Monday was public holiday here. We started work on Tuesday…nothing unusual. Same ol’ training stuff. Nothing much to brag about. Come Wednesday, all of sudden, I had a rush of “dieting”. Yea. You heard me right: “DIET”. Hence one newbie in the training room, who so happen to start “diet” at the same time with me, went & had some “power” lunch downstairs during that 1hr lunch time. Here’re the pictures that showed that I indeed took these 2 stuff as my lunch for that day.
Yeap. You saw that alright. It’s 4 slices of bread, plus waffles as my lunch. But this “DIET” didn’t last very long as my friend decided to switch back to ‘heavy lunch’ the very next day, and the day after. Talk about consistency and resistance eh??
Seriously. This has been the longest time I’ve spent on a post in this blog of mine. It’s been almost 6hours now, but I’m still not sure wadafark am I babbling about this time around.
Oh yeah. I went for a drink with few of my ex-colleagues in one of the famous shopping centre downtown on Friday after work. It’s been awhile meeting ‘em up. Now that I’m working nearer to downtown, it’s just a 15-20mins walk away from my office to the ‘drinking spot’. So, there’s just no excuse for me not to go join ‘em up. The whole “saga” started around 6pm-ish…..i ain’t sure how and when it ended, I didn’t know how did I manage to get home in one piece, but I did. In addition to that, I got badminton game next morning. You can imagine the after-effect, if you know what I mean.
I’m still “struggling” mentally on whether should I be posting the next story in my blog. Armen, you know who you are. If I were to write this, it’ll be “massive”…..lemme know when you come back, eh?? I know I know, it’s my marthaphuacking blog and I can whatever-dafark I want in here, but…..something inside me is fighting against my own will to write this piece of crap in here. Why am I having this kinda feeling?? Conscience? Anyways, fuck that.
On another note, did I mention I went for a BBQ gathering weeks back?? Nop, I don’t think I did eh?? Ok. ‘twas a fun gathering, ‘cos it’s organized by my ex-workmates. The main thing is not about the BBQ gathering, but it’s the thing that they bought to my ex-workmates’ house, Wii <>. I’ve got only 2 words to describe this Nintendo Wii, “Bloody Brilliant”!!!

Irregardless what kinda game you intend play with this thing called Wii, it for sure will get your whole body sweats. In the event if you’re playing sports type kinda game, then your hands will sore. If you never had any sports/exercise for a loooooong time, then, I can guaran-damn-tee you that your body muscles will be aching the very next day. Lucky me that I’ve went for a couple of badminton sessions prior to this Wii session, so I don’t feel any after-effects at all. But then again, if anyone wants a good workout at home, but hasn’t got the funds to buy those bulky/flashy exercise equipments, Wii is the way to go. Yea, you hear that from me. Buy Wii for some serious workout at home!!! Play video games and get slim down at the same time. It’s a DREAM for everyone who wanna get slimmer!!!! It’s like hitting 2 birds with 1 bloody stone!!!!!
Ok then. This is a rather short post from myself for this time. I got lotsa things/stories to tell you lots, but…but….but…..sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh……I’ma go for dinner now. Be back for more eh???
Disclaimer: I don’t work for Wii. I don’t get a single penny from Nintendo for the above statement. This is a community service, brought to you by the one & only, sinoffire.
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