As promised. I'm back, after 20 days deserted this blog. (Well, kinda).
So, it’s chrismas time already, and that was 2 days ago, was it not?? *damn, still abit sober now* as promised I’ll “track-back” and post up some photos on my previous adventure with my own department. Goddamn! I know it’s way back in early December but hey, I’ve got work to do, and facebook applications to attend to. In addition to that, this ain’t a money-earning blog. So I will update it “as and when I see fit”.
Anyways, here goes. I'll give explanation with pictures on the step-by-step of my Sky-Trex adventure back on 05Dec2009, eh? Here goes.
First, easy. Just climb it up.
Sorry boss, gotta use your pictures for this one. It's too hard to resist. After climb up these 'stairs' made of PVC pipes, you've gotta cross this simple 'bridge', made by ermmm, woods.
Once you hit the 'station' where you stop & rest, another 'obstacle' awaits.
Swing like a tarzan to the net, grab onto the net on 2nd bounce, and pull yourself up to another station there.
Get the idea?? Good! Go around it, brace yourself for a flying-fox experience. Not sure what I'm on about?? Picture speaks more than words. Off you go!!
Fun eh??
Onto the next course of adventure after this rather easy steps. A 4-storey high of PVC pipes awaiting us to climb all the way up, up, up.
Yeap. 4-storey high of PVC pipes awaiting you. But of course, for those weak-hearted, those 'chicken' who wouldn't dare take this challenge, there's always a 'chicken exit' or the easy-way-out for you all. Now then, after the pipes, it's gonna be waltzing across the net. Easy rite?? Time take a breather while you can.
Right after that, please see pictures below, which is pretty much self-explanatory.
Yeap, as the name goes: "flying-fox"....flying here and there, with all the equipments attached to us, hard & tight, for security & safety measures.
This picture below is the very step, taken when we're constantly on 4-storey-height. Swinging around like bunch of monkeys. To be honest, even with all the equipments strapped around us, I still feel shiver down my spine when I'm about to do each of these 'stunt'.
Once the above flying stunt is over, comes the part I stuck for quite some time. See this picture below?? You think it's easy?? Feck off!! You try it, then you'll tell me it's freaking tough.
Those PVC pipes looked to be near to each other rite? But because of the fact that it kept on swinging, it makes things even tougher. You gotta catch the momentum of those pipes going, while stepping on it one foot at a time. DO NOT LET THE PIPES STOP SWINGING! That's my best advise to you. If it ever stops, you're gonna face a difficult task to move over to the very next pipe. I had to seek assistance from the locals there to gain back the momentum of those pipes. Basically, it's 2 hands on one pipe, and one foot on one pipe, at any one time. Stretch your leg out to grab that next pipe. If you know what I mean. As usual, talk is cheap. Wait till you go and try yourself. This is the part that really scare the shit outta me throughout the whole 2 hours+ of the adventure.
That's it. The rest of the course are pretty much similar, it's just of different heights. Owh, the entry for this thing??
For more information about this adventurous place, please go ahead to their official website at
That's all from the humble on this rather outdated departmental outing in my blog. Just thought of sharing it with you lots. It's rather good outdoor workout in my humble opinion.
Till then, I'll be back very, and I mean VERY soon!
My Life, part of me. Been in this industry since outta schooling days. Read on to check out some annoying, funny, interesting stuff that happens in the daily life of a call centre agent.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
What Happened?
Yea, it’s been almost 2 months now since I last update my blog. Think I’d forget this holy place of my rants, my complaints?? Fat chance. It’s just that I’m pretty tied up with lotsa stuff for the past 2 months, coupled with “few” outings organized by my department as well as by sports club which I enrolled myself into, and worth every single penny of it!!
Now then, onwards to my story during my “absence” in here, eh??
Let’s see, where shall I start…hmmm (scrambling through all my yet-to-upload photo album).
In a normal day life of call centre, we have the freedom ( well, not totally, but to a certain extent) to use our choice of words in communicating to our client, just as long as the other party doesn’t get offended, and they understand our intention, that’ll be fine. However, there’s this one counterpart of mine whose sits just right behind me used to say the word “grab” when it comes to getting the clients’ contact details for a follow-up later on. I think the manager that is sitting right next us (3 steps away from me and my mate, mind you) has heard lotsa times about this ‘grab’ words throughout a month or so, she finally can’t take it one fine day, she decided to drop this piece of post-it-note to my mate.
Lesson learnt guys, don’t use that word, ever again.
And then, there was this 2 days. 2 goddamn ‘memorable’ days since I joined this company. 2 days full of escalation calls. 2 full days of “can I speak to your manager”, “can I speak to your supervisor”. Seriously, why would they wanna speak with manager/supervisors when the answer that the clients will get is gonna be the exact same, except for it’s coming outta someone else’s mouth??
I’ve always have this impression that the first person to pick-up the call, will not be the one that has the empowerment to make decision. Don’t you agree?? Owh well, they want it, they got it. The next thing you know, “Boss! Escalation!”, “Boss! Your call!”, “Boss! He/she wants you!” and the likes of it. My boss was the busiest of us all on that 2 days. If whenever my boss is still engaged on the other line, best we, as an agent could do is to “grab” down the contact numbers and advised ‘em that my boss gonna return their shortly. Hmm, where did I hear this stuff before? Sounds familiar.
Oh yea, it was my birthday back in November, being a nice bunch of chaps that they are in my department, they bought me one nice banana-chocolate cake for the occasion. Not much celebration to be done seeing that ‘twas a weekday and I was on a call. It was a quiet one, but really appreciate what they’ve done on that. I’m touched, seriously.
3 days later, the lads decided to throw a party at nearby german pub within walking distance from our office after work. All I could say is that, “brilliant, bloody brilliant!”
First off, got myself a pint of Tetley, sweet taste. Then, got myself another one, this time around, a good big cuppa Hoegaarden. All in all, it was a crazy night, with the whole department gathered and have some fun, off work.
1 week later, got an invitation to celebrate a working mate’s birthday as well as her promotion to another department. This time around, it’s in Hard Rock CafĂ©. Yeah, the world renown brand. I’ve forgotten what I had that night, but I got a picture to show it though. Yeah, I know I know, it’s just a burger. But, I dare y’all to try this ladies and gentlemen, I can’t finish it at all!!!
Slowly, it became 5 towers.
At the end of the night, almost 12 of us finished off 8 towers of beers, and another bottle of Jack Daniel to top it all off. Hohoho, talk about party eh??
Another week has passed. Got another invitation to have a dinner with one of my favorite directors ever, who has left the current company to pursue other career opportunities. She’s the core to everything that is happening now in where I’m working now. For the 2nd time throughout this blog, I’ma mention a person name. Thank very much for everything, Shareen. I’ll never forget ya, for everything that you’ve done. ‘twas truly memorable on that dinner. Catching up old times, gossiping, talking bad about other people etc etc. Well, you know what it’s like when a bunch of old friends/mates meet up for dinner. Wanna know what we had on that night?? There were 10 of us, sharing this big “bowl” of stuff. Believe me, again, we can’t finish it. (Talk about wasteful eh??)
3 days later, our sports club committee organized a function at one of the clubs nearby. It was another blast as well. As always, all “beverages” are free of charge for those sports club committee members. Don’t believe me? Here are some photos. The stand-up comedians performing on that night were: Andrew (Host), Chris from UK, Akmal from the land down under, Australia, and last but not least, our very own Harith Iskandar himself, performing live!!!!
So much so for the event happened to me in the month of November. Quite “eventful” eh??
I just got back from a great ‘adventure’ on last Saturday, ending up with whole body aching. This is the outcome of no constant exercise. This event is organized by our little department. Before everything starts, one has gotta get yourself a pair of new gloves. Don't ever take those used gloves scattered in the buckets. It won't do you any good. Besides the new gloves will only cost you 3 bucks. What would you wanna save this kinda $$$??? Clueless on what I’m babbling about?? Check this site out over here => ladies and gentlemen, and you’ll have a clearer idea what I’m referring to.
THE glove
Trust me, it looks easy, but in the middle of the course, you’ll feel bloody exhausted and you can’t wait to get the fuck outta it ASAP. Well, that’s for me though. The whole quest took us about 2 hours to complete it. Don’t worry, some of you lots might be thinking “Is there any easy way out?”
Absolutely YESH!!!!! That’s the common people known it as “chicken exit”. Yea. It pretty much self-explanatory eh?? Well, ain’t gonna talk much on this ‘adventure’ that I’ve been through. Gonna leave it in my next post, complete with pictures.
Owh well, I'll leave it at that. Will be back for more. Hehehe..
Now then, onwards to my story during my “absence” in here, eh??
Let’s see, where shall I start…hmmm (scrambling through all my yet-to-upload photo album).
In a normal day life of call centre, we have the freedom ( well, not totally, but to a certain extent) to use our choice of words in communicating to our client, just as long as the other party doesn’t get offended, and they understand our intention, that’ll be fine. However, there’s this one counterpart of mine whose sits just right behind me used to say the word “grab” when it comes to getting the clients’ contact details for a follow-up later on. I think the manager that is sitting right next us (3 steps away from me and my mate, mind you) has heard lotsa times about this ‘grab’ words throughout a month or so, she finally can’t take it one fine day, she decided to drop this piece of post-it-note to my mate.
"Dont use grab ur name, sounds very unprofessional."
Lesson learnt guys, don’t use that word, ever again.
And then, there was this 2 days. 2 goddamn ‘memorable’ days since I joined this company. 2 days full of escalation calls. 2 full days of “can I speak to your manager”, “can I speak to your supervisor”. Seriously, why would they wanna speak with manager/supervisors when the answer that the clients will get is gonna be the exact same, except for it’s coming outta someone else’s mouth??
I’ve always have this impression that the first person to pick-up the call, will not be the one that has the empowerment to make decision. Don’t you agree?? Owh well, they want it, they got it. The next thing you know, “Boss! Escalation!”, “Boss! Your call!”, “Boss! He/she wants you!” and the likes of it. My boss was the busiest of us all on that 2 days. If whenever my boss is still engaged on the other line, best we, as an agent could do is to “grab” down the contact numbers and advised ‘em that my boss gonna return their shortly. Hmm, where did I hear this stuff before? Sounds familiar.
Oh yea, it was my birthday back in November, being a nice bunch of chaps that they are in my department, they bought me one nice banana-chocolate cake for the occasion. Not much celebration to be done seeing that ‘twas a weekday and I was on a call. It was a quiet one, but really appreciate what they’ve done on that. I’m touched, seriously.
3 days later, the lads decided to throw a party at nearby german pub within walking distance from our office after work. All I could say is that, “brilliant, bloody brilliant!”
First off, got myself a pint of Tetley, sweet taste. Then, got myself another one, this time around, a good big cuppa Hoegaarden. All in all, it was a crazy night, with the whole department gathered and have some fun, off work.
"1 pinr of Tetley"
Left - Hoegaarden; Right - German stout
1 week later, got an invitation to celebrate a working mate’s birthday as well as her promotion to another department. This time around, it’s in Hard Rock CafĂ©. Yeah, the world renown brand. I’ve forgotten what I had that night, but I got a picture to show it though. Yeah, I know I know, it’s just a burger. But, I dare y’all to try this ladies and gentlemen, I can’t finish it at all!!!
My Dinner
What is Hard Rock without some “drinks” eh?? Here’s the beginning of it all, 4 ‘towers’ of beers waiting behind me. Well, it’s sorta 'parked' where I sat on that night.Slowly, it became 5 towers.
At the end of the night, almost 12 of us finished off 8 towers of beers, and another bottle of Jack Daniel to top it all off. Hohoho, talk about party eh??
Another week has passed. Got another invitation to have a dinner with one of my favorite directors ever, who has left the current company to pursue other career opportunities. She’s the core to everything that is happening now in where I’m working now. For the 2nd time throughout this blog, I’ma mention a person name. Thank very much for everything, Shareen. I’ll never forget ya, for everything that you’ve done. ‘twas truly memorable on that dinner. Catching up old times, gossiping, talking bad about other people etc etc. Well, you know what it’s like when a bunch of old friends/mates meet up for dinner. Wanna know what we had on that night?? There were 10 of us, sharing this big “bowl” of stuff. Believe me, again, we can’t finish it. (Talk about wasteful eh??)
3 days later, our sports club committee organized a function at one of the clubs nearby. It was another blast as well. As always, all “beverages” are free of charge for those sports club committee members. Don’t believe me? Here are some photos. The stand-up comedians performing on that night were: Andrew (Host), Chris from UK, Akmal from the land down under, Australia, and last but not least, our very own Harith Iskandar himself, performing live!!!!
So much so for the event happened to me in the month of November. Quite “eventful” eh??
I just got back from a great ‘adventure’ on last Saturday, ending up with whole body aching. This is the outcome of no constant exercise. This event is organized by our little department. Before everything starts, one has gotta get yourself a pair of new gloves. Don't ever take those used gloves scattered in the buckets. It won't do you any good. Besides the new gloves will only cost you 3 bucks. What would you wanna save this kinda $$$??? Clueless on what I’m babbling about?? Check this site out over here => ladies and gentlemen, and you’ll have a clearer idea what I’m referring to.
Trust me, it looks easy, but in the middle of the course, you’ll feel bloody exhausted and you can’t wait to get the fuck outta it ASAP. Well, that’s for me though. The whole quest took us about 2 hours to complete it. Don’t worry, some of you lots might be thinking “Is there any easy way out?”
Absolutely YESH!!!!! That’s the common people known it as “chicken exit”. Yea. It pretty much self-explanatory eh?? Well, ain’t gonna talk much on this ‘adventure’ that I’ve been through. Gonna leave it in my next post, complete with pictures.
Owh well, I'll leave it at that. Will be back for more. Hehehe..
Monday, October 12, 2009
"Some Concern" - End/ Weekend's Life
So, it’s Monday again. A dreadful day for all working class people. It’s mainly because it’s the first day of the week, and it feels like an awful long period away to weekend, even though weekend has just passes us by yesterday. Human, we’re never satisfied with absolutely anything.
Here’s a lowdown of what has transpired after my last post.
Remember my email communication tool difficulties that I faced last week? Apparently it was solved on Friday. But, yes, there’s always a “but”…..there’s a story behind. So , the retarded IT nerd sent an email to my boss to seek assistance [finally], and only to find that there’s something wrong with my ID setup with the tool. The email was out to my boss on Thursday. My boss did something onto it, he told me that it’ll all depends the response from the department that deals with ID issue. Expected response time ranges from 24 hours to 48 hours. Since it’s already Thursday evening when the email reply was out from my boss, so I was expecting the issue to be resolved at least next Monday.
But, waddaya know, Friday morning. I had a rush to test it out myself once I reached the office around 530 in the morning. So happen that he’s in early. To my surprise, I was able to access to an entirely different setup screen, which enables me to at least have a glance at my inbox. Therefore, I asked my boss to come over my place and had a look at it. After a few tweaks here and there, VOILA!!! It’s up and running bay-beh!!! My email communication tool is up and running!!!!!
The IT nerd came to me around lunch time, just to check how things are going on with my issue. I told him that it’s all been solved, and then he walked away. Talk about humiliation eh?? We did it without his help. All he did was just send an email out to my boss to check. When I was discussing this with my boss today, he and I agreed on one thing: both of us can replace the nerd to be a part time pc technician in our department.
Anyways, with my email tool up and running on Friday morning, I was the bloody busiest employee around the office. When it’s almost lunch time, I virtually replied and sent all the necessary information out to relevant division already. Took me almost 4-5 hours to clear all those stuff.
Finally, the long awaited weekend has arrived. Took my own sweet time to get up from bed around 10-ish in the morning. I was struggling in making a decision whether to attend 2 parties at the same nite, or shall I be skipping one, attend the other. After much brain-damaged, consideration, I’ve decided to do the latter. To the other party that I skipped, my sincere apologies for that. Hope that I can make it up to you in due time. I promised.
Had a fabulous nite, reached home around 3 in the morning, not drunk……..yet. but only to remember that I got an outing on the very next day, Sunday.
Got up around 9-ish in the morning again, which means I only had a good 6 hours of sleep. Rolled on my bed for 2 hours, couldn’t continue my sleep due to a certain ‘disturbance’ right below my house. Bloody retarded foreign immigrant. Went to pick up my friend and we went for some window shopping session in downtown. Surprisingly, for a weekend like yesterday, there weren’t any traffic jam around downtown area, the crowd were lesser compare to normal weekend. Then my friend told me that the ‘kids’ are having their exams and hence the lesser crowd as well as traffic in downtown. Hmm, no wonder this friend of mine chose to go downtown today.
Anyways, we walked till evening beckons and we were seeking some ‘replenishment’. Yea. Hunger strikes. Both of us went and had some local delicacies “dim-sum”. Damn ‘twas a while since I had these stuff.
Reached home around 9 in the evening. After all the walking and eating and walking, I thought that I can take a shower and slumber into dreamland straight. But that was not what I thought it would be. I ended up slept at 1230 midnite, whilst my friend only fell asleep at 4 in the morning. Don’t ask me why, I have no freakin’ idea as well.
Today, is another lazy day. Both bosses were not around in the office, which ultimately gives us the liberty of ‘relaxing’ while working the whole day. I don’t why, but something about today that doesn’t make people feels like working. Nope, it has nothing to do with today being Monday et al but there IS something. Words can’t describe it.
Anyways, that’s all for now. Perhaps next time I should resume the way I posted last time around ie more conversation between me and those callers eh??
Here’s a lowdown of what has transpired after my last post.
Remember my email communication tool difficulties that I faced last week? Apparently it was solved on Friday. But, yes, there’s always a “but”…..there’s a story behind. So , the retarded IT nerd sent an email to my boss to seek assistance [finally], and only to find that there’s something wrong with my ID setup with the tool. The email was out to my boss on Thursday. My boss did something onto it, he told me that it’ll all depends the response from the department that deals with ID issue. Expected response time ranges from 24 hours to 48 hours. Since it’s already Thursday evening when the email reply was out from my boss, so I was expecting the issue to be resolved at least next Monday.
But, waddaya know, Friday morning. I had a rush to test it out myself once I reached the office around 530 in the morning. So happen that he’s in early. To my surprise, I was able to access to an entirely different setup screen, which enables me to at least have a glance at my inbox. Therefore, I asked my boss to come over my place and had a look at it. After a few tweaks here and there, VOILA!!! It’s up and running bay-beh!!! My email communication tool is up and running!!!!!
The IT nerd came to me around lunch time, just to check how things are going on with my issue. I told him that it’s all been solved, and then he walked away. Talk about humiliation eh?? We did it without his help. All he did was just send an email out to my boss to check. When I was discussing this with my boss today, he and I agreed on one thing: both of us can replace the nerd to be a part time pc technician in our department.
Anyways, with my email tool up and running on Friday morning, I was the bloody busiest employee around the office. When it’s almost lunch time, I virtually replied and sent all the necessary information out to relevant division already. Took me almost 4-5 hours to clear all those stuff.
Finally, the long awaited weekend has arrived. Took my own sweet time to get up from bed around 10-ish in the morning. I was struggling in making a decision whether to attend 2 parties at the same nite, or shall I be skipping one, attend the other. After much brain-damaged, consideration, I’ve decided to do the latter. To the other party that I skipped, my sincere apologies for that. Hope that I can make it up to you in due time. I promised.
Had a fabulous nite, reached home around 3 in the morning, not drunk……..yet. but only to remember that I got an outing on the very next day, Sunday.
Got up around 9-ish in the morning again, which means I only had a good 6 hours of sleep. Rolled on my bed for 2 hours, couldn’t continue my sleep due to a certain ‘disturbance’ right below my house. Bloody retarded foreign immigrant. Went to pick up my friend and we went for some window shopping session in downtown. Surprisingly, for a weekend like yesterday, there weren’t any traffic jam around downtown area, the crowd were lesser compare to normal weekend. Then my friend told me that the ‘kids’ are having their exams and hence the lesser crowd as well as traffic in downtown. Hmm, no wonder this friend of mine chose to go downtown today.
Anyways, we walked till evening beckons and we were seeking some ‘replenishment’. Yea. Hunger strikes. Both of us went and had some local delicacies “dim-sum”. Damn ‘twas a while since I had these stuff.
sample only, we didn't eat that much laaa...
Reached home around 9 in the evening. After all the walking and eating and walking, I thought that I can take a shower and slumber into dreamland straight. But that was not what I thought it would be. I ended up slept at 1230 midnite, whilst my friend only fell asleep at 4 in the morning. Don’t ask me why, I have no freakin’ idea as well.
Today, is another lazy day. Both bosses were not around in the office, which ultimately gives us the liberty of ‘relaxing’ while working the whole day. I don’t why, but something about today that doesn’t make people feels like working. Nope, it has nothing to do with today being Monday et al but there IS something. Words can’t describe it.
Anyways, that’s all for now. Perhaps next time I should resume the way I posted last time around ie more conversation between me and those callers eh??
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
"Some Concern"
Day 3 into my new 530am working shift, fucking one week of me without the email communication tool! Wanna know the whole story?? Here you go.
Last Tuesday, everything was smooth as silk in terms of everything, and I mean EVERY-FUCKING-THING! Then come Wednesday, I was still scheduled to report into work at 6 in the morning. Due to the fact that I’m currently having my VERY OWN DESK, normally I will just lock my computer desktop when I leave the office for the day. Like I said, everything was effing fine on Tuesday noon.
Got into the office before 6am, turn on my personal computer, wanna access to my email system to read through any news. Only to find out that I’m unauthorized to access to the server that I was using perfectly, PERFECTLY FINE on Tuesday. So happened that my senior was around to assist, but he suggested me to go ahead and contact our helpdesk for further assistance.
Fair enough. Call the helpdesk. After a few troubleshooting here and there, the agent on the other line decided that she would have to raise this case for the local technician to come and have a look at my desktop to solve since it can’t be done over the phone. Right, I will be expecting someone from the IT division to visit me today to fix it.
Time passes real fast if you were to work shift like mine. It’s almost 1pm. The IT guy finally came. After abit checking here and there, and abit touch-ups here and there, he said that he’ll need to get back to me the next day for further remedies. Remember, this guy came on Wednesday.
So, the next day, unfortunately I was on medical and dizzy et al. Hence, he wouldn’t be able to do anything. Consider it a “holiday” for him then.
I was back on Friday. Again, that same IT guy came down around 1pm. Don’t ask me why the time, I’ve no fucking idea at all. He said that he tried contacting the country where the server that I’m attached to is residing, but apparently it’s that country’s public holiday. There you go, another day has gone.
Come weekend, and then Monday. He tried to fix it again. God knows what he did to my PC, it’s still unsolved, and then he said that he’ll have to go online while sitting at my desk, so that a remote-site engineer from the oversea country can do their stuff while the IT guy standing-by my desk. Still, failed, and it dragged to today, which the exact one week passes by. All my emails from customers, I’m unable to retrieve. All the emails that I wanna send out to solve cases, I’m unable to send. All the updates within my division, I have no fuckin’ idea at all unless notify by my workmates or my boss directly.
You might be thinking why haven’t I escalate it to my boss to have a “good look” at it?? Of fucking course I DID!!! But, there’s so little that he can do as even the IT people trying to close my case ASAP.
Tomorrow will be another day, Thursday. I wonder how long will these bugger drag on my case. I’m a computer literate as well, hmmm almost. But if my email tool has got authorization problem accessing the server, why on earth does the IT guy wanna re-install the whole application?? Does it even really help?? He claimed that he just wanna “eliminate” this possibility of the limited access is resulted from my pc instead of something else. Good lord. Common sense: if there’s a server access problem, even if you were to change the whole goddamn fucking computer will not change a single thing. It only has got one thing to do that is denying the access to the server, and that one thing is: ID…..Is he really that dumb? Or does he think that I’m dumb??
I wouldn’t know when will this problem be solved. But I’m very skeptical of it getting solved by end of this week.
To top it all off, this IT department stationed locally in our very own building is an outsourced company.
Some grunts n’ groans from the humble me.
Be back for more, will ya??
Last Tuesday, everything was smooth as silk in terms of everything, and I mean EVERY-FUCKING-THING! Then come Wednesday, I was still scheduled to report into work at 6 in the morning. Due to the fact that I’m currently having my VERY OWN DESK, normally I will just lock my computer desktop when I leave the office for the day. Like I said, everything was effing fine on Tuesday noon.
Got into the office before 6am, turn on my personal computer, wanna access to my email system to read through any news. Only to find out that I’m unauthorized to access to the server that I was using perfectly, PERFECTLY FINE on Tuesday. So happened that my senior was around to assist, but he suggested me to go ahead and contact our helpdesk for further assistance.
Fair enough. Call the helpdesk. After a few troubleshooting here and there, the agent on the other line decided that she would have to raise this case for the local technician to come and have a look at my desktop to solve since it can’t be done over the phone. Right, I will be expecting someone from the IT division to visit me today to fix it.
Time passes real fast if you were to work shift like mine. It’s almost 1pm. The IT guy finally came. After abit checking here and there, and abit touch-ups here and there, he said that he’ll need to get back to me the next day for further remedies. Remember, this guy came on Wednesday.
So, the next day, unfortunately I was on medical and dizzy et al. Hence, he wouldn’t be able to do anything. Consider it a “holiday” for him then.
I was back on Friday. Again, that same IT guy came down around 1pm. Don’t ask me why the time, I’ve no fucking idea at all. He said that he tried contacting the country where the server that I’m attached to is residing, but apparently it’s that country’s public holiday. There you go, another day has gone.
Come weekend, and then Monday. He tried to fix it again. God knows what he did to my PC, it’s still unsolved, and then he said that he’ll have to go online while sitting at my desk, so that a remote-site engineer from the oversea country can do their stuff while the IT guy standing-by my desk. Still, failed, and it dragged to today, which the exact one week passes by. All my emails from customers, I’m unable to retrieve. All the emails that I wanna send out to solve cases, I’m unable to send. All the updates within my division, I have no fuckin’ idea at all unless notify by my workmates or my boss directly.
You might be thinking why haven’t I escalate it to my boss to have a “good look” at it?? Of fucking course I DID!!! But, there’s so little that he can do as even the IT people trying to close my case ASAP.
Tomorrow will be another day, Thursday. I wonder how long will these bugger drag on my case. I’m a computer literate as well, hmmm almost. But if my email tool has got authorization problem accessing the server, why on earth does the IT guy wanna re-install the whole application?? Does it even really help?? He claimed that he just wanna “eliminate” this possibility of the limited access is resulted from my pc instead of something else. Good lord. Common sense: if there’s a server access problem, even if you were to change the whole goddamn fucking computer will not change a single thing. It only has got one thing to do that is denying the access to the server, and that one thing is: ID…..Is he really that dumb? Or does he think that I’m dumb??
I wouldn’t know when will this problem be solved. But I’m very skeptical of it getting solved by end of this week.
To top it all off, this IT department stationed locally in our very own building is an outsourced company.
Some grunts n’ groans from the humble me.
Be back for more, will ya??
Monday, October 5, 2009
Recently........[Part 2]
It’s been more than 2 weeks since I last wrote here. Yeah. I’ma busy person recently. Been out from the desk for quite an amount of time. Here’s a low-down from my last post.
So, one fine day. We, the newbies that just got outta training room decided to have one last gathering with the trainer, before we actually go on our own separate ways in different department. Hence the gang decided to dine in a restaurant located uphill somewhere south-east of my living area. Quite a nice environment I’d say, see pictures below on the view from the restaurant. Words can’t describe it. The breezing air, coupled with some hot dishes that the restaurant has to offer, absolute perfecto!
So, after some crazy session of dinner cum rubbish-talking. Second round of the nite beckons. We crashed our trainer’s house for some ‘wine-tasting’ session. Owh, forgot to mention, the few of us bought our trainer something as a token of appreciation. Guess what is it? See picture below.
We stayed till almost 3 in the morning, and lucky enough, none of us went drunk. We were able to reach home in one piece. Hallelujah!
Then, just last week. Got to know from my old folks that I have to turn up in some relative’s son’s wedding dinner. Gosh. Outta nowhere, I’ve no contact with ‘em, I don’t know who on earth are they, and now I gotta turn up for that?! In addition to that, my old folks said that relatives from all over the states are turning up, so there’s no exception this time around. Well well well, waddya know? This relative of mine seems to be some big shot, that catches the attention from all over the states. Reluctantly, I dragged my lazy ass to attend both functions ie. First was the nite before the actual wedding day, the second being the actual wedding dinner. ‘twas tough for me as all I can do is eat, drink, smile, nod my head and keep my mouth shut. My old folks will do all the talking, socializing while me sitting there, “entertaining” the elders. Another problem is, there’s this couple who came all the way from the land down under just to attend this wedding. They’ll always spend the nite at our house in the event if there’s any ‘function’ similar to this. Heck, the couple spent 2 nites with us, at our house, and I lost my ‘connection’ time. Sigh….the wedding was on Saturday, on the very same evening, my uncle from down-under suggested that we go for some “really” nice food, and I mean REALLY nice food, who people like me & my old folks probably will only get a hand, or rather a mouth on it once a lifetime.
So, Sunday it is. The “grand feast” beckons. Due to the fact that it’s a chinese restaurants, the menu I captured here with my phone cam is exactly what we had stuffed into our stomach on that evening. One day after we attended the wedding dinner. I need to apologize on this one here as I have no idea how on earth am I gonna translate the name of these dishes.
Here’re a couple pictures that worth showing you lots.
This one below here is sharkfin, sorry about the quality of the picture, I was trembling with joy & saliva dripping when I was taking this one.
This one right below here, is the ultimate abalone. ABA-EFFING-LONE!!!! There were altogether 11 of us, one abalone for each headcount. How much did it cost?? You do the math here.
After all these feasts, my dad went for a med-check, only to find out that his left shoulder has some tendon problem and he has to cut down all the ‘heave-duty’ food. Lucky that he stuffed it all in, before he went for med-check, or my mom will be nagging him whole nite long.
Couple of days later, I got down with fever. The funny thing is, everything was A-O-K the nite before. I was suspecting because of the slight rain during I retrieve my car from my house to the car park. C’mon, it’s just less than 2minutes walk to get to my car. What harm would it have if I just run over to the car without an umbrella? But, god knows. I started to feel dizzy in office, feeling cold eventhough the whole office was warm. I know something is wrong with me already. I told me boss upfront that I might not be turning up tomorrow. He acknowledged it.
Went straight to the doc after work, only to know that I am really down with slight fever, at 38 degrees. Got myself some meds from the doc, lost 20 bucks in the process. Owh, ‘twas the same day that the the whole world is impacted with earthquake, flood, storms et al. talk about tragedy eh? Ah, now I remember, ‘twas last Thursday!
Friday comes, was informed by my boss that due to a change in time zone, 2 of us gotta come in to work at 530 in the morning, while the remaining 2 will be reporting in to work at 7am. I took the 530 shift, which will last for a month. But if any case that anyone of us wish to change it, we’re allowed to do that, just a simple notification one day in advance will do.
And that’s today. Woke up 4:40 in the morning, reached office around 5:10. Work like a dog, got to know that my so called lunch break/1hour break is scheduled at 9 in the morning. 9 IN THE MORNING!!! Everyone just arrived to work, but I’m already going out for my ‘lunch break’. Words can’t describe my feeling that time. All I can consume that time was just bread. A tuna bread + some egg bread, all packed in one bag. I’ll show you lots the picture tomorrow. “Escaped” from office at 2:40 in the afternoon, beaten all the bloody jam. Reached home around 3pm, and here I am, posting this one up.
Phew! Hope it’s not a long post for y’all to read. That’s it. A summary of my absence here recently. Gotta go prepare myself for some japanese anime marathon. Then will have to knock myself off to bed already, for I have to wake up around 4:30 in the morning to prepare to work, which starts at 5:30 in the morning!
Till next time.
So, one fine day. We, the newbies that just got outta training room decided to have one last gathering with the trainer, before we actually go on our own separate ways in different department. Hence the gang decided to dine in a restaurant located uphill somewhere south-east of my living area. Quite a nice environment I’d say, see pictures below on the view from the restaurant. Words can’t describe it. The breezing air, coupled with some hot dishes that the restaurant has to offer, absolute perfecto!
Another angle, well, more like another camera mode.
So, after some crazy session of dinner cum rubbish-talking. Second round of the nite beckons. We crashed our trainer’s house for some ‘wine-tasting’ session. Owh, forgot to mention, the few of us bought our trainer something as a token of appreciation. Guess what is it? See picture below.
and no, we didn't touch this wine on that nite.
We stayed till almost 3 in the morning, and lucky enough, none of us went drunk. We were able to reach home in one piece. Hallelujah!
Then, just last week. Got to know from my old folks that I have to turn up in some relative’s son’s wedding dinner. Gosh. Outta nowhere, I’ve no contact with ‘em, I don’t know who on earth are they, and now I gotta turn up for that?! In addition to that, my old folks said that relatives from all over the states are turning up, so there’s no exception this time around. Well well well, waddya know? This relative of mine seems to be some big shot, that catches the attention from all over the states. Reluctantly, I dragged my lazy ass to attend both functions ie. First was the nite before the actual wedding day, the second being the actual wedding dinner. ‘twas tough for me as all I can do is eat, drink, smile, nod my head and keep my mouth shut. My old folks will do all the talking, socializing while me sitting there, “entertaining” the elders. Another problem is, there’s this couple who came all the way from the land down under just to attend this wedding. They’ll always spend the nite at our house in the event if there’s any ‘function’ similar to this. Heck, the couple spent 2 nites with us, at our house, and I lost my ‘connection’ time. Sigh….the wedding was on Saturday, on the very same evening, my uncle from down-under suggested that we go for some “really” nice food, and I mean REALLY nice food, who people like me & my old folks probably will only get a hand, or rather a mouth on it once a lifetime.
So, Sunday it is. The “grand feast” beckons. Due to the fact that it’s a chinese restaurants, the menu I captured here with my phone cam is exactly what we had stuffed into our stomach on that evening. One day after we attended the wedding dinner. I need to apologize on this one here as I have no idea how on earth am I gonna translate the name of these dishes.
Here’re a couple pictures that worth showing you lots.
This one below here is sharkfin, sorry about the quality of the picture, I was trembling with joy & saliva dripping when I was taking this one.
This one right below here, is the ultimate abalone. ABA-EFFING-LONE!!!! There were altogether 11 of us, one abalone for each headcount. How much did it cost?? You do the math here.
After all these feasts, my dad went for a med-check, only to find out that his left shoulder has some tendon problem and he has to cut down all the ‘heave-duty’ food. Lucky that he stuffed it all in, before he went for med-check, or my mom will be nagging him whole nite long.
Couple of days later, I got down with fever. The funny thing is, everything was A-O-K the nite before. I was suspecting because of the slight rain during I retrieve my car from my house to the car park. C’mon, it’s just less than 2minutes walk to get to my car. What harm would it have if I just run over to the car without an umbrella? But, god knows. I started to feel dizzy in office, feeling cold eventhough the whole office was warm. I know something is wrong with me already. I told me boss upfront that I might not be turning up tomorrow. He acknowledged it.
Went straight to the doc after work, only to know that I am really down with slight fever, at 38 degrees. Got myself some meds from the doc, lost 20 bucks in the process. Owh, ‘twas the same day that the the whole world is impacted with earthquake, flood, storms et al. talk about tragedy eh? Ah, now I remember, ‘twas last Thursday!
Friday comes, was informed by my boss that due to a change in time zone, 2 of us gotta come in to work at 530 in the morning, while the remaining 2 will be reporting in to work at 7am. I took the 530 shift, which will last for a month. But if any case that anyone of us wish to change it, we’re allowed to do that, just a simple notification one day in advance will do.
And that’s today. Woke up 4:40 in the morning, reached office around 5:10. Work like a dog, got to know that my so called lunch break/1hour break is scheduled at 9 in the morning. 9 IN THE MORNING!!! Everyone just arrived to work, but I’m already going out for my ‘lunch break’. Words can’t describe my feeling that time. All I can consume that time was just bread. A tuna bread + some egg bread, all packed in one bag. I’ll show you lots the picture tomorrow. “Escaped” from office at 2:40 in the afternoon, beaten all the bloody jam. Reached home around 3pm, and here I am, posting this one up.
Phew! Hope it’s not a long post for y’all to read. That’s it. A summary of my absence here recently. Gotta go prepare myself for some japanese anime marathon. Then will have to knock myself off to bed already, for I have to wake up around 4:30 in the morning to prepare to work, which starts at 5:30 in the morning!
Till next time.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
4 days of Holidays - Ahhhhhhhhh
You guys must be wondering after the “Taking calls – Day 2”, where have I been?? Why no “Day 3”, “Day 4” and so forth? First off, on the 3rd day, after I got back from work, I was goddamn tired that I slept off around 8pm+.........Yea, freakin’ 8 in the evening, all the way till the next morning around 5. Talk about sleeping early eh?? When I woke up, without the assistance of any type of alarms that I have available in my bedroom, ‘twas just about nice time I get up to work, which happens to be 5 in the morning. After that, the rest of the day will be as usual. Nothing much peculiar stuff happens.
Come Thursday, same ol’ routine stuff, but due to the fact that I slept quite ‘well’ the day before, I have the ‘luxury’ of sleeping rather ‘late’. Late meaning around 10pm+. Yea. Those who knows me well enough that, this ain’t the OLD me that used to sleep goddamn late, or perhaps only start sleeping 3, even 4 in the morning. Aaahhhh, how things can change a person around eh??
Anyways, enough about job. Remember some time ago, in few of my previous posts, I blogged about a part-time insurance sales friend of mine, Mr V?? In case you have no fucking idea what I’m on about, here’s the link to the latest article that I’ve blogged about him, and inside this link, contains another 3 links which is all about him as well. Damn he’s ‘popular’ in my blog eh??
Thursday evening, just reached home from work. Got a call from a mate, close mate, asking me some details on one surgery that I had couple of years back, and he’s intending to go for one very soon. Here’s the conversation between me & my close mate.
M: me
D: my mate
M: Yo man, what’s the deal-ee-o??
D: Nah nothing much, been busy. Might be outta job soon.
M: Wha-----, you just got this job into this MNC couple of months back man. Wassap with that?
D: Don’t wanna talk about it. Times are bad. Anyway, d’you still remember the surgery you had couple of years back??
M: The one on my butt?? Yea, won’t forget that for the rest of my life.
D: I think it’s my turn this time around.
M: You must be fucking kidding me, mate.
D: Am I laughing or giggling now??
M: Sorry, matey. So, whatchu wanna know about that?
D: Everything.
M: OOOOOkey. [Ain’t going into details here. You perverts. Told Mr D the whole grandma story]. It cost me around 2.3 grand. But the medical bill is fully covered by my medical card. I only paid 10 bucks for the deposit, and that’s about it.
D: Right. Here’s the problem. I don’t have medical card.
M: EH?!?!?! Who did you buy that insurance policy from? It should be inclusive inside that insurance policy, theoretically.
D: Who else? Our “beloved” friend, Mr V himself.
M: Wait. Even that, why is the medical card not included inside the deal??
D: Simple. ‘cos he said that my company would’ve cover everything, therefore the medical card is not needed.
M: You can pass that policy of yours, show it in front of him, and ask him shove it up his marthaphuacking ass!!! What kinda stupid, retarded excuse is that??
D: Hohoho, hold your horses. FYI, I don’t have the policy neither.
M: Wait. Whatchu mean by that??
M: Where the fuck is it?
D: He didn’t pass to me.
M: What about payment then?
D: I paid to him via cheque, and he also never provides me with the payment acknowledge receipt as well.
M: Mate. You are ONE DAMN GOOD CUSTOMER I’d say. I gotta give it to you, seriously. How can you start paying an insurance premium when you’ve not even have the policy physically in your hand?
D: He said he’ll pass it to me tomorrow, and that was few months back.
M: Correct me if I’m wrong. You’ve just cancel the previous policy with him, and then he comes back to you, get you into signing another “improved” and new policy, right? How old is this new policy now??
D: Yes, and it’s almost half year already.
M: You really got a soft spot for friends huh? Now, if you intend to cancel off this new policy, you still can, ‘cos it’s half year only. You won’t lose much, maybe less than 2 thousand bucks. Do you have any other insurance agents besides “our friend”??
D: Yes I do.
M: You might wanna switch it already. But it’s all upto you. It’s your call. Better get one that has a medical card benefits in it. Company won’t cover much if something really happens.
D: Ok then. That stupid b-tard. Like you said, we can be friends, but business wise, it’s better off alone.
M: Ditto!
See?? Another “brilliant” work by our “beloved” part-time-insurance-agent-aka-long-time-friend, Mr V.
I’ve got nothing to say now. I’ma enjoy my 4 days of holidays due to a festival here in my country. How nice can this be. 4 days without work, once back to work, I’m only required to work for another 3 days, then it’s weekend again already. Aaaahhhhhhh...............
PS: And it’s bloody raining, again now. Time for a quick nap.
Come Thursday, same ol’ routine stuff, but due to the fact that I slept quite ‘well’ the day before, I have the ‘luxury’ of sleeping rather ‘late’. Late meaning around 10pm+. Yea. Those who knows me well enough that, this ain’t the OLD me that used to sleep goddamn late, or perhaps only start sleeping 3, even 4 in the morning. Aaahhhh, how things can change a person around eh??
Anyways, enough about job. Remember some time ago, in few of my previous posts, I blogged about a part-time insurance sales friend of mine, Mr V?? In case you have no fucking idea what I’m on about, here’s the link to the latest article that I’ve blogged about him, and inside this link, contains another 3 links which is all about him as well. Damn he’s ‘popular’ in my blog eh??
Thursday evening, just reached home from work. Got a call from a mate, close mate, asking me some details on one surgery that I had couple of years back, and he’s intending to go for one very soon. Here’s the conversation between me & my close mate.
M: me
D: my mate
M: Yo man, what’s the deal-ee-o??
D: Nah nothing much, been busy. Might be outta job soon.
M: Wha-----, you just got this job into this MNC couple of months back man. Wassap with that?
D: Don’t wanna talk about it. Times are bad. Anyway, d’you still remember the surgery you had couple of years back??
M: The one on my butt?? Yea, won’t forget that for the rest of my life.
D: I think it’s my turn this time around.
M: You must be fucking kidding me, mate.
D: Am I laughing or giggling now??
M: Sorry, matey. So, whatchu wanna know about that?
D: Everything.
M: OOOOOkey. [Ain’t going into details here. You perverts. Told Mr D the whole grandma story]. It cost me around 2.3 grand. But the medical bill is fully covered by my medical card. I only paid 10 bucks for the deposit, and that’s about it.
D: Right. Here’s the problem. I don’t have medical card.
M: EH?!?!?! Who did you buy that insurance policy from? It should be inclusive inside that insurance policy, theoretically.
D: Who else? Our “beloved” friend, Mr V himself.
M: Wait. Even that, why is the medical card not included inside the deal??
D: Simple. ‘cos he said that my company would’ve cover everything, therefore the medical card is not needed.
M: You can pass that policy of yours, show it in front of him, and ask him shove it up his marthaphuacking ass!!! What kinda stupid, retarded excuse is that??
D: Hohoho, hold your horses. FYI, I don’t have the policy neither.
M: Wait. Whatchu mean by that??
M: Where the fuck is it?
D: He didn’t pass to me.
M: What about payment then?
D: I paid to him via cheque, and he also never provides me with the payment acknowledge receipt as well.
M: Mate. You are ONE DAMN GOOD CUSTOMER I’d say. I gotta give it to you, seriously. How can you start paying an insurance premium when you’ve not even have the policy physically in your hand?
D: He said he’ll pass it to me tomorrow, and that was few months back.
M: Correct me if I’m wrong. You’ve just cancel the previous policy with him, and then he comes back to you, get you into signing another “improved” and new policy, right? How old is this new policy now??
D: Yes, and it’s almost half year already.
M: You really got a soft spot for friends huh? Now, if you intend to cancel off this new policy, you still can, ‘cos it’s half year only. You won’t lose much, maybe less than 2 thousand bucks. Do you have any other insurance agents besides “our friend”??
D: Yes I do.
M: You might wanna switch it already. But it’s all upto you. It’s your call. Better get one that has a medical card benefits in it. Company won’t cover much if something really happens.
D: Ok then. That stupid b-tard. Like you said, we can be friends, but business wise, it’s better off alone.
M: Ditto!
See?? Another “brilliant” work by our “beloved” part-time-insurance-agent-aka-long-time-friend, Mr V.
I’ve got nothing to say now. I’ma enjoy my 4 days of holidays due to a festival here in my country. How nice can this be. 4 days without work, once back to work, I’m only required to work for another 3 days, then it’s weekend again already. Aaaahhhhhhh...............
PS: And it’s bloody raining, again now. Time for a quick nap.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Taking Calls - Day 2
Like my previous post mentioned, today is really an eventful day for the 4 of us.
Arrives at office vicinity around 5:48am. You must be wondering why-on-earth do I know the exact time of arrival today compared to yesterday?? Hehe. I’ve got the picture to show you lads I really arrived this early in the freaking morning to work. Yeah. Like I mentioned time and again, I’ma CHANGED PERSON ALREADY!!!
Day 2 of taking calls in the brand new department. Still exciting. But it’s rather easier for the 4 of us now that we’ve already encounter what might have turned up once we received the transferred calls from our fellow counterpart downstairs. Instead of sitting there, waiting for incoming calls, all 4 of us were given a list to do outbound calls to the customers, requesting for some necessary information. In other words, we’re doing outgoing calls, and at the same time awaiting incoming calls. Sounds pretty tough huh?? But, the fact is that today is the 1st day that the 4 of us are being assigned with this list, and my access to all the required systems are not fully “functional” just yet, ‘twas a rather a mess for 4 of us. In addition to that, one of the phone systems is still remains as malfunction as it was yesterday.
Again we gotta share desktops among ourselves, so that each of us will get the fair share of login time to await incoming calls, and at the same time making outgoing calls to all the customers in the aforementioned lists that were being assigned to the 4 of us.
One will always forget how time will pass once we’re sooooo concentrated onto something that are really interesting to us, especially when it is something new. That’s exactly what happens to the 4 of us. Time passes by like an arrow without us noticing that it’s about time we go out for our meal, separately. All our arranged schedule have jumbled up till our leader gave up on it. Well, it’s our 2nd day in a brand-new-set-up division. Whatchu expect, right??
Off work at 330pm today. (We were informed upfront yesterday to arrive by 630am this morning. Hence off work at 330pm. In case you're wondering, Doh!) Had a lil’ discussion among us with our supervisor chairing the discussion, talking about developments for the day, and what awaits us. Got outta office at 4, reached home 30mins later, still got time for car wash. Come to think of it, it’s been more than 2 months since I last washed the car. Well, not that I “wash the car” myself, but I really can’t stand it this time around. Since still early for dinner, I drove the car and paid off others to wash for me. I'm one lazy bugger eh?? Yes. I admit it.
Well, it’s nothing much to write about on the 2nd day of my call-taking. Tomorrow will be entirely different for sure due to the fact that all 4 of us have got the hang of doing it already. Besides, our supervisor has already informed us that tomorrow’s gonna be rather interesting as my access to the system will be almost completed, except for 1, or maybe 2 which we rarely use on a daily basis might not be available. Owh well, fuck it. 2nd day, I’ve noticed what are the ‘necessities’ for me to do my job well, and for my division to excel in. it’s just about time only. Apart from that, we’re starting to work on the listing already. Even though the list is about 100 names per person, per day, and to top it all off, the list will increase on a daily basis. Hmm. I think we can manage it.
Time check: 9pm+ again. Hmm, I’m thinking whether I should bring my personal-unused mouse-pad over to office for my personal use. Heck! It’s my own freaking desk FFS! Instead of letting the mouse-pad sitting pretty here in front of my room’s monitor, collecting dust, why not put it into good use eh??
Alrighty. I'm off to bed now, again. Be back for more, ladies and gentlmen.
Arrives at office vicinity around 5:48am. You must be wondering why-on-earth do I know the exact time of arrival today compared to yesterday?? Hehe. I’ve got the picture to show you lads I really arrived this early in the freaking morning to work. Yeah. Like I mentioned time and again, I’ma CHANGED PERSON ALREADY!!!
The time in my car, upon arrival in office vicinity. Told 'ya I'm for real!
Yeap. I was "speeding", when i was on my way to work this morning. It's been awhile since I can drive with this kinda speed in downtown.
Day 2 of taking calls in the brand new department. Still exciting. But it’s rather easier for the 4 of us now that we’ve already encounter what might have turned up once we received the transferred calls from our fellow counterpart downstairs. Instead of sitting there, waiting for incoming calls, all 4 of us were given a list to do outbound calls to the customers, requesting for some necessary information. In other words, we’re doing outgoing calls, and at the same time awaiting incoming calls. Sounds pretty tough huh?? But, the fact is that today is the 1st day that the 4 of us are being assigned with this list, and my access to all the required systems are not fully “functional” just yet, ‘twas a rather a mess for 4 of us. In addition to that, one of the phone systems is still remains as malfunction as it was yesterday.
Again we gotta share desktops among ourselves, so that each of us will get the fair share of login time to await incoming calls, and at the same time making outgoing calls to all the customers in the aforementioned lists that were being assigned to the 4 of us.
One will always forget how time will pass once we’re sooooo concentrated onto something that are really interesting to us, especially when it is something new. That’s exactly what happens to the 4 of us. Time passes by like an arrow without us noticing that it’s about time we go out for our meal, separately. All our arranged schedule have jumbled up till our leader gave up on it. Well, it’s our 2nd day in a brand-new-set-up division. Whatchu expect, right??
Off work at 330pm today. (We were informed upfront yesterday to arrive by 630am this morning. Hence off work at 330pm. In case you're wondering, Doh!) Had a lil’ discussion among us with our supervisor chairing the discussion, talking about developments for the day, and what awaits us. Got outta office at 4, reached home 30mins later, still got time for car wash. Come to think of it, it’s been more than 2 months since I last washed the car. Well, not that I “wash the car” myself, but I really can’t stand it this time around. Since still early for dinner, I drove the car and paid off others to wash for me. I'm one lazy bugger eh?? Yes. I admit it.
Well, it’s nothing much to write about on the 2nd day of my call-taking. Tomorrow will be entirely different for sure due to the fact that all 4 of us have got the hang of doing it already. Besides, our supervisor has already informed us that tomorrow’s gonna be rather interesting as my access to the system will be almost completed, except for 1, or maybe 2 which we rarely use on a daily basis might not be available. Owh well, fuck it. 2nd day, I’ve noticed what are the ‘necessities’ for me to do my job well, and for my division to excel in. it’s just about time only. Apart from that, we’re starting to work on the listing already. Even though the list is about 100 names per person, per day, and to top it all off, the list will increase on a daily basis. Hmm. I think we can manage it.
Time check: 9pm+ again. Hmm, I’m thinking whether I should bring my personal-unused mouse-pad over to office for my personal use. Heck! It’s my own freaking desk FFS! Instead of letting the mouse-pad sitting pretty here in front of my room’s monitor, collecting dust, why not put it into good use eh??
Alrighty. I'm off to bed now, again. Be back for more, ladies and gentlmen.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Taking Calls - First Day
First day taking incoming calls internally. Nervous?? Of-fucking-course!!!!! Need me say more?!?!
Got up at 5am earlier today. Yes. I freaking got up at 5am this morning. You’re damn lucky I didn’t snap the picture when I drove the car to work today. Owh well, I never lies. You wanna believe me, go ahead. If you don’t wanna believe me, suits yourself. You may fuck right off!!!
It’s really a breezing, free & easy morning. No traffic at all, every single road/alley is clear, I’m awake while on my way to work. Reached office lobby at 530am. Only to find out that I left my access card to the office in my car. Cursing and slow-walking towards my car again just to retrieve the access card. ‘twas all sweaty after return from the car. Got up to office, only to receive a text message from my immediate supervisor that we’ll only starts at 630am… Oooooook, seems like I’ve got an extra 30mins to settle down, get myself a nice cuppa coffee, relax myself, get the system up & running while waiting for the seniors & supervisor to arrive.
625am. Both of ‘em arrive on-the-dot. After setting up everything, it’s time. YESH!!!! IT’S SHOWDOWN!!! Due to some complications on call-master device, only 2 outta 4 are able to log-in into the line to receive calls, hence we had to ‘rotate’ to get a feel of those incoming calls.
First call got into my line around 9 in the morning local time here. It’s rather simple conversation. The caller’s voice sounds crystal clear, compare to the recorded ones that were played to us via laptop, through speaker during training days. All-in-all, the 4 of us got a pretty “easy” day as in total, we only received 5 calls. This is because we’re only getting calls that are being transferred by our fellow counterparts in other departments whereby those calls are pertaining to my division’s portfolios, for now. Don’t ask me why the volume is so low. Even my supervisor is a tad-bit surprised by that as well.
But starting next week, we will not only be receiving calls from internal transfers, we will also be receiving calls directly from the customers themselves, that is in the even they press the accurate options when they got through the voice-response-system.
3pm, time’s up! Let’s get the feck outta here. Well. We did come in at 6 in the morning to start-off our work for the day. So, we are supposed to get off the area at 3 in the afternoon, provided that there’s no pending cases that needs to be settled on that day itself. Yeap. That’s basically it on my first day taking calls, in this new department. To be honest, I can hear my heartbeat when the first call got through my line. Never in my life has encounter such [insert your choice of words here] when taking my first call in the call floor. I hope things will get better soon as we get our hands on more incoming calls.
On a sidenote, my new department had a small BBQ gathering on Saturday. ‘twas fun. But, (there’s always a “but”), it took us some time to get the fire up & ready. Don’t believe me, I’ve got the picture this time. Off you go!
The fire was finally "up & running" after 2 full hours of "relentless effort". Phew!
Overall, ‘twas a very fun BBQ session, in addition to that, the team are able to have fun, release some pressures and leave the work behind.
Tomorrow will be another eventful day. Hope for the best.
It's 9pm+ now. I'm preparing to bed now. Scary huh? Never thought that I'll be off to bed this early huh? Well, I'm a changed person now.
Be back for more!!!!
Got up at 5am earlier today. Yes. I freaking got up at 5am this morning. You’re damn lucky I didn’t snap the picture when I drove the car to work today. Owh well, I never lies. You wanna believe me, go ahead. If you don’t wanna believe me, suits yourself. You may fuck right off!!!
It’s really a breezing, free & easy morning. No traffic at all, every single road/alley is clear, I’m awake while on my way to work. Reached office lobby at 530am. Only to find out that I left my access card to the office in my car. Cursing and slow-walking towards my car again just to retrieve the access card. ‘twas all sweaty after return from the car. Got up to office, only to receive a text message from my immediate supervisor that we’ll only starts at 630am… Oooooook, seems like I’ve got an extra 30mins to settle down, get myself a nice cuppa coffee, relax myself, get the system up & running while waiting for the seniors & supervisor to arrive.
625am. Both of ‘em arrive on-the-dot. After setting up everything, it’s time. YESH!!!! IT’S SHOWDOWN!!! Due to some complications on call-master device, only 2 outta 4 are able to log-in into the line to receive calls, hence we had to ‘rotate’ to get a feel of those incoming calls.
similar phone system that we're using, except 2 of it are malfunction.
First call got into my line around 9 in the morning local time here. It’s rather simple conversation. The caller’s voice sounds crystal clear, compare to the recorded ones that were played to us via laptop, through speaker during training days. All-in-all, the 4 of us got a pretty “easy” day as in total, we only received 5 calls. This is because we’re only getting calls that are being transferred by our fellow counterparts in other departments whereby those calls are pertaining to my division’s portfolios, for now. Don’t ask me why the volume is so low. Even my supervisor is a tad-bit surprised by that as well.
But starting next week, we will not only be receiving calls from internal transfers, we will also be receiving calls directly from the customers themselves, that is in the even they press the accurate options when they got through the voice-response-system.
3pm, time’s up! Let’s get the feck outta here. Well. We did come in at 6 in the morning to start-off our work for the day. So, we are supposed to get off the area at 3 in the afternoon, provided that there’s no pending cases that needs to be settled on that day itself. Yeap. That’s basically it on my first day taking calls, in this new department. To be honest, I can hear my heartbeat when the first call got through my line. Never in my life has encounter such [insert your choice of words here] when taking my first call in the call floor. I hope things will get better soon as we get our hands on more incoming calls.
On a sidenote, my new department had a small BBQ gathering on Saturday. ‘twas fun. But, (there’s always a “but”), it took us some time to get the fire up & ready. Don’t believe me, I’ve got the picture this time. Off you go!
The fire was finally "up & running" after 2 full hours of "relentless effort". Phew!
Overall, ‘twas a very fun BBQ session, in addition to that, the team are able to have fun, release some pressures and leave the work behind.
Tomorrow will be another eventful day. Hope for the best.
It's 9pm+ now. I'm preparing to bed now. Scary huh? Never thought that I'll be off to bed this early huh? Well, I'm a changed person now.
Be back for more!!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Outta Training - New Department - 1st Day
Aaaaahhhhhh….first day at work, in my new department. ‘twas a mixed feeling altogether. Ain’t know what is it all about. The feeling of newbie comes back to me again. You might be arguing that I’ve been through all the trainings, and I should be able to cope with and all those bullshit. But, going up there, answering calls straight away is a different ball game altogether. But thank to the ONE above. It’s not the case. Since this is our [the 4 of us] first day in this department, we were attached to the seniors and listen to their calls, and see how do they perform their daily work. In short, we call it a “buddy session” with the seniors. This is the part where the 4 of us will be sitting next to the seniors, get to know the seniors, the surroundings, and all the stuff that a newbie should be doing after coming outta training room, going into the new department.
Buddy session went for approximately couple of hours, time for lunch. At least now we, the newbies have some clues on how/what to do during a certain circumstances. But I found out one thing: Of all the stuff that we learnt during training past few weeks, only the stuff that were taught by our trainer towards the end of training are frequently used by the seniors today.
Dear trainer, in case your reading this post, no offense to you eh?? I won’t be adding any further comments on this part until I’m really familiar with the job.
Lunch’s over. Back to the department. Then came along a meeting with the rest of the team. Well, I wouldn’t say a meeting, it’s more like a discussions among the team members on the cases that they’ve been through so far, on a weekly basis, and to share among the team members on the latest development. The meeting went on for an hour, or so. We, the newbies were given time, and guidance from the supervisor on the system ie. The user-IDs, the set-up of the systems etc etc.
You must be thinking why on earth am I typing all those common stuff in block letters. Well, for starter, I don’t have the luxury of having my own desk since the start of my career. The matter of fact is that I’m always on a shift work, hence it’ll be a “hot-desk” environment. In case you don’t know what does “hot-desk” means, and if you have all the time in the world reading this, please click this link HERE for explanation. Pretty straight-forward. This is the first time EVER that I fucking OWNED a desk for my OWN use. So, I guess by now you should be on the same page with me on “why the excitement over own permanent desk?”, eh?? It might not be a big deal to y’all, for me, it’s FUCKING BIG DEAL!
A~~~~nyway, since it’s a new set-up department, it takes some time for the 4 of us to clean here & there, testing out the system, helping on the set-up and “customizations” on our desktop. Without us realizing, the time has come for us, newbies to go home. There goes the first day for us in the new department. I’ve got no idea what’s in store for us tomorrow.
Got a few short text messages appeared in my mobile from my ex-workmates wishing me luck on my first day here. Thanks a bunch, lads!!! I LOVE Y’ALL TOO!!!
Tomorrow will be another 830am-530pm job, but starting Monday, I will be on shift again. Well, to be exact, it’s still a Monday-Friday job, I’m starting slight earlier than normal people. It will really be the day where the 4 of us WILL be going on floor to take calls already. Talk about the pace eh???
Come what may, I’m all pumped up!!! Bring the FUCK on!!!!
Buddy session went for approximately couple of hours, time for lunch. At least now we, the newbies have some clues on how/what to do during a certain circumstances. But I found out one thing: Of all the stuff that we learnt during training past few weeks, only the stuff that were taught by our trainer towards the end of training are frequently used by the seniors today.
Dear trainer, in case your reading this post, no offense to you eh?? I won’t be adding any further comments on this part until I’m really familiar with the job.
Lunch’s over. Back to the department. Then came along a meeting with the rest of the team. Well, I wouldn’t say a meeting, it’s more like a discussions among the team members on the cases that they’ve been through so far, on a weekly basis, and to share among the team members on the latest development. The meeting went on for an hour, or so. We, the newbies were given time, and guidance from the supervisor on the system ie. The user-IDs, the set-up of the systems etc etc.
You must be thinking why on earth am I typing all those common stuff in block letters. Well, for starter, I don’t have the luxury of having my own desk since the start of my career. The matter of fact is that I’m always on a shift work, hence it’ll be a “hot-desk” environment. In case you don’t know what does “hot-desk” means, and if you have all the time in the world reading this, please click this link HERE for explanation. Pretty straight-forward. This is the first time EVER that I fucking OWNED a desk for my OWN use. So, I guess by now you should be on the same page with me on “why the excitement over own permanent desk?”, eh?? It might not be a big deal to y’all, for me, it’s FUCKING BIG DEAL!
A~~~~nyway, since it’s a new set-up department, it takes some time for the 4 of us to clean here & there, testing out the system, helping on the set-up and “customizations” on our desktop. Without us realizing, the time has come for us, newbies to go home. There goes the first day for us in the new department. I’ve got no idea what’s in store for us tomorrow.
Got a few short text messages appeared in my mobile from my ex-workmates wishing me luck on my first day here. Thanks a bunch, lads!!! I LOVE Y’ALL TOO!!!
Tomorrow will be another 830am-530pm job, but starting Monday, I will be on shift again. Well, to be exact, it’s still a Monday-Friday job, I’m starting slight earlier than normal people. It will really be the day where the 4 of us WILL be going on floor to take calls already. Talk about the pace eh???
Come what may, I’m all pumped up!!! Bring the FUCK on!!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Training Room: Last Day [For Me]
Gonna rush this post up before a certain time.
This is it!!!! The final day of my training in this new job environment. Time really passes by without anyone of us noticing it. 4 weeks has gone, or almost gone at time of this post. Tomorrow, I’ll be going to my supposed department to do the real thing. Same thing for Friday as well. Come next Monday, the 4 newbies outta the 8 that were in the training room will be on the call floor, starting to taking incoming calls for that specific enquiries that were being assigned to us. Come to think of it, it’s a tad-bit scary as well, but on a sidenote, it’s good as well. First thing first, [maybe for myself, don’t quote me on this] there weren’t enough time for us to play around with the system as we’ll need to concentrate on the desk guides that were being handled by the trainer to us earlier. There’s no right or wrong over this matter but it’s just that playing with system during training will somehow gives us, newbies abit of how-it-feels-like, if you know what I mean??
A~~~~~~~nyway, since today spells the end of my training in this small, confined room between the 8 of us, here’s a lil’ bit of the you-know-what on all of ‘em, inclusive of the trainer. Like always, no specific name mentioned.
Trainer => A young chap. Funny as fuck. Strict at times. Straight to the point. Very, and I mean VERY flexible.. Very detailed person, very organized as hell. Only to be distracted by some retarded stuff that is not worth mentioning in here. [Even if I do mention it here, it’ll be waste of space as well. So, don’t bother]. Always maintain a 2-ways communications in the room. In short: fucking brilliant training in my entire career path.
A: Bulky guy. Has a loud voice. Always has his own grandma story to tell whenever there’s a chance. Will always grab any opportunity to sit at the girls’ seat, claiming that the chair that he’s currently sitting hurting his butt. YEEEAAAHHHH RIIIIIIIIIIIIITE!!!
C: A girl that always has her earpiece on, listening to her favourite mp3s whenever she’s free. Quite close to me as well since we’re the only 2 in the room that smokes. My condolences on your lost car incident, C.
G: Youngest chap in the room. One of the noisiest. Play futsal league. Quite good-looking guy. He’s the same guy that has some complication with his previous company, which i blogged about in my previous post, and that case is still unsolved at time of this post.
J1: The eldest trainee in the room. Been through a lot in life. He'll always has the time to crack a joke or two, which will ultimately lighten up the whole room. Favourite word: “Pow”, which means extortion. Head of the "noisy gang".
J2: This is the quietest girl in the room. Almost the same age as me. Concentrates a lot than anyone of us. Very soft-spoken. She will "retaliate" as and when she deem necessary.
M: 2nd quietest girl in the room. Due to the difference of the country that she is going to serve, and also the process/system that she’s gonna use is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay simpler than all of us, she is always the one the got picked on from rest of us when it comes to trainer explaining the process flow of a training module involving her market ONLY.
P: Interesting girl in the room. Very quiet when she arrives, only on the first day of her arrival. Things gone haywire with us from 2nd day onwards. Eats a lot and doesn’t get fat. Mind you, she’s very skinny. A fresh graduate. She likes to read a lot during training, likes to take notes a lot even though if it’s not relevant. Maybe it is a fresh-grad-symptom? Erm…….did I miss out anything on this one??
W: “Bulky” guy. This is the joker that started the whole diet thing with me, and he went and broke that diet promise the very next day. You untruthful bugger!!!!! Joking aside, nice chap. Eats a lot, as and when there’s a break in between. Taking up lotsa coffee these past few days. I wonder why. Ain’t coffee has sugar in it that doesn’t help in dieting at all? I don’t know. Let it be. Another one in the "noisy gang".
That’s about it, including myself, final "member" of the "noisy gang", these are the members of the craziest, noisiest, liveliest, wildest training class that the trainer ever had in his entire 1 and a half year tenure as a trainer. I hope this will be a memorable one for him as well.
Here’s from me to the class: I FUCKING LOVE U ALL!!!!!!
Check: the time now is 9pm, 9mins, on the 9th of September, of the year 2009. I hope this group in this class will keep contact forever, and ever.
This is it!!!! The final day of my training in this new job environment. Time really passes by without anyone of us noticing it. 4 weeks has gone, or almost gone at time of this post. Tomorrow, I’ll be going to my supposed department to do the real thing. Same thing for Friday as well. Come next Monday, the 4 newbies outta the 8 that were in the training room will be on the call floor, starting to taking incoming calls for that specific enquiries that were being assigned to us. Come to think of it, it’s a tad-bit scary as well, but on a sidenote, it’s good as well. First thing first, [maybe for myself, don’t quote me on this] there weren’t enough time for us to play around with the system as we’ll need to concentrate on the desk guides that were being handled by the trainer to us earlier. There’s no right or wrong over this matter but it’s just that playing with system during training will somehow gives us, newbies abit of how-it-feels-like, if you know what I mean??
A~~~~~~~nyway, since today spells the end of my training in this small, confined room between the 8 of us, here’s a lil’ bit of the you-know-what on all of ‘em, inclusive of the trainer. Like always, no specific name mentioned.
Trainer => A young chap. Funny as fuck. Strict at times. Straight to the point. Very, and I mean VERY flexible.
A: Bulky guy. Has a loud voice. Always has his own grandma story to tell whenever there’s a chance. Will always grab any opportunity to sit at the girls’ seat, claiming that the chair that he’s currently sitting hurting his butt. YEEEAAAHHHH RIIIIIIIIIIIIITE!!!
C: A girl that always has her earpiece on, listening to her favourite mp3s whenever she’s free. Quite close to me as well since we’re the only 2 in the room that smokes. My condolences on your lost car incident, C.
G: Youngest chap in the room. One of the noisiest. Play futsal league. Quite good-looking guy. He’s the same guy that has some complication with his previous company, which i blogged about in my previous post, and that case is still unsolved at time of this post.
J1: The eldest trainee in the room. Been through a lot in life. He'll always has the time to crack a joke or two, which will ultimately lighten up the whole room. Favourite word: “Pow”, which means extortion. Head of the "noisy gang".
J2: This is the quietest girl in the room. Almost the same age as me. Concentrates a lot than anyone of us. Very soft-spoken. She will "retaliate" as and when she deem necessary.
M: 2nd quietest girl in the room. Due to the difference of the country that she is going to serve, and also the process/system that she’s gonna use is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay simpler than all of us, she is always the one the got picked on from rest of us when it comes to trainer explaining the process flow of a training module involving her market ONLY.
P: Interesting girl in the room. Very quiet when she arrives, only on the first day of her arrival. Things gone haywire with us from 2nd day onwards. Eats a lot and doesn’t get fat. Mind you, she’s very skinny. A fresh graduate. She likes to read a lot during training, likes to take notes a lot even though if it’s not relevant. Maybe it is a fresh-grad-symptom? Erm…….did I miss out anything on this one??
W: “Bulky” guy. This is the joker that started the whole diet thing with me, and he went and broke that diet promise the very next day. You untruthful bugger!!!!! Joking aside, nice chap. Eats a lot, as and when there’s a break in between. Taking up lotsa coffee these past few days. I wonder why. Ain’t coffee has sugar in it that doesn’t help in dieting at all? I don’t know. Let it be. Another one in the "noisy gang".
That’s about it, including myself, final "member" of the "noisy gang", these are the members of the craziest, noisiest, liveliest, wildest training class that the trainer ever had in his entire 1 and a half year tenure as a trainer. I hope this will be a memorable one for him as well.
Here’s from me to the class: I FUCKING LOVE U ALL!!!!!!
Check: the time now is 9pm, 9mins, on the 9th of September, of the year 2009. I hope this group in this class will keep contact forever, and ever.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Another Week has Gone
So, another week has passed, without me noticing it. Still in the training classes, which ultimately means tomorrow, this very coming week, will be the last week that I’m going to be in “training mode”. After this coming week’s training is over, I’m set to be ‘thrown’ to the floor and do what I’m paid here to do. Anyways, lemme give you a “summary” of what has gone through the last week, eh??
Monday was public holiday here. We started work on Tuesday…nothing unusual. Same ol’ training stuff. Nothing much to brag about. Come Wednesday, all of sudden, I had a rush of “dieting”. Yea. You heard me right: “DIET”. Hence one newbie in the training room, who so happen to start “diet” at the same time with me, went & had some “power” lunch downstairs during that 1hr lunch time. Here’re the pictures that showed that I indeed took these 2 stuff as my lunch for that day.
Yeap. You saw that alright. It’s 4 slices of bread, plus waffles as my lunch. But this “DIET” didn’t last very long as my friend decided to switch back to ‘heavy lunch’ the very next day, and the day after. Talk about consistency and resistance eh??
Seriously. This has been the longest time I’ve spent on a post in this blog of mine. It’s been almost 6hours now, but I’m still not sure wadafark am I babbling about this time around.
Oh yeah. I went for a drink with few of my ex-colleagues in one of the famous shopping centre downtown on Friday after work. It’s been awhile meeting ‘em up. Now that I’m working nearer to downtown, it’s just a 15-20mins walk away from my office to the ‘drinking spot’. So, there’s just no excuse for me not to go join ‘em up. The whole “saga” started around 6pm-ish…..i ain’t sure how and when it ended, I didn’t know how did I manage to get home in one piece, but I did. In addition to that, I got badminton game next morning. You can imagine the after-effect, if you know what I mean.
I’m still “struggling” mentally on whether should I be posting the next story in my blog. Armen, you know who you are. If I were to write this, it’ll be “massive”…..lemme know when you come back, eh?? I know I know, it’s my marthaphuacking blog and I can whatever-dafark I want in here, but…..something inside me is fighting against my own will to write this piece of crap in here. Why am I having this kinda feeling?? Conscience? Anyways, fuck that.
On another note, did I mention I went for a BBQ gathering weeks back?? Nop, I don’t think I did eh?? Ok. ‘twas a fun gathering, ‘cos it’s organized by my ex-workmates. The main thing is not about the BBQ gathering, but it’s the thing that they bought to my ex-workmates’ house, Wii <>. I’ve got only 2 words to describe this Nintendo Wii, “Bloody Brilliant”!!!
Irregardless what kinda game you intend play with this thing called Wii, it for sure will get your whole body sweats. In the event if you’re playing sports type kinda game, then your hands will sore. If you never had any sports/exercise for a loooooong time, then, I can guaran-damn-tee you that your body muscles will be aching the very next day. Lucky me that I’ve went for a couple of badminton sessions prior to this Wii session, so I don’t feel any after-effects at all. But then again, if anyone wants a good workout at home, but hasn’t got the funds to buy those bulky/flashy exercise equipments, Wii is the way to go. Yea, you hear that from me. Buy Wii for some serious workout at home!!! Play video games and get slim down at the same time. It’s a DREAM for everyone who wanna get slimmer!!!! It’s like hitting 2 birds with 1 bloody stone!!!!!
Ok then. This is a rather short post from myself for this time. I got lotsa things/stories to tell you lots, but…but….but…..sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh……I’ma go for dinner now. Be back for more eh???
Disclaimer: I don’t work for Wii. I don’t get a single penny from Nintendo for the above statement. This is a community service, brought to you by the one & only, sinoffire.
Monday was public holiday here. We started work on Tuesday…nothing unusual. Same ol’ training stuff. Nothing much to brag about. Come Wednesday, all of sudden, I had a rush of “dieting”. Yea. You heard me right: “DIET”. Hence one newbie in the training room, who so happen to start “diet” at the same time with me, went & had some “power” lunch downstairs during that 1hr lunch time. Here’re the pictures that showed that I indeed took these 2 stuff as my lunch for that day.
Yeap. You saw that alright. It’s 4 slices of bread, plus waffles as my lunch. But this “DIET” didn’t last very long as my friend decided to switch back to ‘heavy lunch’ the very next day, and the day after. Talk about consistency and resistance eh??
Seriously. This has been the longest time I’ve spent on a post in this blog of mine. It’s been almost 6hours now, but I’m still not sure wadafark am I babbling about this time around.
Oh yeah. I went for a drink with few of my ex-colleagues in one of the famous shopping centre downtown on Friday after work. It’s been awhile meeting ‘em up. Now that I’m working nearer to downtown, it’s just a 15-20mins walk away from my office to the ‘drinking spot’. So, there’s just no excuse for me not to go join ‘em up. The whole “saga” started around 6pm-ish…..i ain’t sure how and when it ended, I didn’t know how did I manage to get home in one piece, but I did. In addition to that, I got badminton game next morning. You can imagine the after-effect, if you know what I mean.
I’m still “struggling” mentally on whether should I be posting the next story in my blog. Armen, you know who you are. If I were to write this, it’ll be “massive”…..lemme know when you come back, eh?? I know I know, it’s my marthaphuacking blog and I can whatever-dafark I want in here, but…..something inside me is fighting against my own will to write this piece of crap in here. Why am I having this kinda feeling?? Conscience? Anyways, fuck that.
On another note, did I mention I went for a BBQ gathering weeks back?? Nop, I don’t think I did eh?? Ok. ‘twas a fun gathering, ‘cos it’s organized by my ex-workmates. The main thing is not about the BBQ gathering, but it’s the thing that they bought to my ex-workmates’ house, Wii <>. I’ve got only 2 words to describe this Nintendo Wii, “Bloody Brilliant”!!!
Irregardless what kinda game you intend play with this thing called Wii, it for sure will get your whole body sweats. In the event if you’re playing sports type kinda game, then your hands will sore. If you never had any sports/exercise for a loooooong time, then, I can guaran-damn-tee you that your body muscles will be aching the very next day. Lucky me that I’ve went for a couple of badminton sessions prior to this Wii session, so I don’t feel any after-effects at all. But then again, if anyone wants a good workout at home, but hasn’t got the funds to buy those bulky/flashy exercise equipments, Wii is the way to go. Yea, you hear that from me. Buy Wii for some serious workout at home!!! Play video games and get slim down at the same time. It’s a DREAM for everyone who wanna get slimmer!!!! It’s like hitting 2 birds with 1 bloody stone!!!!!
Ok then. This is a rather short post from myself for this time. I got lotsa things/stories to tell you lots, but…but….but…..sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh……I’ma go for dinner now. Be back for more eh???
Disclaimer: I don’t work for Wii. I don’t get a single penny from Nintendo for the above statement. This is a community service, brought to you by the one & only, sinoffire.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
New Job Training - Day 11
Day 11, which is also the 3rd week of my training days in this new job. Yesterday was a national holiday for us here. But ‘twas the most relaxing Monday that I’ve ever lived since a long-long time already. I’ll try to make this post rather quick and not long-winded as can be. I’ll try, but no promises.
I’m listening to a song by Corinne Baily Rae entitled “Put Your Records On” as we speak. It’s damn relaxing listening to this song, in the middle of the nite, all alone in my bedroom, in front of my desktop, typing this bunch of crap just for y’all. Another highly recommended song from same singer is “Trouble Sleeping”. Damn nice also.
Anyways, it was a long break for me since awhile. It was weekend, and in addition to that, Monday, which happened to be a national day for us here. 3 days of ‘off days’ in-a-row really sounds so nice to all working normal hour people. No disrespect to anyone, but I think I’ve changed from a not-a-morning-person to a no-problem-waking-up-in-the-morning type of person. It took me only approximately a week to accustom to this kinda working hours and also environment. As per my previous post, I promised that I’ma upload a picture of my life-savior when it comes to get up early and arrives to office on time, previously. Here goes:
I was telling you lots that I went for a badminton game again couple of days. The last timeI went, it made my whole body aching so much that it took me 4 days to fully recover. But this time around, NO PROBLEMO at all 'cos my body has adapted to it already. Anyone up for a challenge?
On a sidenote, what would one do whenever there’s a long holiday like the past few days?? Shopping?? Gathering? Hanging out with buddies?? Whatever it may be, one should be out there enjoying the long holiday, albeit 3 days. Me? I stayed in my home-sweet-home, badminton game on Saturday aside, for whole 3 days of holidays. I’m the kind of person doesn’t like crowd. Even if there is, I’d like to be in a group/crowd that I know at least half of ‘em. Anti-social?? Let’s put it this way then: I got no life. To tell you lots the truth, I stayed in my room for majority of the 3 days, busy clicking on facebook. If you think I’m crazy enough, then I don’t think you’ve play facebook ‘enough’. It’s the hottest, most popular webbie in the world now. It even surpasses google as the top webbie, and has also surpasses myspace to become the most sought-after social networking webbie in the world right now. Yea. No point promoting facebook. I don’t get anything from them.
Anyways, back to work this morning. The weather for whole goddamn day has been gloomy, cloudy and it rains, it stops, and then it rains again, and it stops again…and the whole rain & stop process kept on going till night falls. Don’t believe me?? You b-tards! You know I’ll never lie to y’all. I managed to snap a couple of pictures to prove my words are real, while I was stuck in the bloody jam [as usual].
There. Suck that! I told y’all that it’s real! Both pictures taken around 6pm-ish.
It’s close to midnite now. I’ma doze off in a bit. Tomorrow it’s gonna be the 2nd open-book assessment in my training class.
“My-my-my, how time does fly”
It’s the 3rd week already. Next week is gonna be the final week I’ll be spending the time inside the training room. After that, I’ll be ‘separated’ from the rest of ‘em and go into my department and further my additional 2 weeks of training phase there.
Just to enlighten y’all. I’m suppose to have 5 weeks of training: 3 weeks in current class, another 2 weeks with the department that I’m about go into. After completion of these 5 weeks, I’ll be straight into the job already. Kinda scary if you think of the time that flew by so fast!
I’m done, for now.
Be back for more, ladies & gentlemen.
I’m listening to a song by Corinne Baily Rae entitled “Put Your Records On” as we speak. It’s damn relaxing listening to this song, in the middle of the nite, all alone in my bedroom, in front of my desktop, typing this bunch of crap just for y’all. Another highly recommended song from same singer is “Trouble Sleeping”. Damn nice also.
Anyways, it was a long break for me since awhile. It was weekend, and in addition to that, Monday, which happened to be a national day for us here. 3 days of ‘off days’ in-a-row really sounds so nice to all working normal hour people. No disrespect to anyone, but I think I’ve changed from a not-a-morning-person to a no-problem-waking-up-in-the-morning type of person. It took me only approximately a week to accustom to this kinda working hours and also environment. As per my previous post, I promised that I’ma upload a picture of my life-savior when it comes to get up early and arrives to office on time, previously. Here goes:
I was telling you lots that I went for a badminton game again couple of days. The last timeI went, it made my whole body aching so much that it took me 4 days to fully recover. But this time around, NO PROBLEMO at all 'cos my body has adapted to it already. Anyone up for a challenge?
On a sidenote, what would one do whenever there’s a long holiday like the past few days?? Shopping?? Gathering? Hanging out with buddies?? Whatever it may be, one should be out there enjoying the long holiday, albeit 3 days. Me? I stayed in my home-sweet-home, badminton game on Saturday aside, for whole 3 days of holidays. I’m the kind of person doesn’t like crowd. Even if there is, I’d like to be in a group/crowd that I know at least half of ‘em. Anti-social?? Let’s put it this way then: I got no life. To tell you lots the truth, I stayed in my room for majority of the 3 days, busy clicking on facebook. If you think I’m crazy enough, then I don’t think you’ve play facebook ‘enough’. It’s the hottest, most popular webbie in the world now. It even surpasses google as the top webbie, and has also surpasses myspace to become the most sought-after social networking webbie in the world right now. Yea. No point promoting facebook. I don’t get anything from them.
Anyways, back to work this morning. The weather for whole goddamn day has been gloomy, cloudy and it rains, it stops, and then it rains again, and it stops again…and the whole rain & stop process kept on going till night falls. Don’t believe me?? You b-tards! You know I’ll never lie to y’all. I managed to snap a couple of pictures to prove my words are real, while I was stuck in the bloody jam [as usual].
There. Suck that! I told y’all that it’s real! Both pictures taken around 6pm-ish.
It’s close to midnite now. I’ma doze off in a bit. Tomorrow it’s gonna be the 2nd open-book assessment in my training class.
“My-my-my, how time does fly”
It’s the 3rd week already. Next week is gonna be the final week I’ll be spending the time inside the training room. After that, I’ll be ‘separated’ from the rest of ‘em and go into my department and further my additional 2 weeks of training phase there.
Just to enlighten y’all. I’m suppose to have 5 weeks of training: 3 weeks in current class, another 2 weeks with the department that I’m about go into. After completion of these 5 weeks, I’ll be straight into the job already. Kinda scary if you think of the time that flew by so fast!
I’m done, for now.
Be back for more, ladies & gentlemen.
Friday, August 28, 2009
New Job Training - Day 10
There. Another week has passed. 10th day since joining the new company. The surroundings are ok, but the traffic after work over the pass week has been dampened my mood for the rest of the day. Due to the fact that it is the fasting month for all of our Muslims herein this country, they’re given the privilege to leave early [about an hour] throughout the entire month so that they can prepare themselves for break fast time which is around 7.30 depending which zone are they located in our country. Seriously, since they’re able to leave so early, why on earth is the jam is goddamn serious than before? I was able to reach home around 6 before the whole ‘fasting saga’. Now during the fasting month, I can only reach home at least 630 irregardless which route I took. Why-oh-mother-of-$@%^#!@% it has to be like that??? I ain’t condemning anyone here but I’m just clueless, absolutely out of sort here.
Anyway, enough about that jam babbling for now. Let’s get to what have I learnt todate, the 10th day of my training days.
I was talking about the 1st assessment that we have this week. And yes, we had it on Tuesday. It’s an open-book assessment, so it’s pretty much pressure-less. Even though I was in this company for some times back, but this very department that I’m gonna be in, I have not touched the system, the processes at all during my previous tenure in here. Everyone seems to having the impression that I will for sure score perfect on this assessment. Well, to be honest, I did score perfect. C’mon, it’s an open book assessment. Just as long as we are able the understand the rational behind, why we’re doing it, which system that we are suppose to go in, and you’ll be alrite. Another thing is that, MAKE NOTES while training. if it’s just by listening to trainer without making notes, we can only absorb it during training, right after training, everything that the trainer said will be gone the moment we stepped outta training room. As for the notes, make it easy to understand for yourself. After all, it’s your own notes. You can whatever that you want, just as long as you are able to locate it the moment you’re stuck. That’s my own opinion. But then again, different people would have different style. So, suits yourself whatever way that is convenient to yourself.
I ain’t boasting on anything. I’m just merely sharing it with y’all. I don’t feel a slight bit of proud in me right after the result came out. Yea, maybe a wee-bit of excitement, but few seconds after that, ‘twas all back to normal. No celebration or stuff. It’s nothing to feel proud about. Things that we excelled inside of training room ie. assessments, it might not be applicable when we’re at the call floor. It might helps us in knowing what/which screen to go to on a speedy rate.
On a sidenote, the weather has been wet for the whole goddamn week. ‘twas all good in the morning when on my way to work. But the pain-in-the-ass moment is when going back home. It has been raining right after the clock hits 5.30 in the evening, for the past 4 consecutive days. In addition to that, the fasting month that I mentioned previously doesn’t help much as well. As of time of post, ‘twas raining this morning. It’s really damn ‘painful’ to wake up in the morning, only to find that the rain was pouring down like nobody business. OMG!! I feel like calling in for MC for a moment. But, my body clock has changed since last week. Yea. ‘twas unbelievable to me as well. It took me just a farking week to change from a non-morning-person to a normal-office hour person. I’m finally able to wake up in the morning, automatically, of course with the “assistance” of my ever-trustable-life-saviour alarm clock (I’ll upload the picture of the clock later on, as I’m posting this from office. Yea. My current new company do not restrict blog page. That’s a relief.)
There. My first post, live from office. You must wondering why on earth can I post this, at this point time while I’m suppose to be in training room. Well, all I can say is that:
My trainer is the BEST OF ALL thus far that I’ve encounter. So, yea.
That’s all for now. My co-trainees & trainer are complaining that I’m typing too much now. Hahaha.
Be back for more. I’m gonna have another badminton friendly game tomorrow. My body is not aching anymore. Woohoo!!!
Anyway, enough about that jam babbling for now. Let’s get to what have I learnt todate, the 10th day of my training days.
I was talking about the 1st assessment that we have this week. And yes, we had it on Tuesday. It’s an open-book assessment, so it’s pretty much pressure-less. Even though I was in this company for some times back, but this very department that I’m gonna be in, I have not touched the system, the processes at all during my previous tenure in here. Everyone seems to having the impression that I will for sure score perfect on this assessment. Well, to be honest, I did score perfect. C’mon, it’s an open book assessment. Just as long as we are able the understand the rational behind, why we’re doing it, which system that we are suppose to go in, and you’ll be alrite. Another thing is that, MAKE NOTES while training. if it’s just by listening to trainer without making notes, we can only absorb it during training, right after training, everything that the trainer said will be gone the moment we stepped outta training room. As for the notes, make it easy to understand for yourself. After all, it’s your own notes. You can whatever that you want, just as long as you are able to locate it the moment you’re stuck. That’s my own opinion. But then again, different people would have different style. So, suits yourself whatever way that is convenient to yourself.
I ain’t boasting on anything. I’m just merely sharing it with y’all. I don’t feel a slight bit of proud in me right after the result came out. Yea, maybe a wee-bit of excitement, but few seconds after that, ‘twas all back to normal. No celebration or stuff. It’s nothing to feel proud about. Things that we excelled inside of training room ie. assessments, it might not be applicable when we’re at the call floor. It might helps us in knowing what/which screen to go to on a speedy rate.
On a sidenote, the weather has been wet for the whole goddamn week. ‘twas all good in the morning when on my way to work. But the pain-in-the-ass moment is when going back home. It has been raining right after the clock hits 5.30 in the evening, for the past 4 consecutive days. In addition to that, the fasting month that I mentioned previously doesn’t help much as well. As of time of post, ‘twas raining this morning. It’s really damn ‘painful’ to wake up in the morning, only to find that the rain was pouring down like nobody business. OMG!! I feel like calling in for MC for a moment. But, my body clock has changed since last week. Yea. ‘twas unbelievable to me as well. It took me just a farking week to change from a non-morning-person to a normal-office hour person. I’m finally able to wake up in the morning, automatically, of course with the “assistance” of my ever-trustable-life-saviour alarm clock (I’ll upload the picture of the clock later on, as I’m posting this from office. Yea. My current new company do not restrict blog page. That’s a relief.)
There. My first post, live from office. You must wondering why on earth can I post this, at this point time while I’m suppose to be in training room. Well, all I can say is that:
My trainer is the BEST OF ALL thus far that I’ve encounter. So, yea.
That’s all for now. My co-trainees & trainer are complaining that I’m typing too much now. Hahaha.
Be back for more. I’m gonna have another badminton friendly game tomorrow. My body is not aching anymore. Woohoo!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
New Job Training - Day 6
Damnit!!! My whole body is still suffering from the muscle pain after that badminton friendly game that I had on Saturday. Every single part of my body’s muscle is killing me!!! Every single movement in office to me is painful!! Even at time of post! Owh well, it’s been more 2 and a half year since I touched any sports. Just suck it all up then.
As usual, the first day of the week, starts another week of training on my new job. My trainer has already informed us on last Friday that it’s gonna be an ‘interesting’ topic for today, Monday. Even that, all of us newbies would never thought that today’s lesson it’s gonna be so goddamn ‘interesting’.
So, it all boils down to the training. What I’m doing is a department whereby all calls made by our merchants in oversea will be handle by our team based here. All inquiries from accounts to disputes simple thing as easy as stationeries orders are all under our job descriptions.
Just when we thought the training on which/what system to use for normal payment/account inquiries are tough, WE’RE OWH-SO-WRONG!!!!!!!!
“First, for this market that you’re servicing, you will need to go to this system, whereby...............”
“If it is an urgent request from them, then you will need to go to another system, and then you will need forward an email to the relevant department so that they can action on it ASAP.............”
“For this other market, there’ll be another system, which will be slightly simpler compared to the previous one..................”
“For this type of stationery, depending on the urgency of the request. If it is urgent but it’s to be sent to mailing address, then...............”
Those are the exact words that came out from my trainer’s mouth, word-by-word, piece-by-piece. But of course, the above are just a couple of examples that I’m giving you lads. Yes, “a couple”. There’re MORE!!!!!! The whole class were jaw-dropped, looked at the trainer with bulging red-veined eyes. Who could’ve thought that a simple request like placing stationery order for the merchant would involve sooooooooo many steps, systems, forms?!?!?!? It took almost 4 hours to complete the whole stationery order for us whilst other markets only requires 15minutes for the trainer to complete the whole same stuff. Talk about different luck on different market served.
Enough about this. Hopefully everything will fall into place once we’re familiarize with it. But it will take time, I can bet on that. How long?? I don’t know. 3 months? 6 months? 1 year? I have no BLOODY IDEA!!!
There’s gonna be an open-book “assessment” tomorrow. Gonna doze off right now. I know it’s waay to early for me, but......... stationery..........
As usual, the first day of the week, starts another week of training on my new job. My trainer has already informed us on last Friday that it’s gonna be an ‘interesting’ topic for today, Monday. Even that, all of us newbies would never thought that today’s lesson it’s gonna be so goddamn ‘interesting’.
So, it all boils down to the training. What I’m doing is a department whereby all calls made by our merchants in oversea will be handle by our team based here. All inquiries from accounts to disputes simple thing as easy as stationeries orders are all under our job descriptions.
Just when we thought the training on which/what system to use for normal payment/account inquiries are tough, WE’RE OWH-SO-WRONG!!!!!!!!
“First, for this market that you’re servicing, you will need to go to this system, whereby...............”
“If it is an urgent request from them, then you will need to go to another system, and then you will need forward an email to the relevant department so that they can action on it ASAP.............”
“For this other market, there’ll be another system, which will be slightly simpler compared to the previous one..................”
“For this type of stationery, depending on the urgency of the request. If it is urgent but it’s to be sent to mailing address, then...............”
Those are the exact words that came out from my trainer’s mouth, word-by-word, piece-by-piece. But of course, the above are just a couple of examples that I’m giving you lads. Yes, “a couple”. There’re MORE!!!!!! The whole class were jaw-dropped, looked at the trainer with bulging red-veined eyes. Who could’ve thought that a simple request like placing stationery order for the merchant would involve sooooooooo many steps, systems, forms?!?!?!? It took almost 4 hours to complete the whole stationery order for us whilst other markets only requires 15minutes for the trainer to complete the whole same stuff. Talk about different luck on different market served.
Enough about this. Hopefully everything will fall into place once we’re familiarize with it. But it will take time, I can bet on that. How long?? I don’t know. 3 months? 6 months? 1 year? I have no BLOODY IDEA!!!
There’s gonna be an open-book “assessment” tomorrow. Gonna doze off right now. I know it’s waay to early for me, but......... stationery..........
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Interesting Proposition
So, it’s a Sunday. My whole body is bloody aching because of the friendly badminton game yesterday for 2 hours. The last time I played badminton, ‘twas waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in year 2007 already. Hence the body aching part, from top to bottom. Damn! But I heard from the lads that it’s gonna be a weekly ‘affair’ for them to play badminton on Saturday. Hmmm, perhaps I might need to get myself a pair of sport shoes suitable for that as well.
Had lunch with one of my mates earlier. He told me about a very interesting proposition. I ain’t sure about this myself, so here goes. Don’t quote me on this, you do your own judgment.
My friend works in a company that deals with lotsa things, from legal to accounting to new company set-up and stuff like that. He asked if I have friends that are currently still in the midst of paying off their property mortgage. Of course there are! In fact most of my mates are having that at the back of their shoulder, which is quite a burden to ‘em.
Great! This is where the ‘interesting’ stuff gets in.
Apparently early this year, our ‘beloved’ government has somehow approved a policy whereby all property owners will have the option to reduce the rates of their repayment periods. The only thing is that those owners will have to proceed directly to the financial institutions where the owners got their mortgage approved previously and make such request. But then again, please keep this in mind: “Will they be so goddamn stupid to reduce something that they worked so hard to gain?”
Absolutely NOT!!!!
Hence, this company that my mate is working in, acts as an intermediary between the owner and the financial institution. He will collect all the documents from the property owners, and submit it to the involved financial institution for their reviews. If you have no financial complications, the whole process will take about 1-3 months top to conclude.
But of course, all these come with a price. There will be a “administration”/”processing” fee involves during the whole process. The property owner will have to pay around 2000 to 3000 for it. Don’t worry, it’s a one-off fee.
Yes. It might sound costly for something that is not certain that the we will win the case for sure. But what if it really got approved by the government? You will end up saving hundreds of thousands depending on your mortgage figures! In addition to that, you might be starting paying the principal of the said mortgage, ‘cos the interest rates have been strike off [case to case basis].
Well, it’s all up to individual. This is a legal stuff. It’s not being published/announced by all the financial institutions locally ‘cos if they do, that would’ve dented their ‘business growth’ altogether. Hence this kinda ‘opportunity’ has fallen into my mate’s company.
That’s just what I’m going to share with you lots today. I might have try on this if only I possessed my own property. But sadly, no. Sigggggghhhhhhh….
Ahh well, it’s close to midnight already. I’m a normal person with a normal life now. It’s time for bed.
Be back for more!
Had lunch with one of my mates earlier. He told me about a very interesting proposition. I ain’t sure about this myself, so here goes. Don’t quote me on this, you do your own judgment.
My friend works in a company that deals with lotsa things, from legal to accounting to new company set-up and stuff like that. He asked if I have friends that are currently still in the midst of paying off their property mortgage. Of course there are! In fact most of my mates are having that at the back of their shoulder, which is quite a burden to ‘em.
Great! This is where the ‘interesting’ stuff gets in.
Apparently early this year, our ‘beloved’ government has somehow approved a policy whereby all property owners will have the option to reduce the rates of their repayment periods. The only thing is that those owners will have to proceed directly to the financial institutions where the owners got their mortgage approved previously and make such request. But then again, please keep this in mind: “Will they be so goddamn stupid to reduce something that they worked so hard to gain?”
Absolutely NOT!!!!
Hence, this company that my mate is working in, acts as an intermediary between the owner and the financial institution. He will collect all the documents from the property owners, and submit it to the involved financial institution for their reviews. If you have no financial complications, the whole process will take about 1-3 months top to conclude.
But of course, all these come with a price. There will be a “administration”/”processing” fee involves during the whole process. The property owner will have to pay around 2000 to 3000 for it. Don’t worry, it’s a one-off fee.
Yes. It might sound costly for something that is not certain that the we will win the case for sure. But what if it really got approved by the government? You will end up saving hundreds of thousands depending on your mortgage figures! In addition to that, you might be starting paying the principal of the said mortgage, ‘cos the interest rates have been strike off [case to case basis].
Well, it’s all up to individual. This is a legal stuff. It’s not being published/announced by all the financial institutions locally ‘cos if they do, that would’ve dented their ‘business growth’ altogether. Hence this kinda ‘opportunity’ has fallen into my mate’s company.
That’s just what I’m going to share with you lots today. I might have try on this if only I possessed my own property. But sadly, no. Sigggggghhhhhhh….
Ahh well, it’s close to midnight already. I’m a normal person with a normal life now. It’s time for bed.
Be back for more!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Weird Story from New WorkPlace
A week has passed since I joined the new company. Well, it ain’t exactly a new job environment, but it’s a totally new job function, for I’ve worked in this company couple of years back. Left it, and then I’m back in it again. For those who know me well enough, I’m sure they what I’m talking about.
Now then. Back to my whole purpose of writing this post.
First day of training. Well, nothing much to learn. It’s only some basic introductions made between the newbies inside the new training room. There’re altogether 8 of us, which is the biggest newbies’ class eversince our current trainer got his trainer job almost 2 years back. Yea. History’s been created. I’m in the biggest newbies class ever in this division that I’m going to join 3 weeks later.
Right after lunch, all of us newbies were given a building tour. As the name suggested, we ‘travelled’ through the 4 levels that are accessible to us. Yeap. I still bumped into few of ‘em that I’ve worked before during my days here. Those who recognizes me were very, and I mean really surprise to see my face appearing in that building, again, after all these years. It really brings back lotsa memories, be it sweet or sad, crazy or sane. It’s coming back to me now. After the tour, I got to know a very interesting story from my fellow newbie colleague. Here’s how it all started.
So, as usual. This newbie colleague of mine, let’s address him as Mr G, went for the same interview like me. He was still under contract with one of the well-known customer contact centre locally. So, he received a confirmation from our current company that he got the job. Therefore, naturally he should be submitting the ‘ultimate letter’ that every single employer will fears to receive in any time of the year.
Upon hearing that Mr G is gonna leave, they tricked Mr G into signing something which is totally irrelevant in confirming his status of a permanent staff. Even though irrelevant, they used that “signature” to claimed that Mr G has signed, and he’s officially a permanent staff with their company already. In addition to that, they made him sign the ‘document’ when Mr G was on the phone liaising with a customer.
You must be wondering why is that company doing such despicable thing eh? There’s only one thing involves in here, “$” is the one. Technically, Mr G is still their employee. We’re sorta ‘getting’ him over from his then employer. But since that Mr G was still on contract, it means that company will virtually not be getting a single dime from anyone, hence the ‘speed up’ process in confirming my newbie colleague, and get a ‘compensation’ amount outta my current company.
Just when you think this is low? Read on for more ‘exciting’ stuff that makes you think that it’ll only occurred in a tele-drama world, but not in real life.
So, my friend, Mr G went back to his previous employment to settle off some ‘outstanding’ stuff and hope to ends all these complications once and for all.
He was supposed to be reporting into our training class right after lunch time, which is around 1pm. But, ‘twas already 4pm and suddenly we got to know from our trainer that Mr G was somehow ‘locked’ in his previous employer’s building. Yeah. You saw that word. “Locked” is the word. Confined, restrained in a room, that he can’t even get outta that building. He’s stuck there, for at least couple of hours. He was finally able to escape outta that building and reached our training room 30minutes later. He was startled while telling us the story. Of course this went up to the management and they were working very hard in trying to get this “problem” done and dusted ASAP. Of course, due to the above incidents, Mr G is ‘restricted’ by our current employer from dealing with the previous employer ever.
Talk about drama eh?? It’s still unresolved totally as time of post. That, my mates, is one helluva story, comparable to the drama “Prison Break”.
As for myself, nothing much. Everything is quite ‘familiar’ in the sense of the working environment, the people. But system wise, it’ll be entirely different. Something that I’ve not soaked my hands into during my previous tenure here.
Come to think of it, there’s one thing that I still don’t understand. My previous employer’s Human Resource department has removed my name from their database on my last day with them. But when I was about to get my employee access tag from the current company, my name is still somehow attached to the previous employer’s database. Talk about efficiency eh??
5 days of my first week training has passes by easily. Friday after work, ‘twas around 5.30 in the evening. Got a call from a couple of mates working nearby my current employer’s vicinity to have ‘some’ drinks. Hey! Why not?! It’s been awhile since I ‘enjoy’ the “after office hour activities” such as this already, and it dragged on till almost 11pm that we decided to ‘call it a day’. It wasn’t a dead-drunk situation. ‘twas mainly a get-around, tension-releasing session for all of us, after 5 consecutive days of bloody work.
As for this wonderful Saturday morning? I went for a badminton game with my upcoming seniors/mates in the department. Yeap. You see that right. A badminton friendly game, on a Saturday morning, and ‘twas raining. Those who have read my blog knows that I ain’t a morning person. Surprise eh??
Now then. Back to my whole purpose of writing this post.
First day of training. Well, nothing much to learn. It’s only some basic introductions made between the newbies inside the new training room. There’re altogether 8 of us, which is the biggest newbies’ class eversince our current trainer got his trainer job almost 2 years back. Yea. History’s been created. I’m in the biggest newbies class ever in this division that I’m going to join 3 weeks later.
Right after lunch, all of us newbies were given a building tour. As the name suggested, we ‘travelled’ through the 4 levels that are accessible to us. Yeap. I still bumped into few of ‘em that I’ve worked before during my days here. Those who recognizes me were very, and I mean really surprise to see my face appearing in that building, again, after all these years. It really brings back lotsa memories, be it sweet or sad, crazy or sane. It’s coming back to me now. After the tour, I got to know a very interesting story from my fellow newbie colleague. Here’s how it all started.
So, as usual. This newbie colleague of mine, let’s address him as Mr G, went for the same interview like me. He was still under contract with one of the well-known customer contact centre locally. So, he received a confirmation from our current company that he got the job. Therefore, naturally he should be submitting the ‘ultimate letter’ that every single employer will fears to receive in any time of the year.
Upon hearing that Mr G is gonna leave, they tricked Mr G into signing something which is totally irrelevant in confirming his status of a permanent staff. Even though irrelevant, they used that “signature” to claimed that Mr G has signed, and he’s officially a permanent staff with their company already. In addition to that, they made him sign the ‘document’ when Mr G was on the phone liaising with a customer.
You must be wondering why is that company doing such despicable thing eh? There’s only one thing involves in here, “$” is the one. Technically, Mr G is still their employee. We’re sorta ‘getting’ him over from his then employer. But since that Mr G was still on contract, it means that company will virtually not be getting a single dime from anyone, hence the ‘speed up’ process in confirming my newbie colleague, and get a ‘compensation’ amount outta my current company.
Just when you think this is low? Read on for more ‘exciting’ stuff that makes you think that it’ll only occurred in a tele-drama world, but not in real life.
So, my friend, Mr G went back to his previous employment to settle off some ‘outstanding’ stuff and hope to ends all these complications once and for all.
He was supposed to be reporting into our training class right after lunch time, which is around 1pm. But, ‘twas already 4pm and suddenly we got to know from our trainer that Mr G was somehow ‘locked’ in his previous employer’s building. Yeah. You saw that word. “Locked” is the word. Confined, restrained in a room, that he can’t even get outta that building. He’s stuck there, for at least couple of hours. He was finally able to escape outta that building and reached our training room 30minutes later. He was startled while telling us the story. Of course this went up to the management and they were working very hard in trying to get this “problem” done and dusted ASAP. Of course, due to the above incidents, Mr G is ‘restricted’ by our current employer from dealing with the previous employer ever.
Talk about drama eh?? It’s still unresolved totally as time of post. That, my mates, is one helluva story, comparable to the drama “Prison Break”.
As for myself, nothing much. Everything is quite ‘familiar’ in the sense of the working environment, the people. But system wise, it’ll be entirely different. Something that I’ve not soaked my hands into during my previous tenure here.
Come to think of it, there’s one thing that I still don’t understand. My previous employer’s Human Resource department has removed my name from their database on my last day with them. But when I was about to get my employee access tag from the current company, my name is still somehow attached to the previous employer’s database. Talk about efficiency eh??
5 days of my first week training has passes by easily. Friday after work, ‘twas around 5.30 in the evening. Got a call from a couple of mates working nearby my current employer’s vicinity to have ‘some’ drinks. Hey! Why not?! It’s been awhile since I ‘enjoy’ the “after office hour activities” such as this already, and it dragged on till almost 11pm that we decided to ‘call it a day’. It wasn’t a dead-drunk situation. ‘twas mainly a get-around, tension-releasing session for all of us, after 5 consecutive days of bloody work.
As for this wonderful Saturday morning? I went for a badminton game with my upcoming seniors/mates in the department. Yeap. You see that right. A badminton friendly game, on a Saturday morning, and ‘twas raining. Those who have read my blog knows that I ain’t a morning person. Surprise eh??
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