Got into office slight bit early than usual. Yeah, those who knows me personally will know that I've been arriving office on-the-dot, or arrive "slightly" late. So, go figure it out yourself eh?
Gotten myself straight into work-mode due to some unfinished task in order to send it over to the management in HongKong for their review. While I'm so into the task, a message from our internal Instant Messaging Tool pops up. Owh, it's him. Gaaahhh.... The message reads:
"Morning, I need you to help set-up the email tool for the newbie later."
How great it is to start the day off with this piece of bollocks. For fuck sake, he's a newbie, why are you so goddamn concern about his email tool?! Not that as if we're gonna send him any email on any of our cases/discussions/arguments. Even if there is, the newbie will be scratching his bloody bald head trying to figure out what on earth are we conversing about. I know the email tool is of the essential tool to all of us [tell me about it, I've just lost my email tool for a good bloody 3 weeks recently, remember?], but there are things that can wait, and there are things that needs to be paying attention to. Prioritize your work puh~~~~lease......
Gosh! Do I sound like a supervisor? Hmmmmm.
So, I responded to him politely, the message reads:
"K. I'm completing the report to be sent to Hongkong. I think you know about this one. You were in the loop on it as well. And I need to help the team in clearing all shit in our generic email inbox as it's swamped by lotsa emails from our clients that needs to be replied, and provide them solution with."
Thought I'll stop right there?? Fat chance. Next line was:
"To be frank, the email tool can wait as it's not that urgent. Once I clear everything in my hand, I'll set it up. I'll get it done by end-of-day".
Yea. Does this consider too harsh for anyone to take? I'm just telling him the truth. A newbie in our division needs to go through classroom training for 2 weeks, and then on the job training for another 2 weeks. During the first 2 weeks, it will not be necessary for the newbie to use his email tool. Newbie just got in yesterday. Email tool's ID would've been applied, say yesterday? According to my manager, all fresh new application for email ID will take 10 business days for them to get usable for the end-user. And here he is asking me to set it up for the newbie. Sigh, maybe it's my fault for not explaining it in details to him. He's new after all. Alright, my bad. I'm sorry.
Something else fishy just came to my knowledge during a meeting attended by D and her department earlier today, which is right after my "exchange" of Instant Messaging with R.
There seems to be a tad-bit confusion, if I may use that word, in terms of the headcount reporting into work at her department recently. D has raised this matter up towards R couple of weeks back, and also it has been reiterated to R that he's the one calling the shot, without involving Human Resource as Human Resource will comply with whatever decision that the leader of the team will make. During the meeting, this matter was brought up again as discussion, R gave the same reason of Human Resource provided to him and explained it to the participants in the meeting. Upon hearing this, all participants said in unity that the decision lies on the leader of the department, which is R himself. There's absolutely no need to refer this matter to Human Resource.
R surprised, jacked, stunned, eyes bulged. He said that he'll talk/refer to our manager about this and will let the team know the outcome later on.
Fine. Meeting's over. In less than 5 seconds, he told the staff involved to come in earlier than usual. Case closed for that as he claimed that he has talked to the manager about the matter.
Another "insider" of mine took a short trip to our manager and talked about this matter. Our manager said that R DID NOT speak to him personally, but instead via Instant Messaging Tool, few seconds ago. Right. Fishy? I don't know. You be the judge.
By the way, R didn't come to me today to sit down and learn the whole process and whatnot, as he has promised to do it yesterday. Day 2. *Shakehead*Shakehead*
Before he departs for the day, he left me a gentle reminder via Instant Messaging Tool to help the newbie set-up the email tool. Persistent bastard, ain't he?
When I last checked my email before I take off for the day, this is what I/team got in our email. Again, my second time in doing this. You better gimme a fucking big round of applause this time around, or perhaps another round of alcohol to go with it.
Inspirational!! Motivational!!!! Encouraging!!! Mind & heart-pumping!! Soul-stirring!
Absolutely top notch stuff!!
God I love my new supervisor!
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