As per my previous entry, today marks the day of that bitch manager leaving this country and back to her place of origin. I ain’t sure about others but for me, it’s good riddance. Adios bitch! Hope not to see you soon. She came up to our floor and shook hand with each and every one of us, bidding her farewell. Well, so happen that I was discussing some cases with my trainer cum senior and she walks up to me and shook hand bidding her farewell. I was so deep into the discussion that all I said was just
“Hi. Bye. Good Luck”
4 words. 4 simple, daily-used words. Those are my last words to her. She might need the latter 2 much more in her future. Right after those words went off my mouth, I turned and continue my discussion with my trainer cum senior on the cases again. Screw that. I don’t give a shit about her departure at all. Call me a cold-hearted or whatever adjectives that you can come up with, but I don’t give a rat’s ass about it. There. I said it. Good riddance, finally.
Everything doesn’t go my way today. I told my trainer cum senior that I need to do some work that requires me to concentrate on it on full time scale basis for the day. Therefore she is kind enough to let me loose for just 1 day, so that I can settle as much cases as I can for the whole day. These cases have been backtrack since the start of last month and I didn’t even start on it. I’m supposed to close those cases on a monthly basis, but due to “unforeseen circumstances”, everything has gone off the track. Long story short, I need to buck the fuck up and close all these outstanding cases of mine from start of September til todate, all these before end-of-month. That’s the target I set for myself.
For me to get into these cases, there’s a system access that is very essential in the process of calling up these customers and close those cases in one-go. Yeah. You guessed it right, my access to that system seems to be removed overnite. I was still able to access it before I packed up for the day last nite. What’s up with the overnite change? I tried to ring up 3 of the customers on that matter, only to be fucked right in the face from all of ‘em, telling me:
“How many times do you guys wanna call me up, telling me the same thing over N’ over again?? Have you check in your records before you call me up? You have to put your acts together. Can I talk to your supervisor now?”
Ya. Out of the 3 calls, 1 customer was away, 2 went to Motivator. That’s it. I give the fuck up. I’d rather spend the time waiting for my system access to resume, and then check the records before I ring ‘em up and get fucked for no reason.
Reported this to Motivator. He got it fixed finally. However by the time this is solved, the time has way passed for me to ring up the customers in my outstanding list. Goddamnit! One helluva unproductive day for me.
Think that’s the end of it? Fat chance. Here comes Part 2. Just got up from a break, a smoking break, which I really needed it after the aforementioned incidents, my trainer pull me over and showed me an email sent by Motivator, with 2 of my trainer & senior in the loop. Without further adue, I went back, sat my big fat ass on the chair, and run through the email. Few minutes later, I was:

The questions that he asked in the email, everything is in the database, as well as in our record on our daily assignments. This email wouldn’t have existed if he at least read through the cases. It’s almost 6 months now, yet he is stil asking us this kinda stupid questions via email? He has the very same access like us. I’m not too sure what is he trying to pull but for me, it’s a complete fucking waste of my time for me to read through it. Let alone replying it. Seriously, i ain’t too sure what struck at that time, I was so goddamn eager to reply him and at the same time humiliate him in a different way. Which somehow reminds me of another incident that happened last Friday. Both of the exact same stupidity level.
Funnily enough, there are some screenshots of a certain information that he needs to prove it to me, which Motivator attached it in the email. When I scrolled down, apparently this shameless bastard copied and pasted one of the colleague’s email which she sent to her, and the forward it to me, only thing that missing out is that he forgot to remove her signature down below. This colleague has absolutely nothing to do with my current team’s work at any point of time. I ain’t too sure how on earth did her email come into the picture of this whole email, but from my “speculation”, I think Motivator asked her some information about it, and then have her send him the screenshot via email, and then Motivator thought he can send the email to me, thinking that I’m under the assumption that he’s the one who got all these information on his own. But I think that he forgotten to take off my colleague’s signature at the bottom of the email. I mean, how daft can one be? He deleted the header, copied and pasted everything from there on and send the email to me, as if he’s the one doing everything. My dear readers, tell me this:
How the fuck difficult it is for you to just click the bloody FORWARD button in your email and add in your own comments from there?! Instead of copy and paste other people’s email and make it as if it’s your own work. I’m speechless. This ain’t the first time he’s doing this. Bloody hell! Seriously it reminds me of this:

That’s one part. So I went on with my reply, telling him the chronology of the events that occur throughout the case. The only reason why is he sending me the email is because I was the last person who touched the case couple of days earlier. I mean, seriously, will it always be the last people who always get the sticks?! I didn’t do anything wrong. I was merely following the proper protocol. To close it all off, I even fucking attached the full case details in the email, when the case details can be found in the system. After all these, all I got in his reply:
Thank you.
Fucking hell?! 2 fucking words?! After all that, 2 fucking words?! This is the last straw. I’ll never look at him the same way again. He can go die and rot in hell. I’ll just play along with him. Don’t expect positive comments from me as and when there’s a discussion about him. I now officially categorize him the same as that bitch manager. A pest. A pest that should’ve been exterminate as soon as possible from this planet to avoid any possible harm from human race. Same goes to that newbie that I proposed a swap with. To the ex-manager that so much so claimed that this Motivator is the most suitable candidate to lead the team when there are clearly other more capable candidates available, whoever that’s reading this, tell him that:
This is your legacy to the team. There’s nothing else but bad taste in my mouth. You’ve ruined few people’s career. Just stay where you are and don’t ever set your fucking foot in this building anymore. I don't wish to see your fucking face in the office ever again!
That’s the end of the day. Can’t stand it anymore. Luckily that I’m on leave this Friday and coming Monday, at least I can get the fuck outta this shit temporarily.
Off all these setbacks that I’ve got today. Finally something that can cheer me up when I reached home earlier today. See picture below.
Ya. I’m about to get my vehicle for a scheduled maintenance next month, which I think might cost me a bomb. Previously ‘twas about 200-300. This time around it’s the major service, so I’ve set aside some extras just for this. I never expect this voucher will come my way. Seems like my holiday plan is resurrected from hell then. Fingers crossed.
That’s it. I’m off to bed now, while the music of Eminem discography is ringing in my Ipod, accompanying me to dreamland.
“Yeah, fuck him and fuck you too!” ~~ Eminem
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