M: me
A: my mate
M: Yo man. How are u? How was last nite? Lotsa call or not?
A: No good. Last nite was 16-0.
M: Huh?! Wadafak was that?!
A: 16-0. I got 16 calls for whole damn farking nite, whilst my other midnite shift partner got 0 calls.
M: Eh!? Haha. Tough luck mate. Welcome to the club. *Laughing like mad cow, ROTF*
A: Oi, like that meh?
M: Sorry Sorry. Couldn’t stand it. Then what was she doing whole nite?
A: She did some normal routine faxes, then she knocked off at 12am sharp, all the way til 7am. #^*@%#$#!@! *cursing*
M: Ooh. That was some sleep in the office eh?
A: Yala!!!
Time to work. Login to all system, got myself ready cozy & comfortable for working nite shift. 1st thing 1st, login to company emails to check/clear all internal communications that happened during day time for the day. Once done, “personal stuff” begins. Checking personal emails, blogging *smirks*, surfing forums, facebook-ing, online games and all other “personal stuff” you can imagine one can do in a company during nite time.
But there’s something special that I brought into office today. I bought a pack of “kuaci” into office today. For the benefits of those who have no clue on wadafak “kuaci” is, here’s a sample picture of it.

While stuffing ourselves with “kuaci”, got a couple of calls in the midst of doing the abovementioned matters. Then, around 2am, my mate ‘informed’ me that he’s gonna knock off now. I nodded whilst busy doing my “personal stuff”on the internet. An hour later, my turn to “hit the sack” as well.
Without me realizing it, time really passed damn fast when we were enjoying ‘dozed off on the job’. It’s just less than 10 minutes before the both of us, the nite shifters can pack our bags and go home continue our sleep already. Then my mate told me this.
M: hmmmmm.
A: my mate
A: Oi. Nice sleep eh?
M: Ok la. So do you.
A: Yeah rite. Calls came in when I was asleep la.
M: Eh?! For real?!
A: No point lying to you. See the pane here. *The pane showed 6 calls came in when he was asleep*
M: But I slept around 3am++, no calls came in to us both at that time. How come?
A: How come? How da fark do I know?!?!
M: Ooh. So the score tonite is 6-2 eh? Haha.
A: Got a li’ bit ‘improvement compare to my 1st nite. Not bad.
Tonite I’m working with another mate of mine. Already 90 minutes into the job. Normal "routine" resumes. The “scoreline” now stands at Me 3, my mate 1. I have a baaaaaaad feeling about tonite already.
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