Couple of days later, got a call from a client. She started off with:
M: Me lar of ‘cos, who else?
S: Client.
S: You promised me that there’ll be someone calling me back last Friday but I haven’t heard even a rain drop from the person in charge. What's goin’ on here?
M: No way. You gotta be kiddin’ me, I left her a message and I followed it up with another email to her right at the very end of my conversation with yourself end of last week!
S: Like I said, nothing.
M: Ok, alright. I need you to stay with me now. I’ma call the person-in-charge now.
S: U better be.
Yea. That was the opening of it. The case was about some agreements/contracts paperwork that went missing but somehow the terms & conditions in that agreement were stil being imposed onto the client profile. The department involved made a fucking big mess outta it and I’m the stupid cockhead being caught in the middle of all these shit. Talk about tough luck.
Called the person in charge, bloody went into voicemail. Called her manager, same shit. So I had to make up some lame excuse to push the client away, at least for the time being. And so it goes:
S: I’m sorry but, can I talk to the manager please. Surely there must a manager that I can talk to now about this issue. It’s been 5 months since this issue started and it’s stil unsolved todate. Nothing against yourself but I’m deeply, deeply frustrated with this.
M: I did call up to the manager in charge but she was away on conference and will only back on comin’ Monday.
S: Well at least she has an email then? Gimme her email address, I’m going to bring this one up to higher level since you guys can’t do much.
M: but....but....but....but....
S: Just. Gimme. Her. Email. Address. Now. I’m going to send her an email after this and I’m going to copy you in. I do understand it’s not fault at all and you’re caught in the middle but I need to get this issue over and done with. Hope you understand.
There. That just made my fucking day, in a way. This is the best scenario whereby it has nothing to do with you, but you’re involved in it just because you’ve talked to her for that one time, one-FUCKING-time…and then she’ll be stuck on you for as long as the case is solved, done and dusted with. But sadly for me, it dragged for 5 bloody months. The agreement/contract paperwork is nowhere to be seen after much “efforts” by the department responsible with it. Sigh. It’s not your shit, but it’s somehow your shit, if you know what I mean, and you need to say nice things about it to cover that shit up for other people when it’s clearly not your fault. Well then, this kinda stuff do happen in all over the world especially in the field that I’m stuck with since those early days. Numb with it, but stil need a way to release it. Contradicting? You bet.
Before I continue with my entry, let’s take a one-minute-silent to those victims in Japan.
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Recently a friend of mine just bought a ticket to the land of the rising sun. The booking was made way before all these but due to the natural disasters that happened to that country recently, majority of the tours were canceled. But she insisted on going evenafter all these. Reason?? The tickets are not refundable, in addition to that, she claimed that she has a certified paperwork from god-knows-who that it’s alright to proceed with the flight.
For fucking hell sake, that country is almost a wasteland now after all that happened, no one would even wanna book a flight there let alone you’re there just for a holiday?! Have you no brain? The value of your fucking life is lesser than a flight ticket to Japan?!?! If that’s not stupidity of the highest order, I don’t know what is.
Couple of days later, she finally conceded “defeat” to the trip ‘cos the travel agency informed her that the air ticket is refundable ‘cos of the disaster currently damaging Japan. Stubbornness to the max, seriously.
So I was attending a workmate’s farewell dinner this one fine day. Only few that are known & close to the workmate are invited, of course that include the humble me. Gotten shocking news during the dinner. I ain’t too sure what will the consequences be if I were to post this one up in here but then again, meh. Fuckit.
I’m sure y’all remember who’s dimwit & the other newbie in my current team rite? Got a friend that has very close relationship with someone working in the hiring department. Apparently both of ‘em dimwit & the other newbie have had their job applications rejected outright,twice when the hiring department gotten their paperwork. Yes. Both of ‘em! YES! Rejected, turned down, OUT-FUCKING-RIGHT!
It’s abit of miracle how the fuck can the two most useless, clueless, brainless people that I’ve encounter throughout my career would end up as a permanent employee in my team.
Please, no questions. I do not have the slightest idea how did it even come to that. No one does. The only person that can have the “empowerment” to “revive the deads” is none other than Motivator. Please do not quote me on this, if a supervisory level, like Motivator himself is opening up a position, he has the utmost authority to do anything he wants ‘cos he’ll have the final say on who to come aboard and who’s not to. Seriously,

One of my best mates bumped into my team’s previous supervisor recently. He knows what’s the happening in the office. Owh he knows. Partly it’s due to my humble blog here. Thank you very much. Partly is due to there are eyes and ears everywhere in the office. Period. He said this to my best mate:
Dude, get the fuck outta there if you can.
That’s the only sentence that he uttered. Short, simple, direct. It’s pretty much self-explanatory didn’t it? But easier said than done.
If you don’t want anybody to know what you doing, better not do it. ‘cos it’ll be revealed somehow, someway, someday. It’s just a matter of time that all those shits will be uncovered and the shits will be spilt all over the places. And here I pray to the one above, please let THAT DAY come sooner.
On a sidenote, I was involved in a project management course recently. Not too sure how the hell did I get into that thing. All I did is just passed a test, and attended a crashed course for a measly 2 hours, and then I’m supposed to come out with a problem identifier. To be frank, I’ve been through it before with the previous manager. Even though ‘twas just an hour course previously, the thing that my ex-manager was able to covered is more than the facilitator able to cover during that 2 hours. Not belittling it, ‘twas a good tool to be used in anyone’s career in just about any field but for now, I just don’t have the time to it.
Now, I do understand the fact that time is in one’s own hand, just like destiny. But I’ll need to have time for both my personal & work, for now. People always raved about work-life balance, and that’s what I am intend to do.
‘twas quite a difficult decision to make. Once all is set & done. I took the courage to inform my mentor about this. Yes. A mentor has already been assigned to all of us. Yes. There are quite lotsa people participate in that course. I duly informed my mentor about it. He is ok with me withdrawing from the course, with a valid reason of course. He then advised me to let my current manager know about this.
Fair point to that. But as a manager, he’s too busy at times. Next day, my manager came to me when I was busy at work. He was kinda surprise why did I do that, and I duly explained to him. He took it well, understand what I want, and that was the end of the conversation on that topic. He knows what I’m doing, he has full confidence in myself, and vice versa of course.
Meh. Enough for this time. Spent a good 2 hours typing this one up. Just finished watching “Black Swan” earlier this morning. The only thing stands out in the whole show is the leading actress herself. Nothing notable other than that. Gonna watch “The King’s Speech” after dinner in 5 minutes time. Hope it’s not as sucky as “Black Swan”.
Til then.
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