Rite. It’s public holidays herein my country I’m living in. public holidays without traffic. Therefore basement parking down in my office area cost us exactly 1 buck, which is the cheapest in town for an office area. Yeah, but basement parking only operates at 7am. For the poor me that start work at 2hours before, I’ll need to park my car elsewhere near office vicinity. When the clock hits 7am, I’ll need to get down to retrieve my vehicle and drive it into the basement parking.
You might wondering what the fuck am I mumbling about this kinda stuff on a public holiday. Heck, it’s my blog. Just read on, it’ll relates to the sole purpose of this entry. Trust me on this. I’ll never lie, EVER!
As I mentioned earlier, it’s public holiday for 2 consecutive days. The normal spot that my colleagues get their breakfast is not open. Hence, we’ll be starving to death without food. Being a kind person that I am, and always be, I offered to get ‘em breakfast whilst getting my car at a nearby restaurant which operates 24/7. Got the orders from workmates ready, off I go with another mate to buy those breakfast.
Head back to office with food, food, and nothing but food. Started to segregate the breakfast according to their requests.
Then, came a voice saying:
"Ei, why my breakfast is not cut? I thought I told you to cut it?"
Hearing this, I was stunned. I in turn said:
"Huh? I don’t know. I’m just responsible in getting it for y’all. Whether cut or not, I really don’t have any idea."
She, yes. It’s a bloody “she” persisted she ordered the breakfast to be cut upon ordering.
"Jesus, I specifically asked you guys to have it cut but it’s not. It’s troublesome."
And then she went on and on and on about her breakfast not being cut for the next 5 minutes while I busy chomping down my own portion of breakfast, totally ignoring her.
For crying out loud, it’s just a bloody breakfast, why the fuck would you be so particular about it? Just fucking stuff it into your fucking black, stinky mouth and shut the fuck up, would ‘ya?
But no, she’s kept it on and on. No one seems to bother and even fucking care to what she’s been mumbling and complaining about.
Seriously. Cut or not cut, what’s the difference?
Just in case you wanna know the difference of the breakfast that she’s been so particular about. Here’re some “illustrations” to it.

This is un-cut version of it. In full, complete piece.
This is the cut version of it, with sauce ready in it.
There. The only difference, if you know what I mean.
To top it all off, the bitch who has been making all these complaints is the exact same bitch that was complaining about her breakfast budget which I posted up few entries prior to this one. You may go ahead and read the previous one over HERE.
1st, breakfast budget.
Now, this. Seriously, doesn’t she have anything better to do than complaining stuff that doesn’t go her way? And this is only just breakfast. What about things that happen in her life that doesn’t go her way? I‘m seriously feeling pity to her hubby already. Whining and complaining every single fucking thing that doesn’t go in accordance to her liking.
Meh. Fuck off!
On a sidenote, it’s been 3months now since the latest newbie in my new department has settled down. He’s slowly crawled into my “Wall of Shame” and “Ignore List” already, apart from Motivator & Dimwit. Perhaps I’ll do it the next time then. If I were to do it now in this very same entry, it will be time consuming for me to type, and for you to read on.
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