This is it!!!! The final day of my training in this new job environment. Time really passes by without anyone of us noticing it. 4 weeks has gone, or almost gone at time of this post. Tomorrow, I’ll be going to my supposed department to do the real thing. Same thing for Friday as well. Come next Monday, the 4 newbies outta the 8 that were in the training room will be on the call floor, starting to taking incoming calls for that specific enquiries that were being assigned to us. Come to think of it, it’s a tad-bit scary as well, but on a sidenote, it’s good as well. First thing first, [maybe for myself, don’t quote me on this] there weren’t enough time for us to play around with the system as we’ll need to concentrate on the desk guides that were being handled by the trainer to us earlier. There’s no right or wrong over this matter but it’s just that playing with system during training will somehow gives us, newbies abit of how-it-feels-like, if you know what I mean??
A~~~~~~~nyway, since today spells the end of my training in this small, confined room between the 8 of us, here’s a lil’ bit of the you-know-what on all of ‘em, inclusive of the trainer. Like always, no specific name mentioned.
Trainer => A young chap. Funny as fuck. Strict at times. Straight to the point. Very, and I mean VERY flexible.
A: Bulky guy. Has a loud voice. Always has his own grandma story to tell whenever there’s a chance. Will always grab any opportunity to sit at the girls’ seat, claiming that the chair that he’s currently sitting hurting his butt. YEEEAAAHHHH RIIIIIIIIIIIIITE!!!
C: A girl that always has her earpiece on, listening to her favourite mp3s whenever she’s free. Quite close to me as well since we’re the only 2 in the room that smokes. My condolences on your lost car incident, C.
G: Youngest chap in the room. One of the noisiest. Play futsal league. Quite good-looking guy. He’s the same guy that has some complication with his previous company, which i blogged about in my previous post, and that case is still unsolved at time of this post.
J1: The eldest trainee in the room. Been through a lot in life. He'll always has the time to crack a joke or two, which will ultimately lighten up the whole room. Favourite word: “Pow”, which means extortion. Head of the "noisy gang".
J2: This is the quietest girl in the room. Almost the same age as me. Concentrates a lot than anyone of us. Very soft-spoken. She will "retaliate" as and when she deem necessary.
M: 2nd quietest girl in the room. Due to the difference of the country that she is going to serve, and also the process/system that she’s gonna use is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay simpler than all of us, she is always the one the got picked on from rest of us when it comes to trainer explaining the process flow of a training module involving her market ONLY.
P: Interesting girl in the room. Very quiet when she arrives, only on the first day of her arrival. Things gone haywire with us from 2nd day onwards. Eats a lot and doesn’t get fat. Mind you, she’s very skinny. A fresh graduate. She likes to read a lot during training, likes to take notes a lot even though if it’s not relevant. Maybe it is a fresh-grad-symptom? Erm…….did I miss out anything on this one??
W: “Bulky” guy. This is the joker that started the whole diet thing with me, and he went and broke that diet promise the very next day. You untruthful bugger!!!!! Joking aside, nice chap. Eats a lot, as and when there’s a break in between. Taking up lotsa coffee these past few days. I wonder why. Ain’t coffee has sugar in it that doesn’t help in dieting at all? I don’t know. Let it be. Another one in the "noisy gang".
That’s about it, including myself, final "member" of the "noisy gang", these are the members of the craziest, noisiest, liveliest, wildest training class that the trainer ever had in his entire 1 and a half year tenure as a trainer. I hope this will be a memorable one for him as well.
Here’s from me to the class: I FUCKING LOVE U ALL!!!!!!
Check: the time now is 9pm, 9mins, on the 9th of September, of the year 2009. I hope this group in this class will keep contact forever, and ever.
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