Much has happened since my last post. People leaving, people dying, earthquakes everywhere, snowing on a bloody desert, tsunami. Well, sidetracked abit. Can’t stand this kinda nature in this world. *Why am I feeling like this all of sudden??* I’m trying to restrain myself from posting Motivator and the gang anymore ‘cos any post about any of ‘em are just seems never ending. It’s kinda frustrating to work this group of people who thinks they know everything but they know jack-shit-all in actual fact.
Was having few decisions-making dilemma between now and then. Ever since the “over-qualified” incident, I tend to look for way outta this shit hole as much as I can, provided opportunities arise. Been to couple of those interviews to gain experience. Not that I don’t know how to get through these interviews but each attempt ends in failure as there were much better candidates than me that were applying the same post. Meh. Fuck that.
The toughest came around when there was an agent post that I kinda fond of. It’s works similarly like Sherlock Holmes of the modern days. Or to those who are into US dramas, think of CSI series, and you’ll think of this team. Not that I’m exaggerating but, that’s how that team works. Eventhough it’s a normal agent post but I kinda wanted a change for good. Some of you maybe asking:
“Why would you wanna jump from an agent level job/team to another agent level job/team?? Are you fucking retarded?”
To be frank, it’s ‘cos of Motivator. I’m stil doubting his abilities *oh wait, has he ever got one to start with?*
Before I submit my application, I scoured, surveyed around to the team that I was interested to get into. I have a very healthy relationship with all of ‘em during the course of my day-to-day job function. They seems to pretty receptive over my intention. The leader of the team happens to be my teammate back then and she has since developed. Hence I had a casual chat with her on my proposition. She mentioned it generally that, well…in a hindsight, she kinda hinting that I don’t apply for it simply for the sake of getting the fuck outta my current team, or more specifically, Motivator. Yes. She’s a loyal reader of my humble blog too. In case you’re reading this, yea. I changed my mind after our casual chat in front of the fast food chain at the lobby. Thanks again. I think my anger & frustration towards that words-can’t-describe son-of-bitch clouded my decision-making capabilities back then.
Things move on from there. As much as I bloody hate Motivator to the bones, I acted as if I will succumb to all his requests/demands/questions. Even more-so that I gotta do this on daily basis. It’s kinda tiring at times. I’ve been checking on our internal recruitment page every single-fucking-day to see if there are any “opportunities” that I can get the hell outta this god forsaken place. Yeah. Read my lips.
Beginning of last month, a new manager arrives in town. From a country to the west of my place of origin. I ain’t sure why the influxes of those bloody black people from west side recently. It has been like that since few years already. This is only applicable to those higher management positions. The classic case was when one of the local supervisor was place as temporary manager during the interview process. The whole floor thought that she maybe the perfect to get the job. However to everyone surprise, the management dropped a bombshell by announcing the position was given to this new bitch from the west side.
Seriously, I just don’t get it why on earth is our centre herein this country is being “invaded” by those bloody “legal immigrants”. Yea. I’m kinda racist in this situation. So?? Sue me then. Bloody goddamnit! is our centre here short of capable candidates to take up the role? Is our centre here not upto the level of expectation? Then what is those management’s expectation to that position(s)??
Again, I’ve sidetracked. Apologies. Once I’ve started typing, there’s no stopping it. I ain’t sure when will this ends. Anyways, eversince this west side fat bitch arrives, she gives me an impression of wanting to talk in all possible ways that she can think of and she wanna do everything her way eventhough the existing workflow has been there for ages. I know a change will do us good but to change the never-changed-before stuff will be a very big ask for us.
Went to a couple of conference calls with West Side bitch. All she ever did during the whole session was talk, talk, talk and talk but no action. Much like our local government: excelled in talking, but lacking in actual implementation. Which makes me to conclude this:
B-tards & bitches from the West Sides are all talkers, they ain’t do-ers. Good in spouting lotsa bullshits, but never do their work. They’ll be able to talk/discuss/negotiate things to the level of unthinkable. They can bring you up to heaven using their mouth, and they can bring you back to earth, and then down to hell within a blink of an eye, by using their mouth too! With that being said, I shall just leave this here and let your imagination runs wild, my fellow readers.
Never like those west side people since.
The above rants were supposed to be up about 2 weeks ago, but due to “foreseen” circumstances, it’s delayed until now.
Recently Motivator has behind the team’s back more often than before, trying to find our “deficiencies” as to how we’re finding Breakfast Budget Bitch’s. the emails that he sent out more often contain of “vicious” attack to the team than telling the team to do our stuff. I ain’t siding on anyone here but instead of “taking care” of the Breakfast Budget Bitch’ stuff, he chose to nosing around for our shortcomings. This happens not once, not twice but quite often during my absence from this blog space of mine.
Another ticking point really flared me up this noon. Here I was, sittin at my own “kingdom”, playing around with my “precious toy” for about 7-10minutes. Well, my tasks were done for the day. Not much to do, I can’t be running around the workplace like a mad dog, I can’t walk over to other departments to “flirt” around with other workmates, so what-the-flying-fuck am I suppose to do? I chose to STFO and play with myself. *Suddenly, this sounds so wrong, ain’t it? STFU ~ Shut The Fuck Up*
No making a single sound, I can even hear the sound of a pin drop if there ever is. This no-good-son-of-a-black-bitch said:
Stop playing with your phone.

Seething from these words, I glared at him, nodded my head, and continue playing with my “precious”.
Yeah. The whole team knows that I’m the most difficult for him to handle ‘cos I’m too much for him. I was planning to have a talk with a manager earlier today. But without me knowing, the director is in town. So, I abandon the idea. Just before u say anything, just read on from here, a’ite??
I’ve no plan to raise this issue upto the higher level, ‘cos it’s not necessary, yet.
I stil think the “messages” that I’m gonna send across to a “friend” will be heard and hopefully it will save the current “state” that this Motivator and the team is in, and I'm in no way trying to be a hero to the team.
Think this is the end of it? You are owh-so-fucking-wrong-wrong-wrong!!!!
It’s been the tradition of the team that all breakfast/lunch/short break are self-managed, just as long as there are enough headcounts covering the floor, not forgetting there’s another team sharing the exact same line with us. So there shouldn’t be any issue on this one.
Ain’t too sure which black bitch hits Motivator’s organ, he was adamant that there must be at least 2 headcounts on the floor at any point of time.
Now, this maybe just my own speculation. There was an ad-hoc meeting with the new manager aka West Side Bitch back then. This break issue was in the “agenda” as well. ‘twas this bitch’s ingenious idea that there must be 2 headcounts at any point of time. But some odd reasons this “ingenious” plan was called off. From what I heard, it seems like one of the leaders had a heated argument with West Side Bitch on this issue. Like I said, speculation. Don’t quote me on this.
Eversince this broke out, this dick-Motivator has adopted this idea. i’ve no idea why on earth did he do what he did or has he any brain at all to decide what to do and what not to do? Is he trying to start a revolution now by changing everything, bit-by-bit??
The atmosphere of the team is at an all-time-low now. He’s picking the mistakes outta everyone of the team and refused to admit the mistakes done by his latest recruit, the Breakfast Budget Bitch.
I’ll just suck it up for this week since the director is in town. I WILL go ahead with the talk plan I stated earlier next week.
Enough for now. I’ve dramas to catch. I’m getting on with my life. I’ll putting up couple more posts very soon. Much has happen since my last post back in April.
EDIT: Just read through, found out that the original purpose of this ranting place of mine has deviated. So much so has happen since the beginning of this blog til now. I think I should take a step back and "review" the whole thing soon, very soon.
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