior to the reply from HQ, all my inbox's content will *poof* vanished as it's an entirely new email ID. How fucking "brilliant" can this get eh???
Wanna know more inside story? There's a new guy coming in on Monday as an extra headcount is needed for another department. Bet you didn't see this one coming, there's an "interesting story" behind as well. Hear me out, make your own judgment later eh?
One fine day, R approached one of my mates for assistance in getting approval to recommending one of R's friend's friend to come in to our department to work. Remember this: it's
R's FRIEND'S FRIEND....... R said that he doesn't know this applicant that well, just thought of doing him a favor as he's
"not working" at that moment. Fair enough.
R went to Human Resource with his mate's job application particulars. Human Resource told R that if R's mate were to come in, he will not be reporting directly under R, simply because R is the one that recommending it. Hearing this, R went to my colleague, D to seek assistance in submitting the job application to Human Resource by claiming the introduction is done by D, in an effort to make sure R's mate can come to the same department and be reporting under R.
Do you understand this? Sounds fishy? Wait, more!
Fine. Being a good employee as D is, she has nothing to lose. A new leader approached you for assistance in submitting the job application over. D will get some monetary in return from Human Resource if everything is done & dusted [which D has no idea at all about this incentive]. As good faith, D submitted the application up to Human Resource. The rest is history then.
During the interim, R sometimes came to D telling all sorta stories about this mate that is coming in eg. how good he is, what a fantastic person he is, being a fast learner on everything etc etc, which somehow triggered D's suspicion. R told D on previous occasion that he doesn't know this applicant from start, but why all of sudden R can tell D everything about his mate, after just one face-to-face interview?!
Reliable sources told me that there're few applicants came up for interview on the very same position but all of 'em got shunned aside just mainly because R has decided to take this mate of him in from start!
It's getting abit absurd now. The interview was done after R got into our department in May, which makes it 2nd week of this month before he conduct all his scam interviews. A normal employee normally will need to give at least 1 month resignation notice. However, this "newbie" is coming in this fucking Monday! What does this mean? The fucker is giving 2 weeks resignation notice. R revealed to D that his mate is able to join us in such short notice because of the deduction of the annual leaves from his personal records.
Wait?! I thought you said he's not working at the moment?! If your mate ain't working, why the fuck would he be deducted annual leaves then?? From your fucking parents?!?! You need to get annual leaves deduction from working on your fucking ownself?!?!
Can't take these anymore. The thing that really ticked me off was yesterday afternoon. Here's what happen when I communicated with him via our internal Instant Messaging:
M: meR: the scam supervisorM: Boss, the phone features configuration should be up and running by end-of-day.R: Finally. Btw, I need you to do something for me.M: Yea, sap?R: I want you decorate his workstation, as a token of welcome him to our department on Monday. Something like "Welcome to our department, Mr........"M: What?! You gotta be kidding me rite??R: No. Why do you think that's funny?M: Ok. Leave it to me then.For fucking christ sake. My 2 managers never got such shit when they arrive a year ago. My director never got such thing when she first arrives in this company more than 7 years ago. With you coming in less than 1 month, you wanna do this to a newbie analyst?
A fucking newbie ANALYST!?!?!? Do you want a fucking red carpet and a chopper to send him over to office on his fucking first day to work to go with that?? Yea. Complementary package. Fucking brainless cunt!
Seeing this, I asked a favor from a mate to do it as I was about to leave the office already.
3 of us gathered, R came. One of us told him off and said:
"R, we can do this, but without the salutation "Mr." We never address anyone with Mr. internally. Not even when facing our director or VP of this company. Who is this new guy?"Hearing this, R still persisted and kept on
"Why not? Why not? Why not?". For fuck sake, don't you fucking understand simple English?! All of us replied him with one same answer.
"It's the culture here. We address each other by first name."Only then R agreed to strike-off the salutation "Mr" and proceed with first name.
Done?? Not quite. The printed paper has to be cut with borders and beautify it, instead of a normal A4 size black and white paper.
This is fucking ridiculous. It makes me feels like I'm back to kindergarten, dealing with retards. Brainless retards.
Yea. He's good at all these simple stuff eh?? But he has yet to show me he's worthy of the title "supervisor" when it comes to work. Simply because the following: [Yea, I've got a list with me, on a Saturday morning.]
1) He knows jack-shit about our system, yet.
2) He knows jack-shit about our process, yet.
[He's suppose to do the above and should be completed or at least halfway completed at time of post. But due to godknows reason, it's not.]3) He asked me to construct an email to a client manager
[I was having email access problem, remember?], and he'll send it over on my behalf. But in actual fact, he just copy & paste the whole damn thing, word-by-word, without editing, straight to the client manager. With a note saying:
"R sending on [my name] behalf."4) Insist to know what's the content of the conversation is when the ladies clearly told him off it's "girl's talk". He then dragged one of the ladies involved and asked her repeatedly on the content of the conversation.
5) A same escalation call got to him for 6-7 times a day.
6) A feedback from an escalation to my manager saying:
"Owh, that guy is frustrating to talk with."The last time I had a factfile about someone was when I first started this blog. Yeah, the 40-year-old virgin. Hahaha. I can't resist it this time. Who else, on that cunt-faced R of course:
1) In his early 30s.
2) Claimed that he has worked in UK.
3) Supervisory role with 2 MNC [Multi-National Company]. To make it slightly clearer, both MNCs are world-renown multinational information technology corporation.
4) Claimed that all his previous employers love him alot that they're willing to take him back anytime.
5) Reason he left previous employment was because he's about to get married and he & his partner can't be working in the same department. This rule is applicable worldwide. Understandably.
6) Likes to give motivational talk.
7) Can't make any decision on-the-spot.
8) He's a Yes-Man.
9) He talk-the-talk, but doesn't walk-the-walk.
Ahh, I'm hungry now. I think it's enough on him. I'm still contemplating to go office now and take that bloody printout off the workstation and shred it, and then blame it on the cleaner on Monday. Damn I'm evil.
It's Saturday! Hope I can get another round of the below tonite. Who's with me?