As you all by now, today is my first day of training on the department that I’m going into. Nothing much to complain on the training. Training resume as normal with my beloved trainer. Yeah, I know I know. I was a tad-bit late, (as usual =P) but hey, nobody’s perfect.
Halfway through of training, my trainer receives an email from manager requesting both of us to attend a meeting at 1030am later. Great. This email was timed at 1010am. Talk about tight schedule.
Time comes. Gotten my ass into the meeting room. All supervisory level people are in there. My manager is in there ‘cos he is chairing this meeting, and of course another manager from the other floor. Remember about a bitch that I posted up few posts back last month? In case you forgot, please revisit that post over here => 12th Day . Just scroll down to 1 paragraph right before the diagram with colored dots. It’s just an intro to how bitchy this bitch can be.
Here’s how it all started. The vice president of our centre is coming down from oversea to have a meeting, together with couple of top management people. In short, big shots high up there are coming to town. We gotta prepare something. My new manager happens to be a close friend with vice president for at least 3 years. Hence, he’s having loads of ideas to be presented to the vice president, and this meeting is all about getting the opinions from the teams respectively on what are the to-dos and not-to-dos during the presentation. You got the drill by now. Please see below diagram for better understanding of the in-depth illustration of today’s rant.
black dot (right) - bitch's underling/pen-pointing bitch
big purple dot - my manager
big purple dot - my manager
other colored dots - departmental representatives
There are few departments that are under these 2 managers’ supervisions. Each department will have their own poster, coupled with key points to be presented to VP on this coming Wednesday. However, prior to that, discussions must be held to gather opinions and hopefully gathering thoughts on any improvements/reduction of information onto the posters.
The meeting was scheduled to be 1 hour. Because of this bitch, it dragged on for fucking 1.5 hours. Just because she wants it everything in accordance to what she has uttered out from her fucking stinking mouth. The moment the meeting starts, she hardly closes her fucking mouth. Eventhough she looks kinda dreamy due to no makeup on her fugly face, her ever-messy hair is like buncha weed at the roadside. How on earth can a manager of a department can be that messy in terms of her outlook Is really beyond anyone’s imagination. My apologies. Don't both imagine it. Doesn't worth your precious time. Let's move the fuck on.
She just has got to open her fucking mouth for each and single posters that is being projected on the screen. Loads of comments coming out of her mouth. My manager is a kind man. He knows when and how to fight back. From what I think, he’s just pacifying her, to make her shut the fuck up. Little does this bitch know that all these posters are the hard work of my manager. I bumped into him on one fine Saturday, (or was it Sunday? Let’s skip the details. ‘twas a weekend for sure. I swear on my life.) he was doing these posters at his desk. He was designing it, putting the words, the key point etc etc. He then gathered the inputs from all the supervisors on things to be uploaded on the posters. After all said and done, only then these posters were put up for further discussions.
All this bitch did thus far, was just condemning, criticizing, bombarding with stuff that none of us know what the fuck is she babbling and talking about towards my manager. The whole room was just filled with her fucking irritating, filthy, stinking, annoying, maddening, fucking words-can’t-describe voice. How I wish I can get the fuck outta that room after she criticize the posters of my department. (My supervisor, Motivator called in sick today. That’s why I was in meeting). She knows nuts on how things work in my department, so don’t you fucking run your bothersome mouth on some fictional facts on it with general idea that you’ve got somewhere else. I was fuming when she asked me on some unrelated stuff to that posters, upto a certain point I almost slam on the table. Fucking bitch. Don’t fuck with me!
On a sidenote, remember the underling that always follow this bitch’s tail wherever this bitch goes? If you don't, please read back the link above to have a "better understanding". She not much better. I think she caught the notion that I fucking hate her a lot, she dare not utter a word when the poster is about my department. But one thing I hated about this underling during the meeting was that she keeps on pointing her pen to the speaker (ok, speaker = person who speaks, not that speaker system. Got it?) whenever she responds to a particular statement.
Now, I don’t know if all you readers aware of this fact, but this is one thing you should know whenever you’re attending a meeting: Never, EVER FUCKING point something towards anyone in the meeting! Be it a pen, your fucking finger or just about anything! The only thing you can use to point at anyone in the meeting is your fucking THUMB! It’s fucking rude to point anyone using anything but your bloody FUCKING THUMB your parents gives you. There’s a reason why the one up there gives you 10 fingers! Not 9, not 6, not any other numbers but 10! A fucking 10 fingers. 5-a-side. Each has it’s own function. So use it properly. If not, please cut if off and go die please!

I noticed the pen-pointing action from this underling throughout the whole meeting. She’s lucky that she didn’t do that to me. I was just waiting for the right time for me to retaliate and say:
"Please move your pen away from me. It is very rude to point at someone using a pen in a meeting. Don’t you know that? You’re a supervisor. You should know this simple rule."
But, Lady Luck seems to be with her at that hour. She never says a word when the discussion is about my department. Damnit!
The whole 1.5 hours is just full with debates between the 2 managers. The rest are just nodding their heads. Who dares to go against something said by a manager? All we do is just wishing for the session to be over ASAP and get the fuck outta the room and get on with our daily work.

My supervisor, Motivator is coming back tomorrow. I’m gonna discuss with him on this presentation piece of work, and work from there. My training will starts at 9am for this whole week. He should be in 2 hours before my training starts. I shall manage it.
Presentation? What presentation? Piece of cake.
Till then. I will not let this bitch’s stupid behavior dampens my mood for the rest of the week. Mainly because my favourite footie team just beaten our arch rivals last nite. I’m curing my pimples now ‘cos of the after-match effects, insomnia. Hahaha.
I shall be back with the conspiracy theory of mine that I wrote on my previous post yesterday.
Stay tuned.
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