Can’t stand the pain of waiting?? Maybe you might wanna consider starting one blog similar like mine then? I know I know…
“No time.”
“Not interested”
“Not interested”
“Don’t feel like typing so many words after typing for the whole day long in office”
blah blah blah…..
Yea, those are pretty much the lame excuses that normally bomb into my ears when I asked them to write something like this. Like a journal entry, or perhaps like a diary, in digital style. You buncha useless, lazy marthaphuackers. But does that make me a hardworking person by typing so much throughout the years? Nope. Does that make me a gossip monger by featuring in this space? Nop-, ok...maybe, just.
Right enough of rubbish talkin’. Lemme recap of my last post *reading back last blog entry in a glance*. It’s been half a month since my last post. Right. It’s my blog. I’ll post whenever I want and I shall not succumb to any threat, in any means, in any circumstances.
Seems like there are silent readers, which doesn’t post up any comments in here. Scare? I don’t know. Lazy? Maybe. Read and Close the browser? Most likely. Ahh well, I know who came in here and when and how. So, I know who you are. Deep down inside, thanks for visiting this filthy blog of mine.
Now, moment of truth. The title in previous post was “92”, which ultimately represents the amount of days that Motivator has survive in our workplace since late April.
“See? I told ya?
“I know already laaa, stupid.”
“I know already laaa, stupid.”
The above are the possible reply that I might expect from my fellow readers. Meh. Thought so. You might be asking how did I come up with this figure? What am I trying to prove by keeping track of his tenure in here? Well. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. I am myself. I’ll do whatever I want in here. I am King in here. Like the local people here says,
“If you don’t like it, get the fuck outta here!”
Motivator is doing fine, at least from my stupid opinion that is. I ain’t too sure how’s he doing in other people’s view. But after a meeting with couple of managers earlier today, I think I might wanna retract my opinion on that already. I shall elaborate further on that shortly.
And I betcha stil remember that newbie that join another department, which is “highly recommended” by Motivator and was claimed by him as “very fast learner”. Well, seems to me he’s “very fast” in getting himself fucked by all workmates in his division. Imagine this, you’re a newbie. After 1 month of classroom training. You should have your notes ready on your job. Came outta classroom, anything you don’t know, you should ask around, write it down in your fucking 200 pages thick note book, supplied by company, and remember it, and refer to that note book, as if your life depends on it. But this fucking moron kept on asking the same questions over and over and over and over and over again. Put yourself into the senior shoes, if I come to you and ask a simple question which has been taught back in the classroom, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, on a daily basis, for a duration of at least 1 month now, what will you response/do?
“Where’s your fucking notes? Where were you in the training? I told you trillions time already, didn’t you note it down?”
And my favourite quote from a mate of mine back in my previous employer:
“Howwwwwww many fucking times do you want me to tell youuuuuuuuu?”
This situation has arisen since earlier last month, and it’s still ongoing at time of this post. Seriously, deep down inside, as I always say in office, please go die.
Right. So much so on the newbie. Back to hot topic, Motivator.
I was scheduled for a meeting with 3 managers, with Motivator and another person ranked sameas him on some ongoing issue that needs to be ironed out in an effort to smoother the process. Went into the room, first thing I hear was this bitch manager make a big hoo-haa on the air-con being too cold, but she didn’t bring anything extra to wear on ie. Shoal, jacket etc etc. This debate went for a good 5 minutes just for her wanting to get another room that is not too freezing. Stupid bitch! A good 5 minutes gone. Sat down, owh!!! Just remember, here’s a simple diagram on the seating in that meeting.
black dot [right]: bitch
black dot [left]: underling + laptop + speakers
pink + red dots: 2 managers
green dot: me
yellow dot: Motivator
pink + red dots: 2 managers
green dot: me
yellow dot: Motivator
That bitch basically went on and on about the process and how this other managers should assist them in coming up with a call script to ease the burden of their agents in case same event were to ever occur again moving forward. Then she even asked her underling to play a recorded call specifically to address their concern. That call lasted for about 5-7 minutes, which was then escalated from the agent to the underling.
Be realistic guys, that bitch & the underling are both working in a call centre division. The other 2 managers are in an entire different, not dealing directly with clients on a daily basis, but more on the back office role in that sense. Ain’t going much details on this, but the fact is that if any of your agent is unable to cope with that, and you require help from other non-call-centre division, it just go on to prove that there’s something wrong with your management, your skill, and those underneath will be no better. In short, your division is shit. How can a call centre environment be requesting help from other division instead of people within the division? What a fucking waste of my time. That debate alone went on for another 1 hour, just for that. Fucking bitch. Her underling is not much better at all. She knows jackshit, I hate seeing her face. It just makes me wanna puke right in front of her whenever I see her fuck face passes by. All my appetite will be gone in an instance.
Fair enough.
Time for motivator and my turn to speak on some concern to the managers, and I thought Motivator is suppose to have something up his sleeves that he wanna address it, but…but…but….he turn his face to me and said:
“I’ll pass this on over to you. Go ahead.”

Seriously. That’s all he gotta say?!?!?! I wonder what is he doing in all those meetings/briefings that he has been through since the day he was here. Tryin’ to be a clown for us?? Please, you’re makin’ a fool outta it. The 2 divisions under Motivator’s helm can survive without him, I’m confident of that. As of this post, he’s on his 108th day in our department tomorrow. He’s living on borrowed time? I think so. Is he gonna die like that newbie? No, but eventually maybe. Not now, but again, my conscience inside tells me the below:

Anyhow, I was doing all the talking for my division in terms of the concern that we have. Well, there’s not much concern from our end here ‘cos we don’t deal with the 2 managers’ team that often, even if there are cases involving their teams, my department is very capable of closing the call from our end. That’s the confident that I have on the team.
Ahh, there there. The latest rant is out, for that some one that is travelling oversea now, please enjoy your holiday and stop hassling me for posting entry in this space every other day. I’ll do it when I feel like doing it. If there’s no entry in here, means everything is good from me, at the very least. The situation today just really gets on my nerve and I need to put aside my “Lost” drama series marathon project and my Starcraft 2 journey to post this one up.
Are bitches that are not “well-fertilised” always behave like bitches, so that they can take out the “frustration” in them onto the others in workplace?
Bloody bitches!
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