Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 5, Day 2

It's been 5 weeks and 2 days since Motivator first features in my humble blog. To be frank, no live beings has feature in my blog for such a long time. He has achieved a miracle! Fucking hell.

Anyways, let's get this straight. Some of you might be thinking why am I acting like a fucking spoilt brat, complaining and ranting non-stop on all the things that Motivator has done thus far, instead of finding solutions to that?

Allow me to expl...............ahhhh!!! What's with the formality here? Fuck y'all.

First, this is my blog. And it belongs to me. It's upto me on whatever the contents on this blog will be. You wanna have your own "opinions" on what I've done?? Go ahead, start your own blog then. I betcha your puny blog won't last for 3 months.

Second, if you don't like what you've been reading thus far, you may go fuck yourself elsewhere. Stop reading this. In short, FUCK OFF!

Third, please refer back to point#1 above.

So, back to the story. It's almost 2 months since Motivator arrives in our department. He has made improvements, but not upto the expectation, yet. So, things don't look good on him. Eversince the switch of seating arrangement for myself, he kept on reminding me on the call scoring conversation on a daily basis, like a nanny. Now, we're all adults. Once is enough. But on daily basis?? And not mention the following picture that was carefully cut and placed on top of all my team-mates' table??

For fucking hell's sake. Instead of doing all these, why not spend time and sit with either one of us and buff up your job knowledge then?? Earlier today, he was with me for about 30 minutes. Nothing much that I could do. 'twas all too sudden. 30 minutes later, he said that he has a meeting with a former leader.

Later noon, I had a word with the leader. Apparently, the "meeting" was scheduled to be 3 hours. Here's the itinerary:

1st hour - God knows where Motivator is. Former leader was waiting. Wasted. Period.

2nd hour - Session starts. But all discussion wasn't on the agenda. Basically it's a Q & A session between both of 'em. Content of the conversation? Hell if I care. It's a close-room, one-to-one meeting.

3rd hour - Continuation from the above 2nd hour on whatever leftovers.

My day ended with a bang! A 60-year-old woman called in asking why do we debit their cos of some particular reason. Here goes:

M: Me
B: 60year-old bitch

[usual call opening shit]

B: Why is my account being debited, and then your letter comes waaaaay late?!
M: Erm....Allow me to.......[got cut off by bitch]
B: What's the point of you sending me this letter, when you've done the debiting from my account?! This is absolutely rubbish!
M: It's the protocol that our company practices worldwide should such situation arises and....[got cut off by bitch]
B: What's the point?! You've given me no chance to check from my record first before you debit it from my account.
M: Like I've mentioned earlier, it's.........[got cut off by bitch again]
B: No. It's totally ridiculous! Who gives you the rights to debit my account without us responding, or..or...or checking from our records on the reason behind?! Who gives you the rights to do that?! You don't have the rights to do that!
M: M'am......[annnnnd got cut off by bitch, again.]
B: Why are you doing this?! This is not right!
M: *clear throat* Now! Hear me. I am going to patch you through to my supervisor right now, he'll be able explain to you in...[got cut off by bitch even at this point]
B: Explain? There's no need for explanation here. This IS JUST NOT RIGHT!
M: ***fucking bitch! You wanna talk nicely or you want me to get nasty?? Bloody old bitch!!*** I AM TRANSFERRING YOU TO MY SUPERVISOR NOW TO LET HIM EXPL..TALK TO YOU ON THIS MATTER, NOW....ALRIGHT?! JUST HOOOOOOLD OOOONN! *fucking bitch*

Who else will the call go to? Motivator of course! Surprisingly, he was able to deal with the situation in about 5-10 minutes time. I'm not too sure what he told that bitch, but it somehow works.

Anyways, like one of my mates told me yesterday:

"It's just same ol' shit, but on a different day."

Yea. So get the fuck on with it.

That's all. Rather short one tonite.
Be back tomorrow.

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