A workmate just threw the "ultimate letter" last week. Yeah. Reason behind? ‘twas a stupid reason to start with. Ain’t going in depth on this one, since this workmate of mine has made the decision, just let it be. We’re all adults now, one should be responsible for whatever decisions that he/she make in life. All I can say is good luck in your future undertaking, in case you’re reading this.
Ain’t no time for complaining/ranting now. Since this workmate has decided to “move on”, the position Is now vacant. Just had a word with both my manager & Motivator yesterday, apparently they’re opening up the position for those who are interested in applying for the vacancy. Whoever it is, good luck.
Tonite is gonna be some tale of the pictures, just to share with you lots.
This mug above is a gift, well, not exactly a gift. It’s more of a complimentary mug after we purchased the meal on promotion on that day. Reason why I post this one up is because of the uniqueness of the mug design. C’mon, I’m no artist or the likes of it but this one really caught my eyes. Hence it’s up here.
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. The whole office was brimming with the air of love. Outta nowhere we were supposed to participate in this Valentine’s Day gift exchange event. Seriously, why would one wanna do that?! I'm already pissed with the whole idea of this Valen-fucking-tine Day being created/invented at the first place. I'm further incensed by the fact that I hafta buy gift(s) and giving out V-Day gift to someone you have no intimate feelings with, aside from professionally being “engaged” with ‘em all. Not that I’m being a party blooper or anti-social kinda bastard but this kinda stuff is meant to be done individually, showing your feeling by exchanging gifts on a V-Day really, really got me scratching my head. Here’s how it goes:
You gotta pick a name outta the bowl which contains lotsa names being cut into small pieces. Right, you got yourself a “valentine” to express your feelings with a gift. Sounds stupid on a V-Day? Yeah. It does. Whoever that came up with this gift exchange idea on a V-Day is really a no brainer. If it’s on a Christmas season, yes, I can understand that but to do that on a Vale-fucking-tine’s Day?! Seriously, better just scrap the idea. It’s just retarded. No one in the whole wide world will be doing a gift exchange on a Valen-fucking-tine’s Day.
Then again, everyone seems so keen onto this gift exchange thing. I had no choice but to ask one of my workmate to go down and get the cheapest gift available that strikes his eyes. There. Found it. A stupid cup, designed just for this occasion, got the gift, unwrapped, and I handed it over to the event organizer. There, my “job” is done. And in return, I got my V-Day’s gift. See below
It’s a set of Chinese chess In case you’re wondering what the fuck is this weird looking square box is. Took me sometime to open up the box. Thanks very much to the sender, whoever you are. But I gotta tell you this: where did you dig up this old box? It looked as if it’s being used time and again, or it’s been deserted at some corner or underneath your bed/closet for ages. It’s dusty, that’s why.
Irregardless, I opened it and had a go with another workmate of mine at work. Don't believe me?? See picture below again.
Today is public holiday for my country. I was supposed to be working, but I requested from Motivator that I needed a time-off as I’ve been working since the turn of the year without any break on weekdays. Request granted after much negotiations. Had a nice, and comfy day off without worrying anything, whilst doing absolutely nothing at home. Finish up some long overdue dramas and movies along the way. There. That’s what have been happening recently with me. No ranting, just some happy stuff. At least for me.
who da hell created "Valentine’s Day gift exchange event"....i onli kno x'mas gift exchange...