Ever wonder why are we doing the same thing, over and over again, on a daily basis at our work place? Is it because of satisfying our wants & needs in life? Or has it become part of our life to work like this, even though it’s a routine? In the process, one might just get irritated by their customers just because of some errors that weren’t your fault entirely, but end up getting fucked by ‘em due to the fact that you and the error-maker come from the same division/company?
Meh. So be it. I ain’t a talented person. So, just suck it aaaaaallllllll up then.
On a side note, just received this call from a customer. He called in last nite to enquire on the status of his renewal card that he yet to receive todate. He was very nice and easy going when he called in last nite. I informed him I’ll to check with our card delivery unit tomorrow (which is today) during office hour. Fair enough. After all the checking, I duly return his call. To my surprise, he’s no longer the nice and easy going customer that I used to talk with last nite. He became rather demanding and asking for compensation for the error made not by any division from the shithole I’m working in. instead, no one was at home during the delivery of the card and hence the card was returned to us. He put the blame onto us whereby no one has the courtesy to call him after the failure of the card delivery which occurred back in early June. It’s been almost 2 months since the card was sent out. Seriously, why the sudden change of his mood? Could it be a looooooong day for him, and he vents his frustration on me? Or could it be he had a “tough” nite last nite after the call he made to me?? I don’t know.
C’mon, which financial institution locally will give you a call once your card is undelivered? Who do you think you are?? Most come to most, a letter of notification will be sent to you/customer via normal post to inform you that the card is failed to deliver, or perhaps a ‘sorry note’ will be dropped at your mail box on that matter. Why would anyone call you up on that? Just because you are the holder of a premium card/account? Get real! Wake up!!!!!!
See? Another example of framed case, for something that I didn’t commit/done/involve. But due to the fact that I’m working in the same shithole with the error-maker, hence I gotta cover-up the left-overs. Damnit! This is the nature of my job: Cover up other people’s shit, and get scolded for something that I didn’t do, and I get paid on a monthly basis for all these. How “nice” eh??
Instead of me complaining over petty things like this, why not do something about it? So that it won’t happen anymore?? Yeah rite, talk is cheap. I’m powerless to do such stuff. I’m not “empowered” to do such thing. Even after few attempts in getting the “message” across, it all end up the same outcome. It’s a rather standardize reply from those big fat asses up there:”Ok, points noted. We’ll review it and action upon it.” Few months down the road, same ol’ shit occurs again.
That’s life, and it’s a bitch. Face it. Unless I strike a lottery one fine day, I’m still be here, enduring all those calls from retarded b-tards and bitches on a daily basis, and get paid for that. Yea. Fat hopes. For one, I don’t gamble. For two, I don’t even have a slightest idea on how to buy a lottery. Well then, keep on working till I die.
My Life, part of me. Been in this industry since outta schooling days. Read on to check out some annoying, funny, interesting stuff that happens in the daily life of a call centre agent.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Lotsa stuff has happened recently.
My old folk went to have her left eye fixed at one of the most advanced surgeon in the country, my favourite footie team came down and played in front of my very eyes, got fucked by our very own internal employees that are holding our very own products for some mistakes that weren't done by me, but by our other departments. Then got cheated in a fair for some redeemable ‘free gift’. How eventful could this get? Then, I was “informed” that my “part-time insurance agent” just came back from an oversea trip in China, and only to be informed by him via short message on my mobile yesterday that my insurance policy has gone almost 6 months without any payment, and to top it all off, I’ve just got myself a new pair of glasses. Yea. What a month. Ain’t going into details on each event ‘cos it’ll take an awful long time for me, and for you to read through the stories.
Right, on a day-to-day activities in this shithole I’m in, I tend to get some calls from our very own retarded “internal customers” aka staff, who acts as if they’re above everyone else just because they’re calling in as “customers” and tend to be you-know-all kinda customers. Seriously, since you’re a staff, you know everything inside out compared to our external customers aka non-staff. Why would you call in, asking all type of questions that you’ve already know the answer for it, and ask us, staff as well, to do the impossible, and wanna make it possible?!? Why would you wanna make life miserable to one of your own kind? Don’t you have a general common sense? Ain’t going into details on this, but it seriously dampened my mood/motivation [or whatever you lots wanna call it] to work in here anymore. Perhaps it’s about time to look for a new job? But on the other hand, is this consider “running away” instead of facing the problem/difficulties/challenges?
Ever since my department has gone public on being an 24/7 customer service for all types of products’ enquiries, the calls that come in after office hours are massive. Some call in the middle of wee-hours just to “check the card applications’ status”, check account balance, check the benefits of one,if not multiple products that my department has to offer. C’mon, can’t they just do it during the office hours instead of doing it like 3 or perhaps 4 in the morning?!?! Are they really THAT busy during day time?? I personally don’t think so. Bunch of wankers! Some would call in to check why couldn’t they use their cards at certain outlets. That’s fair enough. I can live up with that. But the previous one who call in during wee-hours are totally retards. There’s this one customer that call in at almost 4 in the morning just to compare the benefits of 2 different products that we offered, and he turns out to be one of our own “internal staff” who works in a different building. C’mon. 4 in the fucking morning for these?!?!?! Is he outta his bloody fucking mind?!?! Marthaphuackers!!!!
That’s it. I’m outta steam now. Can’t type much on all the aforementioned incidents that I encountered between now and then. Will post up those incidents above in future on each different post.
My old folk went to have her left eye fixed at one of the most advanced surgeon in the country, my favourite footie team came down and played in front of my very eyes, got fucked by our very own internal employees that are holding our very own products for some mistakes that weren't done by me, but by our other departments. Then got cheated in a fair for some redeemable ‘free gift’. How eventful could this get? Then, I was “informed” that my “part-time insurance agent” just came back from an oversea trip in China, and only to be informed by him via short message on my mobile yesterday that my insurance policy has gone almost 6 months without any payment, and to top it all off, I’ve just got myself a new pair of glasses. Yea. What a month. Ain’t going into details on each event ‘cos it’ll take an awful long time for me, and for you to read through the stories.
Right, on a day-to-day activities in this shithole I’m in, I tend to get some calls from our very own retarded “internal customers” aka staff, who acts as if they’re above everyone else just because they’re calling in as “customers” and tend to be you-know-all kinda customers. Seriously, since you’re a staff, you know everything inside out compared to our external customers aka non-staff. Why would you call in, asking all type of questions that you’ve already know the answer for it, and ask us, staff as well, to do the impossible, and wanna make it possible?!? Why would you wanna make life miserable to one of your own kind? Don’t you have a general common sense? Ain’t going into details on this, but it seriously dampened my mood/motivation [or whatever you lots wanna call it] to work in here anymore. Perhaps it’s about time to look for a new job? But on the other hand, is this consider “running away” instead of facing the problem/difficulties/challenges?
Ever since my department has gone public on being an 24/7 customer service for all types of products’ enquiries, the calls that come in after office hours are massive. Some call in the middle of wee-hours just to “check the card applications’ status”, check account balance, check the benefits of one,if not multiple products that my department has to offer. C’mon, can’t they just do it during the office hours instead of doing it like 3 or perhaps 4 in the morning?!?! Are they really THAT busy during day time?? I personally don’t think so. Bunch of wankers! Some would call in to check why couldn’t they use their cards at certain outlets. That’s fair enough. I can live up with that. But the previous one who call in during wee-hours are totally retards. There’s this one customer that call in at almost 4 in the morning just to compare the benefits of 2 different products that we offered, and he turns out to be one of our own “internal staff” who works in a different building. C’mon. 4 in the fucking morning for these?!?!?! Is he outta his bloody fucking mind?!?! Marthaphuackers!!!!
That’s it. I’m outta steam now. Can’t type much on all the aforementioned incidents that I encountered between now and then. Will post up those incidents above in future on each different post.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Insurance Issue - Update - Part 3
Here we go. As you lots know by now, there’s an ongoing insurance “dispute” exists between me and my friend, Mr V for quite some time now. As per few of my previous posts listed below, in case you lots wanna know the full story.
How It All Started
Part 1
Part 2
He’s suppose to meet me up on Tuesday (30June2009) to settle off the “dispute”. But as of the moment of this post, 08th July 2009, there’s not even a single call, nor sms from him to solve the ongoing issue of mine. It’s just a very simple task for him to do: Pass me the credit card auto-deduction form, me filling it up, sign on the dotted line, and him submitting it to his insurance agency for them to update the changes into their pathetic system, and that’s just about it.
But NO! He didn’t show up, nor did he send a simple sms to me on last Tuesday. Oh yeah. I forgot. He’s a “part-time” insurance agent. He has a day job to take care of. He must be busy then. Fair enough. I gave him a certain “grace period” for him to reach me to settle off the issue. It’s more than a week already. Shouldn’t be an insurance agent be aggressive/proactive in reaching out to his/her existing customers in case of anything, and I mean just about ANYTHING that his/her client requests?? In one way, it’s the time to perhaps offer more new products information to their clients, and also further build up the rapport between the agent and the client. But his actions clearly says otherwise: he has no action towards those small-time customers like me, who owned a policy that only requires me to pay him 150 bucks per month. Clearly I’m just a small fish in that big ocean of his clients then.
As a result, I’ve decided to talk to my other insurance agent, which has served me soooooo well since the day I purchased the insurance policy with him. I told him that fuck the MRTA thing. I just wanna cut-off my business relationship with Mr V and take back whatever that I’m entitled to.
Had a conversation with my existing agent couple of days back about this matter. He said he can help me to surrender this policy with Mr V without notifying Mr V. The cheque refund will be mailed directly to my house address. The policy will be cancelled couple of days later. Fine. Do it then. At the same time, since I’ma surrender my policy, I intend to purchase a totally different policy from my friend, be it saving or investment or whatever they wanna call it. Better do it like this rather than spend those extra funds unnecessary.
My agent said there is indeed one type of insurance policy which acts like a savings account similar to local financial institutions, but the returns are higher. If I choose to take up this policy, I will be getting the returns on the 2nd year, which is 50% of my total investment in a year. In lay-man terms, I’ll get the 50% return once every 2 years. How about that? Sounds great eh? Better than those offered by local financial institutions eh?? You might be asking this: What about the protection then? Since it’s a insurance policy as well? My agent told me this: If it’s a protection/life insurance plan, the protection/coverage will be higher than the returns. If it’s savings/investment type of insurance plan, then it would be the other way around, which means the returns will be higher, but the protection coverage will be a tad-bit lower. Then my agent further informed me that if I were to purchase 2 of these savings/ investments policies, then basically I will be getting the returns every single year, starting from the 2nd year of the first savings/investment policy. And all these will be calculated based on the date of purchase of the policies instead of the calendar years. Sounds interesting eh? Yeah. I’m still contemplating on this “offer” as of now.
Ok. Enough on this insurance stuff. For more information, please contact your respective insurance agents or agencies. I ain’t insurance agent. So post all your questions to the experts, and by ‘experts’ I mean full-time insurance agents, not those “pariah” part-time agents. They’re useless and a waste of your time and money.
Just like what I've told to one of my close mates, Mr V is good to be a friend, but when it comes to business wise, it’s best to stay away from him in any circumstances, based on what I’ve “encountered” so far.
Owh well, since the decision has been made. There’s no regret over it anymore. On a side note, my mate got a call from Mr V on the very same day that Mr V was suppose to meet me up, which was last Tuesday. I’ll tell you guys and girls more about it in my very next post.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned!
How It All Started
Part 1
Part 2
He’s suppose to meet me up on Tuesday (30June2009) to settle off the “dispute”. But as of the moment of this post, 08th July 2009, there’s not even a single call, nor sms from him to solve the ongoing issue of mine. It’s just a very simple task for him to do: Pass me the credit card auto-deduction form, me filling it up, sign on the dotted line, and him submitting it to his insurance agency for them to update the changes into their pathetic system, and that’s just about it.
But NO! He didn’t show up, nor did he send a simple sms to me on last Tuesday. Oh yeah. I forgot. He’s a “part-time” insurance agent. He has a day job to take care of. He must be busy then. Fair enough. I gave him a certain “grace period” for him to reach me to settle off the issue. It’s more than a week already. Shouldn’t be an insurance agent be aggressive/proactive in reaching out to his/her existing customers in case of anything, and I mean just about ANYTHING that his/her client requests?? In one way, it’s the time to perhaps offer more new products information to their clients, and also further build up the rapport between the agent and the client. But his actions clearly says otherwise: he has no action towards those small-time customers like me, who owned a policy that only requires me to pay him 150 bucks per month. Clearly I’m just a small fish in that big ocean of his clients then.
As a result, I’ve decided to talk to my other insurance agent, which has served me soooooo well since the day I purchased the insurance policy with him. I told him that fuck the MRTA thing. I just wanna cut-off my business relationship with Mr V and take back whatever that I’m entitled to.
Had a conversation with my existing agent couple of days back about this matter. He said he can help me to surrender this policy with Mr V without notifying Mr V. The cheque refund will be mailed directly to my house address. The policy will be cancelled couple of days later. Fine. Do it then. At the same time, since I’ma surrender my policy, I intend to purchase a totally different policy from my friend, be it saving or investment or whatever they wanna call it. Better do it like this rather than spend those extra funds unnecessary.
My agent said there is indeed one type of insurance policy which acts like a savings account similar to local financial institutions, but the returns are higher. If I choose to take up this policy, I will be getting the returns on the 2nd year, which is 50% of my total investment in a year. In lay-man terms, I’ll get the 50% return once every 2 years. How about that? Sounds great eh? Better than those offered by local financial institutions eh?? You might be asking this: What about the protection then? Since it’s a insurance policy as well? My agent told me this: If it’s a protection/life insurance plan, the protection/coverage will be higher than the returns. If it’s savings/investment type of insurance plan, then it would be the other way around, which means the returns will be higher, but the protection coverage will be a tad-bit lower. Then my agent further informed me that if I were to purchase 2 of these savings/ investments policies, then basically I will be getting the returns every single year, starting from the 2nd year of the first savings/investment policy. And all these will be calculated based on the date of purchase of the policies instead of the calendar years. Sounds interesting eh? Yeah. I’m still contemplating on this “offer” as of now.
Ok. Enough on this insurance stuff. For more information, please contact your respective insurance agents or agencies. I ain’t insurance agent. So post all your questions to the experts, and by ‘experts’ I mean full-time insurance agents, not those “pariah” part-time agents. They’re useless and a waste of your time and money.
Just like what I've told to one of my close mates, Mr V is good to be a friend, but when it comes to business wise, it’s best to stay away from him in any circumstances, based on what I’ve “encountered” so far.
Owh well, since the decision has been made. There’s no regret over it anymore. On a side note, my mate got a call from Mr V on the very same day that Mr V was suppose to meet me up, which was last Tuesday. I’ll tell you guys and girls more about it in my very next post.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Bye Bye Michael
Before I rant/write anything, I'd like to have a moment of silence, in memory of the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. For he has left this world on 25 June 2009, at the age of 50.
There. Thank you all very much for your co-operation on this. Below here is my favourite video/MTV that amazed me even further that he already had.
Nope, it's not "Thriller".
Nope, it's not "Black or White".
Nope, it's not "Smooth Criminal". Well, this one came close.
It's one of his live performances during 1995 MTV Music Video Awards. This is just 4 minutes out of the 15 full minutes of his performance in that show. It's the combination of the song "Smooth Criminal" and "Dangerous". Enjoy it!
There. Thank you all very much for your co-operation on this. Below here is my favourite video/MTV that amazed me even further that he already had.
Nope, it's not "Thriller".
Nope, it's not "Black or White".
Nope, it's not "Smooth Criminal". Well, this one came close.
It's one of his live performances during 1995 MTV Music Video Awards. This is just 4 minutes out of the 15 full minutes of his performance in that show. It's the combination of the song "Smooth Criminal" and "Dangerous". Enjoy it!
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