It’s the 18th day of the 8th month of the year. Yesterday marks a full one year the 4 of my teammates have been fortunate enough to survive in the current team for a full year, in a peaceful and crazy way. Hats off to the team! In short, it’s our 1 year anniversary since we got into this company.

Back to gossip, yeah. That’s what this blog is all about, gossips and bitchin’ and rumors, and more bitchin’ and some education and some community service in the midst of it.
Had a chat with one of my workmates recently. The previous manager who got Motivator into the company previously, remember?? [Not that I care if you can’t remember him, go read my previous post entry then] He finally admitted to this workmate of mine that he has made a mistake in bringing an outsider, Motivator into this role.
For fucking hell’s sake after 3 months, now only he realize that?! Is he high on something all these while? Has he no eyes in seeing, or perhaps hearing what was happening during his time here when he was still with us? Seriously, he might wanna get a brain check already then. What a shocker!
Next, another workmate of mine has expressed the intention of leaving the current team and opted to learn something fresh in some other division within the company. The bosses from both divisions have agreed on the request and now it’s just a matter of time for the transition to be completed. Seriously, this is gonna be a tad bit hard for us though. But then again, good luck in all your future undertaking.
Third & finally, I had a meeting with both Motivator and my manager earlier today in regards to my mid-year report that I was rushing my ass off to meet the dateline couple of months’ back. Yeah. “Mid-Year”, and they wanna discuss with me now, in the month of August. How great is that eh?
Throughout the meeting, basically I expressed my intention to leave this division seeking higher ground 6 months from todate, as per my report. Both of them has agreed on this one and they’ll be lining up a string of arrangement in pulling me up there. Erm…..not that I’m overconfident with my own capabilities but I think I’m ready for that at any point of time now, it’s just that there’s one uncontrollable factor that is thwarting me from moving, which is an opportunity for that to happen. To make things easier for you guys, there’s no job opening yet, ok? Adding to the fact that I don’t feel like answering anymore calls now, I proposed an idea to both of ‘em in the meeting.
I bet you guys still remember this retarded newbie that is having so many problems and creating so much “commotion” in the other division? I am intending to swap division with him.
When I said these words, outta nowhere, Motivator that has been silent for as long as the meeting goes burst out saying that he wanted to talk to me yesterday about this too! Guess what, he didn’t. He was nowhere to be seen yesterday. Even when he was at his desk, I don’t see him having any “intention” to discuss with me on this matter at all! So how on earth does he have this thinking of swapping me with the joker is really cracking me up and had me scratching my balls, really. Motivator further added, and admitted himself that this joker-newbie that brought in personally by himself is indeed a slow-learner.
Hah! Finally! Another shocker! One admitted that he made a mistake bringing in Motivator. One admitted that the joker-newbie is a slow-learner! 2 sweet things happen in ermm....erm.... 2 weeks. How nice can that be eh?? Our 1st year anniversary, 2 confessions made in 2 weeks, this fucking deserves a celebration goddamnit!!!! A crate of beers this way please!!!!!!!
But the ultimate task I’ve got to do is to of course train this joker up to my level, or as much as I can to make him know what the hell is he doing on a daily basis in my division here. The other division is cracking up on a daily basis, my current division is more than capable of self-motivating and surviving, with or without me, with or without Motivator. So it will do both teams good if only me and this joker can swap position. Reason why I brought this one up is because there has been a live example of such case with one of my current workmates. He was having a torrid time on a daily basis when he was in the other division. When he was down and almost facing the axe, I told my previous leader to give him another chance to prove his worth and that if he were to roll over to my current division, I’m sure that this soon-to-be-fallen guy will be able to a great asset to the team. And I gladly proved him that I just managed to retain a good guy in current employer todate. In case you’re reading this, you owe me one there. Remember this.

Some maybe sad, some maybe breathing a sigh of relief. I know. Move on. This swapping will not be effective immediately. Patient ladies and gentlemen, I’ve gotta pass my knowledge onto the joker-newbie within a month’s time. Gimme a month, I hope I can transform this joker-newbie to “blossom” like the previous guy. Finger cross.
There! Massive enough for you?! I think it is. At least for me.
Be back for more! Gotta rush some reports on the meeting earlier today with the 2 bosses and get things rolling. Wish me luck.
hmmm...within a many changes?? so many things happened huh....
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: yea,how time does fly eh??