On a fine evening during CNY, there I was, sitting in front of my pc, addicted to the FM(Football Manager) game again. Oh yeah, I’m a FM junkie, ever since year 2002. Then outta nowhere, my phone rings. Rite, it’s a message tone. I may ignore it for awhile, as I’m soooo into the current match going on in front of my pc now. Few minutes later, looked at my mobile, thank god above that it ain’t “V’. Phew, sigh of relief. The message reads:
“Bro, we’re at [insert colleague’s name in here] house already. You coming?”
Rite, it’s from one of my drinking mates back in those days. We’re having a ‘par-tay’ tonite at my colleague’s house later.
NOTE: Drinking – Another ‘habit’ that I ‘slowly developed’ during my life herein call centre.
Without further drinking thinking, I replied:
‘Why not? See u bitches later!’
You might be thinking: “WTH?? You called your friends BITCHES?!”
Now, don’t get me wrong. This IS how we communicate since day one back in those days. Building rapport they claimed that to be. In a certain way, I gotta agreed with those guys. Haha.
Ok then. Done with my FM game, saved it. Dressed-up (yea, I always walk around half-nekkid whenever I’m home in case you’re wondering, perv!) and onwards to the ‘venue’ when I’m suppose to show up. It’s a goddamn apartment. Therefore, the hassle of those stupid security checks by those retarded foreigner guards is necessary upon entry. To think that I’ve gotta let myself checked by those retarded low-life-foreign-workers-scum is really nonsense. I ain’t that low to go into one apartment and steal things. But can’t blame them, they’re here for the mo-nay!! Same if we’re going to work overseas. Sigh. Talk about contradiction here.
Done with those retarded checks. Onwards to my colleague’s house. The party has just started when I arrived. Great! Nice timing I’d say. After got rid of all my personal belongings on an assigned place by the host (yes, damn sophisticated place she has. And yes, the host is a “she”) I helped myself to the fridge and got myself a Carlsberg Special Brew for ‘appetizer’ while listening to some pirated downloaded MP3s. Then my friend, let’s call ‘em “J” for now, shall we? Outta nowhere he said this:
“Woi, you done with your pathetic ‘appetizer’? ‘cos the ‘main course’ has arrived.
When I raised my head, I saw him waving a bottle of whisky gaily at me. Hence I shouted:
‘You b-tard! You shouda informed me that there’s a main course on the card! I was thinking there’s only beer whole nite?! You SOB!!!’
The whole room were *ROTFLAO*(Roll On The Floor Laugh their Ass Off) after they heard our conversation.
Unwilling to let go of my ‘appetizer’ just like that, I downed the remaining of it and get on with the ‘main course’.
Without further a due, the whisky is served throughout the whole floor. To those regular drinkers, some like it nick, some like it mixed. But I found out a new trend recently when it comes to whisky mixer. Most people like their whisky mixed with coke or any other soft drinks available at time of drink. But I’m wrong. Instead of mixing whisky with coke, they mixed it with green tea. YES! GREEN TEA! According to those self-proclaimed experts, mixing whisky with green tea seems to have an effect of lowering down the alcohol level of the whisky at time of consuming it. For me, I don’t give a flying fuck what’s gonna be in my cup as long as it’s filled up. I go with flow, if you know what I mean here.
Therefore, we started to ask the host if there’s any green tea available in her house. She response with a loud “YES, OF COURSE!” without a blink of an eye.
The host happily waltzed into her freezer and bring out what she thought was green tea packets. And this is what she brought out!

We were laughing like mad cows on the floor after seeing those packets the moment she brought that out and showed it to us.
Instead of what she brought out, we were expecting this:

How daft can one be? We were expecting something different, but the host surprised us with something else on her mind.
As a result, we downed the whole bottle of whisky with 2 cokes gone in one nite. 5-6 hours later (ain’t sure the exact time, I was abit dizzy already), we went out & grab a bite. We went home separately later on. I managed to scram through a police barrier, went through 2 red lights under alcohol influence. Talked about luck eh? I puked whatever that I chomped in during the nite while sitting down in the toilet once i reached home.
Green tea packets eh? Boy, she really got me there. Real hard!
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