I’m listening to a song by Corinne Baily Rae entitled “Put Your Records On” as we speak. It’s damn relaxing listening to this song, in the middle of the nite, all alone in my bedroom, in front of my desktop, typing this bunch of crap just for y’all. Another highly recommended song from same singer is “Trouble Sleeping”. Damn nice also.
Anyways, it was a long break for me since awhile. It was weekend, and in addition to that, Monday, which happened to be a national day for us here. 3 days of ‘off days’ in-a-row really sounds so nice to all working normal hour people. No disrespect to anyone, but I think I’ve changed from a not-a-morning-person to a no-problem-waking-up-in-the-morning type of person. It took me only approximately a week to accustom to this kinda working hours and also environment. As per my previous post, I promised that I’ma upload a picture of my life-savior when it comes to get up early and arrives to office on time, previously. Here goes:
I was telling you lots that I went for a badminton game again couple of days. The last timeI went, it made my whole body aching so much that it took me 4 days to fully recover. But this time around, NO PROBLEMO at all 'cos my body has adapted to it already. Anyone up for a challenge?
On a sidenote, what would one do whenever there’s a long holiday like the past few days?? Shopping?? Gathering? Hanging out with buddies?? Whatever it may be, one should be out there enjoying the long holiday, albeit 3 days. Me? I stayed in my home-sweet-home, badminton game on Saturday aside, for whole 3 days of holidays. I’m the kind of person doesn’t like crowd. Even if there is, I’d like to be in a group/crowd that I know at least half of ‘em. Anti-social?? Let’s put it this way then: I got no life. To tell you lots the truth, I stayed in my room for majority of the 3 days, busy clicking on facebook. If you think I’m crazy enough, then I don’t think you’ve play facebook ‘enough’. It’s the hottest, most popular webbie in the world now. It even surpasses google as the top webbie, and has also surpasses myspace to become the most sought-after social networking webbie in the world right now. Yea. No point promoting facebook. I don’t get anything from them.
Anyways, back to work this morning. The weather for whole goddamn day has been gloomy, cloudy and it rains, it stops, and then it rains again, and it stops again…and the whole rain & stop process kept on going till night falls. Don’t believe me?? You b-tards! You know I’ll never lie to y’all. I managed to snap a couple of pictures to prove my words are real, while I was stuck in the bloody jam [as usual].
There. Suck that! I told y’all that it’s real! Both pictures taken around 6pm-ish.
It’s close to midnite now. I’ma doze off in a bit. Tomorrow it’s gonna be the 2nd open-book assessment in my training class.
“My-my-my, how time does fly”
It’s the 3rd week already. Next week is gonna be the final week I’ll be spending the time inside the training room. After that, I’ll be ‘separated’ from the rest of ‘em and go into my department and further my additional 2 weeks of training phase there.
Just to enlighten y’all. I’m suppose to have 5 weeks of training: 3 weeks in current class, another 2 weeks with the department that I’m about go into. After completion of these 5 weeks, I’ll be straight into the job already. Kinda scary if you think of the time that flew by so fast!
I’m done, for now.
Be back for more, ladies & gentlemen.
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