Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Introducing: DimWit

Another post, another entry from the office. Yea. Have I ever told you guys N’ girls that I’ve moved to a brand new office area recently?? I ain’t too sure about it but anyways, just in case I didn’t, yes, I’ve moved to another floor. Basically, the whole department that handling the similar same set of clients’ background are being moved to a different floor. Maybe it’s just a way of the guys up there wanted to show their gratitude towards an unbeatable year of 2010? I don’t know. Or there could some other reasons behind this? I’ve no fucking idea at all, and I don’t bloody care about it. All I know is, the new workplace is absolutely awesome. The whole department consists of 7 different teams are currently situated under one roof, one floor, where we are able to see each other. No more “travelling” to different floor for “further inquiries”.

Another thing just riled me up yesterday. I’m sure you lots aware that in an advance world of today, the email communication tool that we used to send outgoing & receive incoming mails from both internal & external is very essential in our day-to-day activities. This dimwit newbie of mine, yea. The one that I swapped with previously *Let’s do this, shall we? This black dimwit that I swapped with previously, I’ll addressed him as dimwit from hereon. ‘cos there’s another newbie that starts to infuriates me already*. He had some problems with his email tools since start of day, or rather at the same time of my entry yesterday. For the ones like us, if there’s any problem with just about any system, we’ll go ahead and report it to the local helpdesk to seek assistance and hoping to solve that problem ASAP. But this dimwit chose to just sit his fucking black, stinky ass there and do nothing until Motivator arrives. Remember, in case you forget, Motivator and this dimwit are close friends, even as much as they would like to deny that fact, it’s clear for all to see.

When Motivator arrives, he was made known of the “difficulties” faced that dimwit by none-other-than the dimwit himself. Yeah. Retards dealing with retards, perfect combination. Befitting eh? Instead of the dimwit raising the concern to the local helpdesk himself, it’s Motivator that raised for him! What the fuck?! Why didn’t he do the same for all of us whenever the same occurs to us then? What makes this dimwit deserves special treatment than all of us? What’s the fuck up with that, eh?!??! The best part is, whenever we report a technology enquiry to the local helpdesk, we’ll need to go through the identity validation process as well. How the fuck that Motivator is able to pass through that is really beyond anyone’s imagination. Perhaps Motivator has got some of his own technology stuff that needs to be solved as well then?? Nah. Not that I fucking care about it. But I maybe wrong on this though. Don’t quote me on it.

24 hours have passed since the email tool is malfunction for the dimwit. All I hear the whole fucking day is a repetition of:

“My email tool is malfunction. I can’t do anything.”

Eventhough your email tool is down, that doesn’t give you an excuse of not doing anything about it. Why can’t you show abit of urgency by following-up with the helpdesk and ask ‘em the exact time of the issue be solved?!?!? I remember I posted about this email tool frustration previously. Yea. That was a bitch I tell ya! I’ll half paralysed if I don’t have it up and running for even less than 5 minutes. And yet this dimwit will just sit and fuck back and relaxing it the whole fucking day.

Like I reiterate times and again. This kinda people are pests, just like that previous bitch I blogged about, who later gotten the boot from the guys up there. She fucking deserves it, bitch! Now that’s one pest off, another 2 beckons. But I don’t see any possibilities for this dimwit to get the boot simply because Motivator has made this dimwit a confirmed staff, a permanent staff. Unless this dimwit do something miraculously wrong, then we’ll be seeing the back of him for a long time to come. As for Motivator, we shall know his fate tomorrow, like I told y’all yesterday. If Motivator’s gone, that’s another pest exterminated. 2 outta 3, not bad of a prediction then! This deserves a celebration. Not. As the dimwit is still here. The Motivator’s sole “legacy” is still here pestering us on a daily basis.

Fucking hell.

Today is the day the whole department is going to get their photo-shoot on this new floor as an official launch of this new floor for us. The theme that our team has decided is black, or anything dark colored working attire. Thus far, this fucking, retarded, brainless bloody dimwit has been saying the below to the whole team, that is:

“Woah, you’re black!”

I mean. WHAT DA FUCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was there during the decision making of the team in black. He heard and he agreed to it personally as well. So what the fuck is this dimwit tryin’ to pull then???? is he tryin’ to be cute?? Fat chance. He looked like a fucking old fart. To those who watched this epic movie of Brad Pitt titled “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” where he was born old?? Yea. This dimwit is exactly that!! Fucking old fuck, but talk like a kid! He’s another pest that needs to be exterminated, urgently! Is there anyway that I can get rid of this pest?!

Meh. Enough of pests stories. Give you a lighter note. The new work area that I’ve just moved in, absolutely lovin’ it especially the chair. Just for all of my fellow readers out there, in case you want to, or perhaps interested to get one, please head on to HERE. I’m enjoying every moment of it at time of this post.

That’s all for now. Be back for more.

Hopefully I can upload some pictures up in my next post.

Signing off, from office.

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