As per my previous entry., my boss has given me the nod to proceed and train up the joker-newbie to my current department, in return of me moving to the opposite direction.
That’s what I was doing for the whole duration of my absence here. Ain’t too sure why I spread the whole schedule upto a month, but then again, the boss & the supervisor have no fucking clue on what the schedule is all about and blindly accepted it, hence the training was underway the very Monday after this swapping proposal was panned out to both of them in the meeting between the 3 of us.
I wouldn’t say it’s the most enjoying 1 month in current department, ‘cos it’s been a fun ride throughout the months I’m with the existing team, eventhough with the fact that I was moved to different workstation for a few times, like a nomad. This team, I’ll forever love you guys deep in my heart.
It’s not something new for me to train up newbies. In short, the training is split up to 2 weeks of system and logical training, whilst the remaining 2 weeks are all on practical, as in the newbie is taking up the phone calls and I’ll be sitting right next to him, giving him guidance as and when appropriate. Everything went well. It’s just a matter of his call skill that needs to be brushed up a wee bit, which I intend to brief him up on the last week of training, which happens to be couple of days back. But he was on leave, so be it. My task is done. I’ve delivered what they wanted. Call skill is not something that you can force it outta some individual. It’ll emerge as times go by. No point forcing the individual on the same shit of call skill daily. If an individual can’t do it, perhaps just give him/her some time, time will tell. But in terms of job knowledge, I think this newbie is more than equipped to do stuff on his own, despite some system access problem, which never got solved for as long as he’s here since May. What the fuck are they doing?!?! Goddamnit!

Lotsa things happen throughout this past month. Another one has left us in pursuit of own interest. After more than half decade in current company, the time has come to get outta current job scope in search of something fresh outside. A new world awaits, new challenges beckon. Good luck to you! You know who you are. Love you always as well! Can’t thank you much for dragging me back here and reunite with you guys. Really. I’m still your slave as always, summon me as and when you need me, I shall be there in a blink of an eye at your command.
Tomorrow will be my first day of training for the department that I’m swapping into. This training will be for duration of 2 weeks. Yes. U saw that rite. 2 fucking weeks. How great is that. And here I thought I’ll be given a training duration of a month, just like that newbie. Hmmm..Ahh well...I’m god, literally. At least the rest think that I am.
Meh. 2 weeks of training, after so long. Another dosage of training. Hope I can last that 2 weeks awake during training.
A footie match involving my favourite team is comin’ up in less than 10 minutes, that’s all for this short post. I’ll post a conspiracy theory in my next post. So stay tuned til then. Adios!
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